New Friend (10)

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Your Pov

Lying in bed staring up at the ceiling taking in a deep breath. I should get some fresh air.

Maybe I'll feel better...I sat up in bed as I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Y/n, you have a call from Ms.Sato."

Uncle Tenzin spoke softly through the door. Wonder what she's calling about? 

I got up from the bed and walked up to the door slowly opening it to see Uncle Tenzin with a soft smile holding the phone.

"This is for you,"

He handed me the phone leaving the door open as I slowly put the phone on my ear.

"You call for me?"

"My dad and I were hoping you would join us for lunch at the sato estate. He wants to get to know you better and hopefully tell us both more about our moms," Asami happily said through the phone. would be nice to get to know her better and...know more about mom.

"That sounds nice. What time?"

"This afternoon. Don't worry about getting lost in the sato estate. Will send a driver over to pick you up," I place the phone back on the landline.

"What did Ms. Sato want?" Uncle Tenzin softly asked.

"Her father invited me over for lunch. He wanted to speak about my mother." His eyebrows raised a bit.

"Really? Well, I believe it's best for you to go outside and take in the fresh air. Try not to come home late." He walks down the hallway leaving the door slightly open.

I closed the door letting out a small sigh. It wouldn't hurt to learn more about mom. 

I get up from bed walking over to the drawer pulling out a fresh pair of clothes. 

I need to clear my mind...I can't stay in this state for any longer. 


"Miss y/n has arrived."

The butler announces to Mr. Sato and Asami sitting in a luxurious velvet living room beautiful decorated with portraits and a few flowers.

"I'm so happy you were able to join us." Asami stood up from her seat pulling me into her embrace.

"Thank you and your father for inviting me. Your home is exquisite." She grabs my hand guiding over to the sofa.

"Flattery will get you everywhere. Please sit down I have something to show you two." I sit down on the red and brown sofa next to Asami.

Mr. Sato brings out a large red photo book from his back. He places the book on the coffee table.

He opens the book revealing a wedding photo.

Young Mr. Sato, his wife Yasuko Sato and a few wedding guests.

"You never showed me this photo before dad." He moved the book closely to Asami and I.

"Look, very closely."

I picked up the album seeing a familiar man dressed in a formal united republic uniform holding hands with a young lady dressed in a halter neck red dress.

"...y/n that lady in the photo-"

"Is your mother."

Mr. Sato warmly smiled at us "Your mother was my very first investor who believed in the Sato mobile,"

"Surprisingly she fell in love with a non-bender commander but love is love." Asami flip the page filled with photos of her mother and mine.

"Those two were so close. Please, look through the book more."


"They eventually out run the police but Chef beifong was waiting for them at the end of the alleyway." He finished off the story as Asami and I stared at him in shock.

"I didn't know my mother was friends with chef beifong!" I put down the tea cup.

"Those two were close since chef beifong was dating tenzin at the time. I'm glad I got to meet you and your mother without her help I won't be here."

He stood up from the sofa pulling me into a embrace. "Thank you for telling me about my mother. My family don't talk about her often."

He placed both of his hands on my shoulder. "You're always welcome here. I don't mind telling you more stories."

"C'mon I'll walk you out."

Asmai motions her head for me to follow her out of the room. We walked down the hallway heading toward the main entrance.

"I'm happy you were able to join us. I hope we can be friends like our mothers." She held out her hand.

I-I can't let my feelings intervene into a relationship...


//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now