15. we made it out in "one piece"

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it's been a month since we crash landed. the girls are getting stronger, not a fast as me but good.there about lvl 5.we found alot of dead pokemon bodies on the island. theres roughly a 100 or so.

it was a good size island. found pokemon such as miltank, tropoius
alohan riachus. and turns out some legendaries are just endangered cause i see sevaral baby lugias, manaphy, latias and latios bodies on the island as well. so i use predator on them. my stats have maxed out and now any stats points i get are  just and to the side as extra i can give those extra points to my pokemon or someone i have a blood link with me

hp- 999 +100

so i can give ra ra or dawn those 100 points them. i have so many points i can max out any one of my girls or pokemon, but i want them to get strong by there own. i know thats sounds hypocritical coming from me . but i want them be strong by there own merit. we already made a hut and still sleep nude even though we can catch a cold. hell me be nude all the time  cause the said we are away from prying eyes dawn still playing the punishment for the egg. so we play nude, eat nude, and sleep nude

Duplica: do have to do everything naked? couldn't we keep the underwear?

Dawn: yes, we have to make sure that she didn't bugged our clothes so we had to burned them.

Duplica: oh please, that just a excuse. you just to make this island to a nudist resort.

Dawn:oopsie you caught me 😉

Duplica: *sigh*whatever

i kinda give up on her and her nudist thing

we were on the island for another 7 months i absorb alot of other pokemon there mostly, water type.

Ive maxed my lvl. and my + stats points are over 9000 on each stat. so i can give each everyone in my group maxed out stats and plenty left to spare, but i decide to hold onto them uless we need them. i was lost in thought until

Dawn: DUPLICA, our egg is hatching.

Duplica: okay, im on the way

with that i made myself like a blue hedgehog and dash to her. and i saw her holding a rapidly shaking egg. it begans cracking. the girls cant wait to see whats in it

Lillie: oh boy i cant wait

Iris: me neither

Ra ra:{same}

the egg is cracking more and more and ther a big flash of blinding us. we had cover our eyes, when th light fade we saw a what looks like a naked  5 year old versioin of dawn with blue hair

Girl: hi mommy, hi momma

Duplica: well hi there, do you have a name?

Girl: nu-uh, you have to give me one

mmm what to call her?

dawn chimes in

Dawn: I shall call you...

oh dear arceus if she says it, i die laughing

Dawn: minnie me

Duplica: hahahahahahahahahahaha

Dawn: *pouts* what's so funny?

Duplica: hahaha sorry, that line is from a movie i use to watch in my old world ha haha

Dawn: really?

Duplica: hahaha... yea oh my stomach

i some how stopped laughing

Duplica: beside that line,dawn is a great name. we can call her little dawn or  ld or dj,or how about dusk?

Girl: oh, i like that name momma.

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