18. the "hangover" experience

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                      -the girls  pov-
                          -last night-

Duplica: i swear drunk, im not officer. *hic*

Dawn: wow, i think this the first time i seem her drunk. she must be a light weight or have a high tolerance.

Hana: i say high tolerance, since a sip of that brand usally can make a kuja drunk and knock out on the 2nd sip and she pass out on the 5th

Girls: wow!

Hana: so how do we get the baby making wagon a moving?

Lillie: we need to turn on the ability first

Hana: she can turn it off?

Iris: yeah of course, if she didn't, the island will had well over a dozen kids by now. hehehehe

Hana: so how do we turn it on?

Dawn: i got this, hey duplica, you left your breeding ability off. turn back on will ya

Ra ra: do you think that trick will work on he.....

Duplica: and  there its on, remember after intercourse the egg will appear after 30 minutes ...hic.

Ra ra: that actually worked!?

Dawn: all righty then, i'll show how its done....first thing first goodbye clothes

dawn began to strip duplica and herself of there clothes until we're nude and began to intercourse with her. dawn puts her nether regions against her

dawn: like this girls, and keep doing this until....ugh... im .. im coming

both her and and duplica cum all over there nethers

Dawn:*huff... huff* just like that, who goes next

they decide that ra ra next then iris then lillie and hana last.  they went there turn and went it get to hana turn

Hana: you girls play with her but her nethers is mine 

Girls: ok

dawn begin to suck on duplica left nipple while playing with herself while ra ra does the same on her right and lillie and iris is using duplica's hand to play with their v's while playing with their boobs and hana is thrusting while playing  herself
like clockwork they all cum all over, mostly on me

                     -1 hour later-

Dawn: all right, we got our babies, now its time for bed

like they went to sleep

                         -duplica pov-
                         -the present-

thank goodness for my physic powers from the pokemon i absorb so i can read  their minds on last night events wouldn't it kill them to clean me up a bit

*knock knock*

i covered up and say

Duplica: come in

Amazon: greetings your grace the empress wishes to see you

Duplica: ok tell her i'll be there soon as as i done with  my bath ..... can the bathroom ready for that please

Amazon: of course

              -30 minutes later-

ok im clean, sore but clean

Duplica: sorry it took me so long, wish to see me empress

Empress: oh please call me, call me mother

Duplica: sure mother, what is it that you need

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