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《Kya's point of view》

The first week of school went OK. I was kind of bummed when my dad said I couldn't live in the dorms but he said he just didn't like the thought of me living with a bunch of teenage boys. He had a point, out of twenty kids there were only five girls in my class. Today was Friday, and I was kinda excited because Present Mic said that we were going to have a fun assignment. He gave us the option to start today but we didn't have to, all we had to do was make sure it was completed two Mondays from now. That gave us a whole week and two weekends to work on it.

When class started Present Mic stood up and explained the assignment. "Yo! Alright class, are you ready for this rockin' assignment?!?! Yooo!!! Let's gooo!! You will all be paired up with a member from class 2-A!! Yeah!! And it will be super random!! You will have to write a paper about how their quirk and your quirk work together!!! I wanna hear the goooood!!!! And the baaaaaad!!! Ya got all that!!! Let me hear ya say YEAH!!!" The class quietly groaned a 'yeah' and walked up to the front to get a paper copy of the assignments description. I read over the requirements and who I was paired with and I groaned internally. Dad is not going to like this.

《Aizawa's point of view》

I walked into the teachers lounge and slumped down on the couch. Finally, I can take a nap. As I closed my eyes I heard the most godawful noise and squinted at Mic. Of course, I can never have a moment of silence. As I closed my eyes again I overheard him talking to Vlad.

"Yeah man, I think this assignment will be killer. I think it will be an eye opener for my class to train with 2-A, since they have so much experience already. I just hope they take the assignment seriously."

"I'm sure they will Mic, and if it goes well then classes 1-B and 2-B can do the same assignment."

"Heck yeah man!"

I sat up and glared at Mic. You've got to be kidding me. I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned. "Miiic, come here please."

"Uh, yeah dude. What's up?"

"Please tell me you're not pairing my daughter up with kids from class 2-A." I continued to pinch my nose and squeeze my eyes shut as I tried to fight the headache I could feel coming on.

"Heh, yeeeaah, about that. I know you said you didn't want your daughter around them because they are nothing but trouble, BUT I have a great assignment planned and it will all work out! I promise." I looked up and saw his stupid face beaming down at me. He's a damn idiot.

"I swear to God Hizashi, if anything happens to my daughter...."

"Don't worry Aizawa, it's all good."

I huffed and fell back asleep on the couch. This better not blow up in my face.

After lunch I took class 1-A to the training building to meet up with Mic and class 2-A. They all took a seat on the bleachers and waited for me to speak. "Alright guys, this next week you will be training with class 1-A so they can write a paper on how their quirk works with yours. You have permission to start this weekend and go through till next Sunday. The assignment will be due the following Monday so don't procrastinate. Class 1-A, find your partner and create a training schedule. I'll be sleeping in the back, don't bother me." With that I walked over to my sleeping bag and fell asleep. I knew Mic would keep an eye on the kids so I didn't see a need to be awake for that.

《Kya's point of view》

I looked back down at my paper and back up at him. I felt my face heating up as my anxiety took over. Oh God, I'm never gonna pass if he's as bad as my dad says. If he can't work well with his classmates, I'm doomed. As I was fussing over my hopeless situation a guy with glasses from 2-A stood up and chopped the air as he yelled for order. He said that his class had the obligation and duty to help all of my class find their partners. I watched as the room filled with conversations and laughter as the teams paired up. Finally I got up and walked across to him.

"Uh, Hi. Bakugo right?" He looked up at me and scoffed.

"You're the fucking extra that ran into me on Monday. Just great." He rolled his eyes and looked down at his phone.

"Hey, don't be rude! You guys are getting graded on your participation. If you act like an ass then I'll tell Mic and he'll fail you." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. He sat still for a moment and then let out a low grunt. Reaching up he pulled my phone out of my back pocket and turned on the screen.

"What's your fucking password?" I blinked at him a few times as I registered the fact that he just stole my phone right out of my pocket.

"Uhh, it's 9642. Why?" He punched in the code and went to my contacts. He added his number, texted himself and stood up.

"I'll text you when I want to train." I stared up at him, forgetting how tall he was. He handed me my phone and walked off. I felt my face heating up again. It's probably just nerves, yeah nerves. I went back to my stuff, picked it up and left to go home.

When we got home my dad started making dinner and I sat at the bar doing my homework. "So, who did you end up getting paired with?"

I shrugged my shoulders and mumbled under my breath. "Oh, uh no one. Just Bakugo, that's all." I continued staring down at my school work not wanting to see his expression. The room was silent for a moment and then my dad finally spoke up.

"Mic better know what he's doing." And with that he dropped the conversation.

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