40 a unexpected surprise

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-fairy's Labyrinth-

Duplica: so this is the place

Rimiru: yes thanks to that lady

Duplica: yes sorry I didn't know where this place was

Rimiru: It's cool, now let's get you kids some spirits

Kids: yah

We walk down the Labyrinth, then we found ourselves in an opening.  like the anime we hear the queen of the fairies Ramirez and then she sent out her Golem

Lamrys: if you beat my Golem I will help you. good luck cuties

Duplica/Rimiru: *blush* c-cuties

After defeating the Golem The Voice AKA Ramirez said hey what's destroy they going for

Rimiru: cuz you told us too

Duplica okay now come out before we destroy this place

But then I raise my hand to get the magicules and at least a explosive attack and rimiru follow suit and then Lamrys appeared out of nowhere

Lamrys: wait wait I'm here put to the attack away

Duplica/Lamrys: okay

Then we put the attack away

Rimiru: okay, who are you?

Lamrys: I am the Demon Lord lamrys

Duplica: also you're the queen of the fairies

Rimiru: really?

Lamrys: oh you heard about me

Duplica: just hearsay here and there, Right rimiru *wink*

Remiru: r-right

After a nice  little snack we had lamrys escort us to the area which we can get the kids  spirits and it went exactly like it did in the anime the only slightly different is that the spirit from the future spanked me on the ass then continue to kiss you on the lips and went into the girl

Rimiru: Okay what the hell is that about?

Duplica: your guess is good as mine there

Rimiru: all right now that we're done here we should head back to school

Like the anime we went through the entire series of the OVA I kind of wish I was in the  in the RV trailer in that race it looks more comfortable. we said on goodbyes to the kids and hit the road on ranga back to Tempest

Rimiru: so what's next Beyond this point

Duplica: don't know I am kinda drawing a blank here since my knowledge is 4 decades old but I'll let you know if something comes to me

Rimiru: Okay thanks

And then while we were riding ranga I just remembered something..

crap..... hinata

And then we feel a unsettling presence

Rimiru: You feel that?

Duplica: yeah I finally remember, it's  Hinata

Rimiru: hinata?

Duplica: yeah

Rimiru: ranga getting my shadow

Ranga: of course master

and then ranga dove into rimiru's shadow

Duplica: Wait, we  might need him for some.... thing too late

And then several barriers appeared around us, weakening  us

Ah crap too late here she comes and then Hinata comes into view

Hinata: greetings you 2

Rimiru: Hello what can we do for you.....

Duplica: Don't bother, she's here to kill us

Hinata: Well I'm here to kill the slime but if you get in my way I will kill you too

Rimiru: How does she know I'm  a slime

Hinata: I got it from a reliable source

And then she draws her sword and attacked I blocked her with my Armament haki or should I say Armament Magicules  but it's still slashed my arm halfway through and then I kicked her back

Duplica: Ow son of a...

Damn that hurt, man haven't felt pain almost 40 years can't say I miss it

Duplica: say can you have great Sage scan that sword of hers if I'm not mistaken something happens if we get cut by thing a set amount of times

Rimiru: Right will do

Then we play don't get cut by that time I got cut three more times but remember you got four times

Rimiru: Well according to Great sage if you get cut by that thing three more times we die

Hinata: how accurate, you're right but it doesn't matter this would kills anyone in 7 slashes and if you did  your town is going to be destroyed too

Duplica: oh no, everyone. hey rimi we need ditch this woman and get back to Tempest fast

Rimiru: Right any suggestions how do you do that

Duplica: mmmmm, How about DBZ Gogeta but used tein's technique?

RImiu: huh?.....Oh I got you, excellent idea let's do it

And then it got on to our precision positions and then we began to do the dance

Duplica/Rimiru: fu....sion....ha

After that I sent my body double to do the rest of the fusion but the dig a hole and hide out there until the dust settles and then I felt rimiru coming into the same hole and then we waited for about felt like forever

-10 minutes later-

I peeked  out of the hole to see if she was gone and she was

Duplica: Oh thank God we're almost died there rimi come out she's gone

And then rimiru  come out as well

Rimiru: that's a whole that was close, clever strategy with the doubles in the attention to one target

Duplica: I'm just glad you got the reference anyways damn that girl did not want to listen to us too bad if I was able to absorb that sword of hers we could've Grant immunity to that damn ability of it

Rimiru: Yeah

????: Okay  I'm make a copy of me so you can absorb it Mamas

Duplica: Huh was that you Remi?

Rimiru: No, I thought that was you

?????: No it was me mama

And then we both look down and see a little naked girl with blue hair with pink highlights in her hair and blue eyes

And then we both look down and see a little naked girl with blue hair with pink highlights in her hair and blue eyes

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Duplica: Who are you and where did you come from

????: I don't have a name it because I was just born and I came from you

Rimiru/Duplica: huh?

????: you're.... my..... mamas

Duplica/Rimiru: Whaaaaaaat?!?!

To be continued......

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