Finding Bolin (4)

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Mako's Pov

"Bo! I'm back! Picked up your favorite dumplings." I slouched down on the sofa staring up at the ceiling

"Hey, I found some work down at the power plant. It's some decent money," Grabbing one of the dumplings out of the bag and eating the dumpling.

"Bolin? You here, bro?"

Turning around to look out of the window staring at air temple island.

"Huh. I bet the little lovebird is making a house call,"

I wouldn't surprised if he's trying to ask Korra out. Maybe, I could ask y/n out...

Your Pov

Placing the food into plates as I whip my forehead. Cooking takes a lot of energy out of me. Pema walked into the kitchen.

"I'll bring these out. Can you call the kids for dinner?" I nodded my head walking out of the kitchen.

I walk outside to the training area "Kids! Time for dinner!" I called out as Ikki and Jinora quickly ran to my aid. 

"Y/n! Y/n! There's a cute boy here talking to Korra!"

It's probably just Bolin visiting Korra. 

"Alright, you two go eat dinner. I'll get Korra," The girls ran off as I walked towards Korra's direction to see Mako! Crap!

It's gonna get out! I gotta get out of here. I quickly turned in the other direction.


Now I have to face him... I slowly turned around to face Mako "Hey..." awkwardly waved at him as he stares at me in disbelief.

"So, you live on air temple island?" I slowly nodded my head as Mako ran his hands through his hair.

"Let me guess Tenzin is the uncle you've been staying with?" Nodding my head again in response as Mako puts his hand over his eyes groaning

"So, you're avatar Aang's granddaughter?" 

Lifting his finger up to see a response from me "Yes, everything is a yes to your questions!" He lets out a sigh as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I stare down at my feet trying to a way not to answer him.

"I didn't want to mention my family to you since you lost yours at a young age. If I told you who my family was...I-I thought you would see me differently. I never thought this day will ever come. It came sooner than later..." He lets out a sigh before I felt something on my chin.

My head was lifted up by Mako who was smiling at me.

"It wouldn't change the fact of the person you are. Let's not keep any more secrets between us." He lets go of my chin quickly looking away from me.

"Oh, y/n! Your letter came in from you know who."

Korra handed me the letter with a smirk on her face.

"What do you mean 'you know who'? Who is it from?" Mako curiously asked as I could hint at a bit of jealousy from his tone of voice. 

"Just from a childhood friend who's a part of the united air force," I told half of the truth to Mako trying to calm his nerves down.



"Your best friend is a...polar bear dog. Somehow that makes perfect sense." Mako bluntly said as Korra looks back at him.

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now