Chapter 17

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It has been 2 years already, Is this going to be like last time? The Portal had been broken for 700 fvcking years! Will the history repeat again? But it is too early.

With all the Histories the universe could repeat, why this? I hope it's not.

"ARGH!" I suddenly felt something painful inside my head, I tried to stand up but I couldn't. Suddenly, I was devoured by a bright light. What the- Before I could think of anything else, I passed out.

I groaned before opening my eyes but I realized something, is this grass? Wasn't I inside the office getting devoured by a bright light?

Suddenly, I heard two people laughing, It sounds like a girl and a boy. What the? Where am I?

I looked around the beautiful scenery, with full of beautiful colors. But wait, This is familiar.. Oh my goodness! The Fairy realm, What am I doing here? For some reasons I hate the realm.

I slowly stood up, hearing the laugh of happiness again, I frowned before following it, I was shocked at what I just saw.

There was a fairy with green and purple wings with a flower and vine crown that looked like my Evera, she was holding the hands of a man with two devil horns with black eyes and red pupils that looked like me. I placed my palms over my mouth. What is this?

A Demon and a Fairy that looked like me and Evera? What is happening? and.. they look so happy. Suddenly, a tear fell from my eye. Because all of this is so familiar to me.

"Happy, Isn't it?" I heard a female voice behind me, causing me to turn around, and I saw a man with black dragon wings and a woman with white dragon wings.

The man has a red fire hair while the woman has a blue one. They were both wearing a face of a dragon on their forehead. This is.. the Dragon God and Goddess!

I fell into my knees and bowed my head in submission, forgetting about the fairy and the demon. "Dragon God, Dragon Goddess." I greeted respectfully.

"King Drayce," The dragon god said with a deep voice, but it was loving.

"Yes, My God?" I asked, lifting my head to look at him, but I was still on my knees.

"Rise." He said and I immediately stood up, biting my bottom lip.

"Di..did you bring me here, My God and Goddess?" I asked politely. They smiled and nodded, and then Goddess raised her hand, pointing behind me.

I immediately turned around, seeing the fairy and the demon, sitting on the tree while being so sweet and comfortable with each other.

"See those two?" She asked, and I nodded while still looking at them.

"I'm gonna tell you a story about a fairy and a demon who fell into a forbidden love." She said that made my heart race. Why am I so nervous?

"A long time ago, a demon was visiting the fairy realm, to also see it's colorful beauty, even though the queen of fairies despise demons, but he didn't knew that he would meet with the most beautiful fairy he had ever seen. When she came to her secret garden, she happen to meet the demon who also happen to wake her heart. They both fell inlove. But you know what's the most dangerous thing about them falling inlove?" She asked me, and I shook my head.

"I don't, My Goddess. What is it?" I asked, feeling my heart race painfully and my breathing became heavy.

"She was the daughter of the queen who despise demons. But they risked it. they would meet at a secret place, until.." She trailed and everything became dark.

I widened my eyes when the fairy and the demon were now on the ground in pain, fairy guards surrounded them, and the king and queen was looking at both of them with anger.

"How could you do this? You betrayed the Kingdom! You betrayed us! How could you love a monster? A beast? A Demon!?" The queen shout with anger.

"Mom, please! We could change this, We could make peace with them mom. I love him, please! We could work this out!" The fairy who looked like Evera pleaded painfully, tears falling after another.

"No! You should pick! Us or him!?" The queen asked disdainfully. The king was just looking sorry for his daughter who was on the ground.

"Then.. I'm sorry. I choose him.." The girl said with a sad tone which made my heart squeeze. 'She is.. Eviella, my Eviella'. I thought as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"KILL HIM! KILL THE DEMON!" The queen shouted in anger! A guard Immediately shot an arrow towards the demon.

"NO!" Eviella screamed before hugging me, the demon. Then the arrow went into her heart until the demon's heart. It pierced into both of their hearts.

My knees became heavy and I fell down while crying. No.. the last thing I heard was Eviella's helpless voice.

"Damiello, I love you until our last death.." She said. I couldn't see my face since she was hugging me with me covered by her wings.

But I did remember what I said, I first smiled and kissed her, tears falling from our eyes, and said the words between the kiss.

"I love you too, Eviella, always and forever." That was also the time when our life left us.

"EVIELLA!" I heard the king shout before running towards the bodies. He began crying and faced the queen, which was his wife with a disappointed look.

"Elisa! Look what you did? Because of your disgust and hate for demons, you killed our daughter!" The king shout in pain. The queen was also crying.

"No.. my daughter," She said with tears falling from her eyes.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared and I saw the fairy goddess show herself before them and they all looked up in surprised.

"This is a punishment. You didn't want peace, but your daughter want it. I am giving her peace in another life with the demon as new creatures. Queen Elisa, I am very disappointed in you. You made your pride bigger than your love for your daughter. You are not fit to be a mother. Goodbye." Then the fairy goddess vanished.

"A Fairy and a Demon falling inlove is dangerous, because the other family despise the other race, they do not want peace but they want a fight. You know why? Because power is what they seek. The queen love to have power, but the demons have the most, therefore, she despise them." The Dragon God said. I looked at them with tears.

"But Drayce, the Fairy Goddess lended you and Evera to us, and you should never loose hope of being with her again. Because True love is worth waiting for. But we do have another thing to show you, to strengthen your hope." After saying that, they both vanished into thin air.

I looked down at my hands that was beginning to fade. I closed my eyes and opened them once again when I heard my belove's voice.

I saw her seating on a rock inside the forest like she is waiting for something or someone to come.

"Goddess, Drayce. It's been 2 years, where are you? Where is the portal? I miss you." She said softly, wiping her tears away.

"Baby, I'm here!" I said before running towards her and hugging her, but I just fell down as if I do not exist.

"This is just a vision our son, this is real, but just your vision." I heard the Goddess's soft voice, even though she is not here. I just stood up while looking at her helplessly.

A tear fell from my left eye as I watch her stand and walk away. She is still waiting for me, it is not the time to give up. I need her and she needs me. We both need each other.

Suddenly, the same bright light devoured my body and I woke up with widened eyes, with Logan, Harrison and Kris looking at me weirdly.


What do you think? This is why the story will get longer, I hope you won't get bored tho. Thank you, Xx! ❤️

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