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《Kya's point of view》

My whole body hurt so much that I winced out loud just by shifting my leg. I turned my head to the side and that's when I smelt it. It's him, his warm and sweet fragrance. I took in another deep breath, causing me to smile. But just then my breath caught in my throat.  Wait! Why am I here? I was just at the dance with..... Oh God!

My eyes flew open and my body sprung forward. The pain in my ribs and head caused me to clamp my eyes shut and let out another groan and wince. But the feeling of warm rough hands touching my arm brought me back to the present.

"Get off of me!! Let me go!!" I shoved him away as best as I could as I weakly shuffled across his bed. Bakugo pulled his hands away immediately and he fell to his knees. The look in his eyes caught me by surprise. Has he been crying? Why does he look so sad. God, I'm so confused. I opened my mouth and the word fell softly from my lips. "I don't understand Bakugo, what happened?"

《Bakugo's point of view》

What do I say? What do I do? Fuck! I have no idea how to handle any of this! Leaning forward I rested my forehead on the edge of the mattress. I sat there for only a moment before looking back up at her. Seeing her caused another lump to form in my throat, but I shoved it back down just like all of the others. Well, most of the others.

Her body was littered with dark bruises and scratch marks. Her makeup was smudged and her lip had a small cut. I tried to reach for her again but she just moved further away.

"Ky, please." My voice was shaking but I honestly didn't give a damn. "I'm not the one who hurt you. Please, can I see if you're OK?" My head fell back down onto to edge of the bed as mumbled another pathetic plea. "I'm so sorry Ky. I'm so so sorry."

Suddenly I felt her small fingers brush through my hair. I looked up and I saw her eyes fill with confusion and concern. "I don't..... umm..... I don't remember anything." Her eyes looked straight into mine causing me to shiver. "Why don't I remember?"

《Aizawa's point of view》

I paced in the hallway as I waited for Recovery Girl to come out. I'm so fucking fired. I just lost my job. But that piece of shit deserved it. He's fucking lucky that he's a minor or else he'd be dead. I gritted my teeth together as his hands on my daughter flashed through my head. Just as I was about to walk away and just head straight to Nezu the door opened.

"Shōta, you should count yourself lucky. That boy was riddled with internal bleeding, broken bones and a concussion. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking about how that prick was forcing himself onto my daughter. So I forced my fist into his face." I looked away from her disappointed gaze.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, but beating a student was not the answer. We have protocol for a reason."

"The protocol is stupid and slow. I was faster."


I looked back at her and then dragged my hand down my face.


"I'm going to go to your house to check on your daughter, you need to go see Principle Nezu."

"She's actually not at my house, she's in Bakugo Katsuki's room."


"I know, I know. I just didn't know what else to do. I guess I'm just breaking all of the rules now." I let out a low chuckle and shook my head.

"Well alright, I'll go check on her. But you do need to go see Nezu."

"Thank you Recovery Girl."

Her small hand rested on my forearm as she looked up at me. A warm smiled spread across her wrinkled face as she gave my arm a slight squeeze. Then she turned and left, walking in the direction of the dorms. I turned and made my way towards the main office. Time to face the music.

《Bakugo's point of view》

She sat on my bed, eyes vacant as she stared at the floor. We sat like that for a while, silence filling the air between us. After what felt like forever there was a quiet knock on the door. Kya didn't move so I got up and opened the door. Recovery Girl looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello Bakugo, may I speak with Kya?"

I stepped back into my room and let her in.

"Um, I'm terribly sorry to ask this, but can I speak to her in private. We have alot we need to discuss and I don't think that she will want others in the room for that."

"Oh! I mean, yeah, I guess that's ok." I rubbed the back of my head as I looked over at Ky. She was still staring at the floor but I noticed a few tears sliding down her cheek. Fuck, I really don't want to leave, but I know that Recovery Girl won't let me stay. Damn this sucks.

I waited out in the hallway for an hour. Just as I was closing my eyes to take a power nap I heard the door open. Recovery Girl walked over to me and sat down. Reaching out she patted my knee and looked up at the ceiling.

"I usually don't divulge this type of information but I know that she needs someone to know." I waited for her to go on as she stopped and took a deep breath. "Her physical injuries look worse than they are, mostly superficial bruising and minor scratches. Thankfully she doesn't show any signs of a rape occurring, but that doesn't mean she won't have mental trauma in that department." She looked up at me and I could feel my whole face flush as I realized what she meant.

"Wait, no....we aren't..... I haven't..... we didn't....."

"It's OK, you don't need to explain what your relationship is. I'm only saying that you need to be patient with her. I have known you for a while now Bakugo and I am fully aware that you have a serious lack in the kindness department, but I ask that you at least try. Or point her in the direction of someone who can give her that support. She's scared and confused, she needs a support system to keep her grounded right now. It doesn't have to be you, just someone she will trust."

She rose from the floor and started walking away. As she reached the elevator she turned back.

"One more thing, her dad will be here sometime this morning to get her. He just needs to finish his meeting with Principle Nezu."

I tried to stop her to ask who her dad was but she was gone. I'm actually going to meet her dad. Wow, it's about damn time.

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