33. dressrosa pt. 2

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a little after i dealt with sugar, i caught up with luffy and law. i saw luffy fighting that bellemy guy and law is facing flamingo. i ran to luffy

Duplica: hey luff, you good?

Luffy: yeah, help law

Duplica: ok

i ran over to law

Duplica: hey law, need help?

Law: can you take care of that guy?*points at the snot guy*

Duplica: ok

i roundhouse kick his ass to where the marines are at.

Duplica: too easy any thing else

Law: just watch

Duplica: ok

i watch law did what he did in the anime  but when it was time to save  law, luffy was still  busy so i stepped

stopping flamingo's foot with mine and kick him back and then luffy jumps in

Luffy: i take care of him you help traffy

Duplica: you got it luff 👍

like the anime luffy went  gear 4 but since law wasnt held hostage luffy beating flamingo with ease

Flamingo: damn all my plans...

Duplica: you mean the plans from punk hazard to the fruit, kaido to blackmailing the world government

Flamingo: huh how did you.....

Duplica: a girl have her ways now.. 

i grab a piece oh his hair and absorb it and then use his power to pin him down

Flamingo: how?

Duplica: me to know and stuff. now  to deal with your devil fruit. mmmmm, oh idea

i grab the  axolotl devil fruit from my storage and another grape

Flamingo: what are gonna do with that?

Duplica: just wait and watch, now room

i use law's power to grab flamingos string string powers and put it into the grape and it becomes the string string fruit. when flamingo saw this his widen with fear

Duplica: that just step 1, now bon apetite

i shove the axolotl fruit down his throat and he swallow it and then his body began to transform into the animal but i pull out a pair of seaprism handcuffs i swipe from punk hazard and put it on his wrist to keep him human

Flamingo: what the hell did you feed me?

Duplica: its called lotl lotl fruit, a zoan type you can transform in axolotl but the devil prevents you from going into any body of water so it useless to all but me

i pluck a piece of his hair again and gain the fruits power. since the dupa fruit doesnt aquire devil so my version will make it more useful

Duplica: alright i have what i wanted consider the fruit a gift bye

i kick him to the marines and then i put the string string fruit away into my storage and then went to find sugar and hid at the rebbeca's house like of course we rest for a while until everyone came here me and sugar were playing cards when everyone came in

Duplica: yo

Sugar: hi vice captain robin i glad your ok

robin looked at me mean with a glare, i assume she still upset of becoming a doll

Duplica: alright sugar help everyone settle in, i have to talk with robin with  something

Sugar: you got it captain

i went outside with robin while everyone went inside when were alone

Robin: duplica, why didnt you tell me about me becoming a doll by her*pointing at the house*

Duplica: sorry, i was going to tell you but it slip my mind beside, she no longer has that power, the hobi hobi fruit is right here

i pull out the fruit and show her. her eyes widen

Robin: how?

Duplica: with laws devil fruit, i figured that if he can cut stuff without killing them and switch people minds. make sense that he can extract stuff like devil fruit powers

Robin: interesting, though i guess its partially you

Duplica: maybe i mean i can make my own devil fruits without the curse thank iva's devil fruit

Robin: my my, how op are you going to get?

Duplica: dont know, i let you know when im d....mmm

robin kissed me mid-sentence

????: what a lovely scene

we both look to see

Robin/ Duplica: sabo?

Sabo: greetings, its been a while robin

Robin: it been while

oh yeah i forgot robin to join them for a while to get stronger for a year

Sabo: and thank you emperor duplica for looking after my brother and giving me the flame flame fruit

Duplica: no problem, im just looking out for luff like a friend should plus i cant exactly copy powers while there in fruit form

i pluck a hair from his head and absorb it lit my finger on fire

Sabo: fascinating, you can copy by there absorbing there hair

Duplica: actually i can absorb any part of there body to get their power, but the hair is less life threating to the one  i happen to like as a friend and stuff right robin? *wink at robin*

Robin: yeah

Duplica: how about we head to the cabin and continue talking about luffy and stuff with the others

they all agree and then we walk to the cabin. i knock on the door

Duplica: hey guys we're back and we brought back a friend

Zorro: really who is it huh.

zorro caught what sabo tossed which was the alcohol

robin introduce sabo into everyone and then sabo tell about his time with luffy and time at the resistance ands after that he pulled his hat off and grab the fever card and the he have some to us. he also gave me one, cool.

once he left, we all decide to sleep but sugar came up to robin and apologies for turning her into a doll because she was in "character", she accepted the apology and then we all went to sleep

like the anime we made a mad dash out of dressrosa and then me made a pact with luffy. i joined in with the amazon i hope hana wont mind?.......nah, i sure she'll agree with me. now were off to zoa.

to be continued.........

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