Chapter 24

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(My other knowledge of werewolves is only a few werewolves like Alpha's Beta's, Gamma's have mates. and the others can mate whoever they like. But some werewolves that are not high-ranks can also have their own destined mate.)


"Seize him!" I shouted and he was about to flee when the guards Immediately surrounded him.

"Stay away from me!" He roared angrily, trying to fight the guards.

"Don't let him get away!" I roared demandingly while glaring at him, and the guards Immediately pounced on him, doing their best to tackle him.

After a few minutes he was pinned to the ground with the guards who has a few scratches on them. I gritted my teeth and let my wings go before flying and landing infront of him.

I bended my knees while looking at him sternly and took a fist full of his hair, staring at him in the eye while he kept shaking under the guards.

"You think you can get away, you bastard? Never heard of dragon justice and karma before? No wonder you have so many enemies." I asked angrily before punching him on the face.

"Bring him to the hard prison!" I ordered since he is a lord, he can break out of prison Immediately, and the hard Prison is for the High-ranked dragons only.

I turned back and started walking towards the throne before sitting on it. I looked at Harrison before nodding.

"Bring the person to me," I ordered and Harrison bowed before walking away to bring the person.

"I'm telling you, something good happened but another good thing will happen in a few minutes." Drake said inside my head and I raised my eyebrows, but before I could reply to him, the big doors opened and my nose was met with the most beautiful familiar smell ever. Could this be..

"It's mate! It's mate!" Drake said, making me look at the person but I frowned when her face was covered with a mask and a hood.

I flapped my wings and landed infront of her Immediately, inhaling her scent.

"Remove your hood and mask." I commanded softly, hoping that it is really her and Drake is right.

She slowly raised her hand and took off the hood and the familiar red hair caught my vision. I was staring at her with teary eyes after she removed her mask.

I raised my right hand before placing it on her left check. And without any more hesitation, I crushed her into a hug and she Immediately hugged me back.

"I miss you, oh Goddess, I miss you! You don't know how much I missed you! I love you Evera, I love you so much!" I cried happily, hugging her tighter.

I heard her chuckle but I felt my shoulders getting wet, she is also crying. I sobbed and inhaled her scent. She's here, my love is here.

I broke the hug and looked at her in the eyes while caressing her cheeks lovingly, I don't care if the Lords and Harrison are looking at us with a shocked expression.

"How did you get here?" I said, smiling happily. She smiled back and raised her hands to also caressed both of my cheeks.

"I attracted a portal with my magic.." She said and smile proudly, this is my mate. I Immediately crushed her lips with mine and I felt her smile between the kiss as she kissed me back.

*Clears throat.*

I broke the kiss when I heard Harrison clearing his throat. And I looked at him with an annoyed expression, snaking my arms around Evera's waist.

"I'm sorry my king, but uh.." He trailed, glancing at my mate then back at me. I sighed and kissed her forehead before speaking.

"Harrison and all lords, this is my mate and your queen, Evera. A Witch, Vampire and a Werewolf. The one I met on earth. And you shall respect her like how you respect me." I said with a serious expression, Tilting my head proudly.

They all looked at the both of us with an amused and surprised expressions before getting on their knees with a bow, even Harrison.

"Greetings, our queen." They all said in unison and I smiled in content from the respect on their tone.

"Greetings to all of you too," My mate replied, making me smile more. Harrison, along with the other lords stood up after Evera's reply.

"It would be our honors to serve you my queen, we have been expecting you since King Drayce told us about the two of you." Harrison said that made me roll my eyes. Evera looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I just shrugged my shoulders, smiling mischievously at her.

"Please, enough with the formalities, I am okay with more casualties, I'm not used to it. And just call me Evera." Evera said, making me chuckle at how humble she was being. This is not the Evera I met a long time ago who was a distant person towards new people.

Harrison was about to speak when I added at her statement.

"Queen Evera, Call her Queen Evera." I said and Evera looked at me with a frown. I pouted at her, making her sigh in defeat. Besides, she's my mate, and I'm a king, she still deserve to be treated as a royalty.

"Okay, Queen Evera." Harrison replied and the eight other lords nodded in agreement.

"Now, baby. This is the High-lord Harrison and his followers, the lords, Vale, Lincoln, Jacob, Daniel, Dale, Cane, Sean, and Drodlor." I Introduced and Evera waved at them as they waved back. "And later, we are gonna meet the Vice-King, my brother." I added.

"Who is he?" She asked me with a questioning stare.

"Logan, But he is with his mate right now." I said and she nodded in understanding.

"Come," I said, Pulling her with me towards the large stairs, leaving Harrison and the lords behind to do their own businesses. I took her to the living room and we sat on the couch together.

"You wanna watch earth movies like the old days?" I asked her with a big smile, she chuckled and nodded before laying her head on my shoulder. I smiled and clapped my hands and the fire ignited infront of us and I felt my mate startle.

"Don't worry, just relax." I said and she relaxed a bit. "Play an earth movie, the Venom." I said and the Venom Immediately played on the fire. I heard my mate gasp in surprise.

"How did it do that?" She asked and I looked at her surprised and amused expression with a smile before replying to her.

"Magic, our dragon wizard made it for us." I replied and she nodded as we both continued watching the movie until the door opened with a bang, causing Evera to hug me tightly, hiding her face.

I looked at the door with a frown when I saw Logan walking towards us with the same frown on his face.

"I heard from Harrison you found your mate but you didn't even tell me!? Where is— Is that her?" He asked, pointing at Evera who was hugging me. She took a peek at Logan and sighed when she saw him, fully removing her face from my body.

"Hi," She said with a wave with her right hand while her left was still hugging my waist. Cute. Before I confirm what Logan asked, he suddenly exclaimed in excitement.

"Oh my god! My Sister-In-Law is Gorgeous! I'm going to have a beautiful or handsome niece or nephew with this!" Logan exclaimed, jumping happily like a little child.

Ommo, they met! They finally met, and even Logan met her. What do you think will happen next?

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