Rescue Time! (5)

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Your Pov

"Y/n! Y/n! Please wake up!" 

I slowly pull myself out of my slumber to find myself in a makeshift jail cell full of metal bars. Sitting up to find my hands chained together.

"Oh, thank the spirits! You're alive y/n!" Bolin practically cried as I wanted to comfort him so badly.

"Bolin, it's alright...Will find our way out," I whisper to his ear.

"But, how?!?" He curiously asked as I looked around the jail cell. We might have to wait for Korra and Mako to rescue us.

Mako's Pov

"How could I let her go?! This is all my fault!" I kept pacing back and forth worrying about y/n's safety.

"Hey! City boy! I figured out the paper is a map. The sooner we get there will get Y/n and Bolin back,"


We quickly put on our disguises before walking into the factory neighborhood. 

A big-boned bouncer is checking people one-by-one at the door to the Equalist rally.

They each show him a paper before they are allowed in.

Koora and I walked closer to each other as she grab my arm leaning into me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to her. I need to focus on getting Bolin and Y/n back. 

"We'll attract less attention this way."

We approach the doorman who crossed his arms "This is a private event. No one gets in without an invitation." Korra and
I looked at each other.

"Uh, invitation?" Doorman raised his eyebrow as I grab the flyer out of my pocket.

"You mean, this?"

The Doorman takes and examines it, before turning back to Korra and me with a lightened expression.

"The revelation is upon us, my brother and sister." He motions us through the door.

We enter the building. It is mostly dark, and rusty industrial equipment takes up much of the initial space.

However, as the infiltrators move deeper into the building, they emerge on a catwalk and look out over the railing.

"I knew a lot of people hated benders but I've never seen so many in one place." Revealing a wide-open area where a large audience is forming in front of a stage.

The stage's backdrop sports a large-sized reproduction of the Amon art from the flyer. 

"Keep your eyes out for Bolin."

We make our way down the stairs and into the crowd a few inches away from the stage.

"Please welcome, your hero, your savior, Amon!"

A section of the floor slides open, and from the glaring light below, a platform elevator raises.

Equalist chi-blockers are lined up at regular intervals across it. Amon stands in the center, while the Lieutenant is among the chi-blockers, standing directly to Amon's right. The crowd cheers wildly. 

He pauses to let the crowd continue cheering before holding out a hand and speaking.

"My quest for equality began many years ago," He takes the microphone off the stand, causing a brief moment of feedback.

 "When I was a boy, my family and I lived on a small farm. We weren't rich and none of us were benders. This made us very easy targets for the Firebender who extorted my father." He starts walking across the stage. 

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now