Someone Else (6)

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Your Pov

Mako pulls me into his embrace "Don't ever do that again! I-I thought I was going to lose you..." He whispered the last part.

It's been on repeat ever since last night's rescue! Why can't I get him out of my mind? Gripping my pillow closer to my face.

I need to snap out of it! Getting out of bed trying to get myself distracted from last night's fiasco.

Oh, right Iroh wrote back to me! I still haven't read the letter. Digging through my pocket to find the letter.

I flopped back in bed holding the letter up to read it.

Dear, Y/n, You've had a quiet of an adventure! More than I have for the last month. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to see you again after five long years of being away from each other. Maybe, one day will meet once again.

-Sincerely, Iroh

I let out a sigh. Has it really been five years since we've seen each other? Snapping out of my thoughts to hear a light knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Pema opens the door to stand near the doorway.

"Y/n, you've been in your room for awfully long hours. Is something wrong?" She closed the door behind her before sitting down next to me. I let out a sigh.

"Mako had said a few words to me. I've been thinking a lot about the meaning behind them..."

"What did he say?"

I looked up at the ceiling "Don't ever do that again! I-I thought I was going to lose you..." Looking over at Pema to see a shocked expression.

"Wow, y/n he really cares about. He might have feelings for you. Cause I never heard a friend telling them that,"

Mako...likes me? Does he really? She slowly gets up from my bed heading towards the doorway.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Do, you want to make dessert tonight?" Getting up from bed. I could be one way to tell Mako how I feel.

"Sure," She walks out of my room leaving me alone with my own thoughts. But will he feel the same?


Pema poured tea for Tenzin as we all hang our heads low "We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness, for compassion, and-"

"I'm not interrupting, am I?"

I slowly look up to see councilman tarrlok barging into dinner.

Uncle had a surprised expression to see tarrlok before standing up from the table.

"This is my home, Tarrlok. We're about to eat dinner."

"Good because I am absolutely famished. Airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?"

"I suppose." He sits right back as Tarrlok approaches Korra.

"Ahh, you must be the famous Avatar Korra. It is truly an honor. I am Councilman Tarrlok, a representative from the Northern Water Tribe."

He bows to Korra as she stands up from the table bowing back at Tarrlok "Nice to meet you." She sits back down.

As for Tarrlock, he took a seat right next to Korra. Ikki scoots closer to Tarrlok.

"Why do you have three ponytails?" She sniffs him "And how come you smell like a lady? You're weird." I put a hand over my mouth keeping myself from laughing at Ikki's remarks.

"Well aren't you... precocious?"

"So, I've been reading all about your adventures in the papers. Infiltrating Amon's rally, now that took some real initiative." His attention turned back to Korra.

"Oh, thanks. I think you're the first authority figure in the city who's happy I'm here." Korra took a few bites from the bowl of rice.

"Republic City is much better off now that you've arrived." He flattered Korra as Ikki kept a close eye on him.

"Enough with the flattering, Tarrlok. What do you want from Korra?" Uncle wanted him to get straight to his point.

"Patience, Tenzin. I'm getting to that. As you may have heard, I am assembling a task force that will strike at the heart of the revolution and I want you to join me." I raised my eyebrow at the idea of Korra joining a task force.

She wouldn't join...would she?



Uncle leans over the table shocked at Tarrlock's proposal.

"I need someone who will help me attack Amon directly, someone who is fearless in the face of danger, and that someone is you."

Korra looked at Tarrlock "Join your task force?... I can't." Before looking down at her food.

"I... must admit, I'm rather surprised. I thought you'd jump at the chance to help me lead the charge against Amon."

Tarrlock looked over at Korra still with a shocked expression "Me too." Korra focused her eyes on her food.

"I came to Republic City to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin. Right now I just need to focus on that."

She placed her bowl of rice down on the table.

"Which is why this opportunity is perfect. You would get on-the-job experience while performing your Avatar duty for the city." He leans closer to Korra as his eye reverted toward me.

"You look oddly familiar? Have...we met before?"

"That's enough Tarrlok. Korra gave you her answer. It's time for you to go." Uncle nicely asked him to leave our home.

He stands up from the table "Very well. But, I'm not giving up on you just yet. You'll be hearing from me soon. It has been a pleasure, Avatar Korra and to you to mystery women." He began to walk out of the room.

As Ikki stands up to wave goodbye "Bye-bye, Pony-tail Man!" I was able to hear him scoff while leaving the room. off strange vibes.


Carrying a neatly packed box full of red beans, green tea, and chocolate mochi. Hopefully, he'll like it. Most of the time he loves my cooking.

Entering the arena to find the hallways empty as I walked up the stairs leading up to the attic.

"Boys, I've brought a gift!" Opened the attic door to relieve only Bolin and Pabu in the room.

"Ooo, you always bring the best gifts? What is it?!" He excitedly jumped up and down. I open the box revealing mochi.

Bolin gasped "Mochi! You always make my day better with your food!" He immediately started to eat the mochi as pabu nibbled on them.

"Hey! Save some for your brother," I playfully punch his arm. I wonder where he is?

"Now, I think about it. Where is your, brother?" I curiously asked Bolin whose face is stuffed with mochi.

"Oh, he's on a date with a pretty girl. He was drooling while talking about her,"

He has fallen in love with someone else...I-I should have known.

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now