9. she came from the treetops

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somehow i manage to get some sleep. I open my eyes to see nothing but 2 pair of breast in my face. i prefer them to be my pillows not sleep masks, but i can't really complain. i tempted to escape but to no avail, i tried to use my transform move but i couldn't for some reason did ra ra do this? well guess im stuck here. and then i felt pairs of hands started groping my ass and boobs. i sighed and said

Duplica: seriously girls.... seriously?

Ra ra/Dawn: we can't help it, your so cute!

Duplica: yeah,*blush* so i been told

Duplica: ra ra, can you un-disable me please?

Ra ra: {ok}

Dawn: why?

Duplica: can't excatly walk around town naked, can i?

Dawn: ok, how is un-disabling tranform involved you being naked?

Duplica: i use transform to put clothes on, so no transform, no clothes

Dawn: oh ok... hehe

said with a perverted look

Duplica: don't you even dare, i know what your thinking, if you do this again i absorb all your clothes as well

Dawn: damn it, how did you know of my plan?

Duplica: my pervy senses were tingling

Dawn: hehehe

said embarassed

ra ra un-disable so i can transform into my clothes, so me ra ra and dawn got some breakfest and went out and then i asked ra ra

Duplica: say do you want to help dawn with pokemon contest training?

Ra ra: {contest training?}

Duplica: yeah, she's a cordinator. i been using J for that, but she more useful in battles than contests. so wanna help?

Ra ra:{if you think i can be any help, sure}

Duplica: great lets go

we got to the battle field and stard the battle

Dawn: alright jessie, spoooot..light

jessie came out rearing to go

Duplica: alright ra ra , do your best

Dawn: jess use ice beam

she launches a ice beam and then i countered

Duplica: ra ra use physic to redirect ice beam back at her

and she did and it hit her and jessie became a bunnycicle

Dawn: jessie!!

Duplica: now use magical leaf

leaf sent out and her the ice shatterd

Dawn: jessie, are you oookay.... huh?

Jessie: yeah im fine, what up?

dawn point down at jessie's body said

Dawn: look down

jessie looked down and saw that not all of the ice is broken off. it looked like she wearing a ice bikini. dear i say it? hell yeah

Duplica: thats a "ice" look on you, haha

jessie use her dizzy punch on the rest off the ice and cotinued on the battle
for the day


Duplica: alright, lets call it a day

Dawn: alright.. thanks jessie, return

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