Turn The Tides (18)

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Third Person Pov

Mako sits by your bedside caressing your hand as while laying asleep in your room. Asami watches silently from a doorway.

You slowly flatter your eyes open "W-what happened?" You slowly titled your head to the side.

"You passed out from exhaustion. A healer came by earlier. You took a massive hit on your back. You'll feel sore for a couple of days."

You sat up from bed as Mako quickly stood up helping you up. "Here let me help you."

You softly smiled at him as you hear some claws noise hitting your window.

You weakly walked over to your window opening it to see the messenger hawk with a new letter.

Mako grabs the letter for you. As the messenger hawk cuddle up your face.

"It's a letter from your father. Do you want me to read it for you?" You shake your head "...I would like a moment alone."

"...Alright, If you need anything let me know. I'll be in the dining hall." You let out a heavy sigh staring out at the window.

"Asami...you can come out now." You hear footsteps entering your room.

"You don't know how worry I was..." Asmai pulls you into a hug. "I'm sorry for worrying you...it wasn't easy to find a way out."

Asmai sits down on your bed hanging her head low as you sit down next to her placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Something wrong?"

"I don't think my relationship with Mako will stay...He was so worried when you and Korra disappeared...I-I don't know what to do."

You put your hand on her shoulder "Tell him the truth on how you feel." Asmai turns to look at you with tears rolling down her face as you pull her into an embrace.


In the dining hall at Air Temple Island, Korra chows down on food while sitting at a table with Bolin, Mako, Asami, Tenzin, Lin, and Pema.

"Mmm. Mmm. The food tastes amazing, Pema. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again."

Pema standing up to retrieve Korra's cleaned plate. "We're so thankful you're home safe."

Asami stands up to assist Pema. "Let me help."

"Korra, I realize you've been through a lot, but how did you escape?"

Korra took a moment of pause staring down at her food.

"Y/n saved me from tarrlok. After I gain conscious I try to go back to city hall but tarrlok planted his crime scene. I had Naga track y/n by scent finding her outside of republic city."

"Your niece managed to escape but we still don't know about Tarrlok's whereabouts."

"This is very disturbing news. Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a councilman, almost capturing the Avatar ... I fear Amon is entering his endgame."

Bolin, Korra and Mako exchange glances of concern.


Asami and Pema washing dishes in the kitchen. Pema suddenly doubles over and cries out in pain.

Asami quickly grabs Pema's shoulder in concern."Pema, are you all right?"

"The baby is ... just kicking, really hard, is all. I'm fine."

"Should I get Tenzin?"

"No reason to worry him, it's nothing." Mako walks into the kitchen carrying a teapot.

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now