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《Kya's point of view》

I walked into the locker room and sat on the nearest bench. I rubbed my face and slapped my cheeks lightly. C'mon girl, get yourself together! He is not coming on to you! Breath. Don't lose focus on what you're here to do. Gather information and put it in your paper. I took a deep breath and got changed. I hated wearing the school gym outfit so I opted for blue leggings, a black sports bra, blue tank-top and my black sneakers.

I walked out of the locker room and saw Bakugo stretching. He had on a black tank-top, black basketball shorts and his sneakers. He heard me walk in so he turned around and waited for me to walk over. "OK, here's the plan. We are going to spar with our quirks but I'm going to focus on trying to make your quirk obsolete with mine. This isn't about causing damage or winning, we need to have communication. Ok?"

Bakugo grunted and crossed his arms. "So I can't just beat you senseless?"


"Fuck, whatever. How do you want to start."

"Come at me how you normally would and I'll try to incapacitate you."

He leaned down and lunged at me, raising his hand and blasting a shot at my face. I reached out and felt the sweat pooling on his palm and I smiled. Got you. I used my quirk and flung the sweat on his hands away from him causing his blast to disappear. He stopped and looked at his hands, obviously pissed off. "WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT DID YOU DO!" I didn't answer, I used his own sweat and some water from my water bottle, to create liquid handcuffs. I grabbed his hands and flung him across the room. He tried to get up but I ran over and kneeled on his lower back holding him in place.

"Do you yield?"



He flopped his head down on the floor and mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. What was that?"

He turned his head to the side and glared at me. "I said, Fuck you!" I smirked and leaned in closer.


"And I said yes......I yield."

"Good." I lifted off of him, releasing his hands. "Now, the next thing I wan..." Before I could finish, Bakugo grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the ground. His entire body was over mine and I couldn't move under his weight. I looked up in his eyes and they were filled with danger, excitement and ...... lust? My heart fluttered and my stomach flipped. Bakugo was breathing heavily and he slowly leaned down closer to my face. His body was warm against mine as he pressed closer. His face was inches away and his smile hinted at something that made my insides squirm. I want to kiss him. The thought crossed my mind and my whole body froze. No, I can't do this! Not with him. With a flick of my finger I was able to fling a drop of water at Bakugo's ear. He flinched and fell off of me giving me a chance to stand up. He looked up at me and smirked.

"What? Didn't like it when I was in control?"

I blinked a few times and shook my head. "No...that's not it. You just had your guard down when you were all up in my face." I looked down at him and offered him my hand to help him up. He grabbed it, but as he stood he pulled me to him and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Wanna go another round?" His voice was thick and husky and I knew he was trying to hint at something other than sparring. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed back.

"How about we go study and you can help me start that paper?" He smiled with raised eyebrows and shook his head.

"Alright short stack, whatever you say. Let's go get changed, I'll meet you outside in 10."

When I was done changing I went outside and waited for Bakugo. I jumped when I felt large hands grip my waist, pulling me against a warm body. I turned my head and saw Bakugo standing behind me. "What the hell dude! I thought you were some creep!"

"Maybe I am." He laughed and let go of me. I turned and started walking towards the library when I heard Bakugo clear his throat. I looked over my shoulder and stopped. "Where are you going rain drop?"

"Um, the library? To study? We are studying right?"

"Yeah, I don't study in libraries. Too stuffy. Let's go back to my room." He turned and started walking. I had to jog to catch up to him. His room? We're going to his room? Alone? Unsupervised? Maybe I should tell my dad or something? No, that's stupid. I'll be fine. It's not like he's going to do anything, we're just studying. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Bakugo flicked my forehead. I looked up, rubbing my head, and sneered at him.


"Well, you were off in la la land. I had to pull you back to reality some how."

"You didn't have to flick me." I pulled my hand away from my face and scrunched my nose at him.

"Would you prefer I punched you? Or slapped your ass? Cuz those were your other options."

"Excuse me, what?" My jaw fell slack and I stared up at him dumbfounded. As I was about to yell at him he opened the front door to his dorm building.

"We're here. I'll grab some snacks from the kitchen and then we can head to my room. Wait here by the couch." And with that he was gone, and I was left alone by what I presumed to be their living room. As I waited a red haired guy walked in. He looked over at me and smirked. He was pretty cute, but in a different way from Bakugo. He seemed.......softer.....I don't know. But as he walked over I could feel myself blushing.

"Hey beautiful, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, uh.....wait. Did you just call me beautiful?"

A huge smile lit up his face and I couldn't help but copy him. "Yeah, gotta call it when I see it." He winked and I giggled.

"What the hell are you doing Shark bait? Get the fuck away from dew drop."

The red head held his hands up in defense and ginned at Bakugo. "Hold up Bakubro, I was just having a simple conversation with this gorgeous lady here. No need to get all jealous."

"Fuck off idiot, I'm not jealous." Bakugo huffed and looked away, but I think he was hiding a blush.

The red head leaned closer and offered me his hand. I took it and he lifted my knuckles to his lips. He placed a soft kiss and winked at me. "The names Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima. It's wonderful getting to meet Bakugo's parner in person. He talks about you all the time."

Bakugo turned, surpise and shock evident on his face. "What the fuck!?!"

"Have fun 'studying', don't get too distracted." Kirishima smiled at me again and I couldn't help but stare at his oddly beautiful pointed teeth. I wonder if it would hurt to kiss him? My face started to heat up as the thought crossed my mind. Kirishima turned to Bakugo and a mischievous glint appeared in his eye. "Oh, and Bakugo. Go easy on her."

At that point Bakugo had had enough. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Kirishima. He led me to an elevator and we both got in. When the doors closed I turned to Bakugo and smirked. "Your friend's kinda hot. Is he single?"

"Yea....wait! What the fuck!?!" He looked down at me shocked.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Kidding. Geeze, relax dude." He huffed and stormed out of the elevator. I followed him till we reached his door. When he opened it I felt my nervousness creep back in. I was frozen in the doorway. Bakugo turned and looked at me, cocking his eyebrow and tilting his head.

"You comin' in or are you just gonna stand there the whole time?"

I nodded my head and silently walked in, dropping my bag by his bed. I went to sit on the floor but he stopped me. "Bed's more comfortable. The floor hurts my ass." I nodded my head again and slid onto his bed. This is the first time I've ever been on a guys bed before. God, why am I so nervous?!? I took a deep breath and pulled out my notebook and laptop.

"Alright, let's get started."

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