32. dressrosa part 1

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we made it to dressrosa without too much difficult other than the guy with the collar collar fruit which powers i took for myself. now the issue was the disguise

Duplica: what the hell is this? it barely covers anything

Robin: oh come now, it has a cape

i see the attire that looks like kid chi chi armor but its in black and white

Duplica: and why am i the only one wearing it?

Robin: umm we're dont have enough disguises?

Duplica: give me a pair of black pants and a trenchcoat

Robin: fine

i change my hair to red and put on the disguise. i was going to kick the don's ass but law was trying to backmailing him to turning himself in of course that failed.we split up like in the anime but i went with luffy and robin went with usopp, i told monet stay hidden in the ship until everything went down

-in dressrosa-

Duplica: man i cant wait to kick flamingo's ass

Luffy: no im gonna kick his ass

Duplica: no i am

the arguement went on for 5 minutes until i saw the colosseum

Duplica: ok how about this who wins that tournement *point to the colosseum* gets to kick his ass

Luffy: your on

after a while we enter in the tournement luffy found out about the prize which his brother fruit. luffy entered as lucy as i entered as luca. i was in the first block i think i took over that masked westler spot since white beard killed him

Announcer: hello everyone welcome to the colosseum, which the winner get the flame flame fruit, once own bye the whitebeards portgas d ace. ok lets get the block........ began


with that i use my conquerers haki to knock them all out in one second

Announcer: huh its over already? and the winner is luca

Duplica :too easy

????: oh its her emperor duplica!!!

and then the second block happen and the winner is the barrier guy bartolomeo, the third block luffy and during the fourth block, i was talking with luffy with something when

???: excuse me ms. duplica, mr. luffy

we turn around to see the fan boy

Duplica: yes, your bartolomeo right?

Bartolomeo: aaaah ms. duplica know my name

Duplica: yeah, because of the tournament

Bartolomeo: oh right, anyway mr zorro wants to talk to you 2

Duplica: ok

like in the anime we were running around the colloseum and talking to zorro and the others about the new plan, i told monet too stay hidden so that flamingo doesnt get wiff of my power.... yet

Robin: darling becareful

Duplica: you too, my demon wife

after that wait until the final round commence until

???: excuse me luffy

me, bart,rebecca and luffy turn to see

oh its sabo

i shed tears during the whole scene between them, its still moving

with that sabo take luffy's place and escape i stayed here cause im too op to replace

and then the final round started all i did is float there and fight off flamingo's croonie until sabo gotting the fruit and ate it

and then i notice toys in the audience are turning back to normal i didnt forget my wife i guess its thanks to the anti memory abitlity, sweet!


the events of the anime occured but they added me to the bracket. they add me to the list along side usopp

are you fucking kidding me? all i did is really is float and use conquerors haki. how did they figure out that who i am?

when i saw the the giant, i laughed my ass off when i hear his voice, its more high pitch in person.

and then i made my way to the area where usopp and everyone is at

i grabbed a piece of kanjuro's hair so i can have his brush brush fruit powers and also viola's glare glare powers and then i wait for usopp to use he's shot, i followed it the distination and i see luffy and law

Duplica: hey guys

Luffy: hey lili, what are you doing here

Duplica: im here to join to your fight with flamingo but im gonna recuit that girl for my crew*points at sugar* also sabo has ace's fruit

Luffy: cool thanks

Law: i see..... you gonna to alter her memories too

Duplica: yup you go ahead, i'll be right behind you

they nodded and went ahead. after that alter her memories that i gave her hobby hobby fruit temperory and she has a sis-con to monet then i use room and grab one of the grapes in the bowl then i tried to take the hobby bobby fruit out of her.i was succesful and i put it in the grape and then it transform into the hobby hobby fruit and sugar still alive, good. i grab a handful of grapes and put them in the storage and then i wake up sugar

Duplica: wake up slap


Sugar: ow hey, oh captain sorry i didnt mean too....

Duplica: its ok you did enough, now that you job is done here your coming with me, dont worry, monet is done with her job, she went to zoa with luffy's crew

Sugar: really? yeah i cant wait to see her again

Duplica: ok, now that the hobby hobby fruit has worn off, what powers do you want?

Sugar: i want to be a giant and a mermaid

Duplica: granted

i grabbed a grape and then i use ivo abilities to inject the small small fruit the form change of mermaid and giant. i put so she can become a giant mermaid if she wants to. plus since these power are not from the devil but from me i took out the cant swim part and after that it transform into a devil fruit

Duplica: behold, your dupa fruit

Sugar: oh thank you captian

she ate it

Sugar: its still taste gross

Duplica: aparently power what makes it gross. so test the mermaid form

Sugar: right

she transforms into a mermaid

Duplica: sweet, it works now go hide somewhere we'll test out the rest of the powers later

Sugar: right

she transform back and went into hiding

ok now that i know that create my own devil fruits without the curse, now to catch up with luffy and law

to be continued.............

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