35. down the whirlpool again

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after a few days of convincing, we arrived at the world government capital mary geoise.

Duplica: finally we reach it, ok girls heres the plan... daughters i want you to capture any celestial dragons and free any slaves leave any marines to your mothers and you have my permission to use your full power, any questions?

dawnica raises her hand

Duplica: yes dawnica?

Dawnica: what if a marine targets us as a attack?

Duplica: use self defence to either take them or push them to your mothers, anything else

they nodded no

Duplica: ok wifes capture any marines or do what i do change into a amazon, daughters this applies to you as well, just make sure you alter their memories

they all nodded

Duplica: also if you see this guy

i hold up a picture of of luffy's grandpa garp

Duplica: just turn him to stone ill deal with him

Dawn: why him?

Duplica: he's luffy's grandpa, and i want to have a chat with him

they nodded

Duplica: ok now attack

with it took us about a day to change the celestials into amazons and then we got the place which im assume is the castle

Duplica: this place is a massive well anyways lets knock

i knock on the door and the door feel

Duplica:*shouts*hello pizza delivery

i signal the daughters to surround the place while enter it and the amazons follow to help freeing slaves and capturing celetials whopping total it took 2 or three days overall take over, and then we meet the ruler of the mary geoise

Duplica: so your the ruler of the world government ima, have to say your less scary than im told

Ima: you really think i will obey you

Duplica: no but with help of the collar collar fruit will help

Ima: what?!

i slap her with a collar, she tried to get it off but

Duplica: im gonna say stop that and sit down

she did just that

Duplica: good girl, now hold still so i can make you into our pet

Ima: huh?

thanks to the minks i have a feline i ejected her so she transform into a feline minks without the eletric powers or able to transform on a full moon and also made her younger as our daughters

Ima: what did you do me nya

Duplica: like i said a pet now to alter your memories

with i alter her memories that she now a my daughters friend minks the help raise to think she a sister to them

Duplica: ok with that, geoise is ours

the amazons cheered that we won

Duplca: alright everyone we need to clean up the place to think nothing happen we got about a week tops until the meeting so we need everything back in order

Everyone: yes ma'am

i show my daughters theyre new friend they were thrilled but i told them to act like you know her forever so i gave a glimpses of memories that alter

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