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《Bakugo's point of view》

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, sitting on my bed I scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes till I was more awake. I finally got up at around 6:15 and decided to take a jog around campus. I liked jogging this early in the morning, the air was heavy with mist and the grass and trees were covered in dew. Everything was peaceful as the sun slowly rose in the air. I would never tell anyone these things, but this was my favorite time of the day. The only time I ever truly felt at peace. Well, this, and sparring.

There was just something about it, kicking someone's ass. It was a primal sort of release, so different from running, running was more of an emotional release for me. I had the time to sift through my thoughts and emotions alone and without judgment. I have just never felt comfortable enough to do that with another person, so I had this instead. I took a deep breath, letting the cool morning air fill my lungs. It felt good, it grounded me in the now.

As I continued to run I let my mind wander to yesterday morning. That was the first time I had ever let anyone come with me on my morning run, I was unsure at first but in all honesty, I'm glad I did it. Kya seemed to be a pretty grounded person, she had goals and she also had the determination to reach those goals. I admired that about her. She's also unbelievably beautiful. I faltered a bit, almost tripping when that thought crossed my mind. I mean, yeah, she was, but I can't let that distract me.

I tried to think about other things, the upcoming games, the new training exercises All Might had for us, our work assignments that we were starting in two months. But no matter how hard I tried I kept coming back to her. I stopped and ran my hand through my hair. Fuck! Why can't I just think about the stuff I want to think about! Why do I keep thinking about her stupid fucking eyes, and her stupid fucking hair, and the way she does that stupid fucking thing when she ughhgg!!!! I sat down on the wet grass and crossed my arms over my chest. This is fucking ridiculous! She's just a dumb girl! She's a year younger than me, she's practically a kid!! I dropped my head into my hand and sighed in defeat. But why can't I stop thinking about her? Why do I want to hold her every time she touches me? Why do I want to pull her against me and kiss her every time she looks up at me? Why do I want her all to myself?

I layed back and let the cold wet grass cool my body. Maybe I should just give into this. I could try kissing her and see what she does. If she pulls away and says no, then I will leave it alone. But if she kisses me back..... I stopped and took a slow deep breath. Well, if she kisses me back then I'll have another problem to deal with. I stood up, happy that I found somewhat of a solution, and I headed back to the dorms. I'll do it today at some point. But only if it feels right.

《Kya's point of view》

I paced back and forth in my room. It was 11:15 and Bakugo would be here in 45 minutes. I still need to tell my dad that I'm going out, no not that. I'm hanging out, yeah, hanging out with Bakugo today. I looked back at the clock, 11:30. Fuck! Ok, I guess its now or never. I grabbed my backpack that had my homework, gym cloths, phone charger and wallet. As I walked down the stairs I tried to gather as much courage as I could before I faced my father. He was laying on the couch watching some weird cop show.

"Hey dad, so I'm uhh, I'm going out for a bit." I shifted my weight from the balls of my feet to my heels, swaying forward and back, waiting for a response. He just lifted his head slightly and cocked one eyebrow.

"You going out alone or...."

"With a friend...." I rubbed my arm and looked everywhere but him.

"A friend huh. Who? Are they a classmate?" He was sitting up now looking directly at me.

"Um, yeah, sure...... I mean, kinda........ Not really?" I gave him a pleading smile and hoped for the best. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I know he only did that when he was annoyed.

"You will be home no later than midnight. Do I make myself clear."

"Crystal." I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my mouth. I ran over and gave him a huge hug. "Thanks daddy, you're the best!" He huffed and pushed me off of him.

"Would you shut up with that crap." He layed back down as I walked to the front door. As I opened it he called out to me. "Oh! And one more thing. If he does anything, and I mean anything sexual or dirty, I'll kill you both." I stood there, jaw on the floor, as I felt my whole face turn bright red. "Have fun, now leave so I can finish my show."

I walked out, still stunned at what just came out of my dad's mouth, and walked to the end of the yard. Bakugo wouldn't do that, he was just a flirty guy. He would never actually do anything serious with a girl like me. Right? I stood there thinking as I waited for him to show up. A few minutes later a huge black jeep pulled up in front of me. Bakugo hopped out and my heart flew up to my throat. Holy fuck this guy is hot! He had on a white shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and green and orange sneakers. He smirked at me and opened the passenger door.

"Well, you getting in or not?"

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