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《Bakugo's point of view》

I layed in bed scrolling through Instagram when I saw that girl pop up. She was tagged in a photo with pinky, stupid hair, and a few other kids from both classes. I clicked on her username and went to her profile. Huh, it's public. I guess it wouldn't be weird if I looked at a few pictures. I mean, she is my partner, I should get to know her a little. Her bio read: Kya
Don't be mean, it gives you wrinkles
Taurus ♉
Huh, no last name. That's weird. I scrolled through her photos and had to admit she was kinda cute, for an underclassmen extra. She had a video of her using her quirk which was cool. Water manipulation, huh.

After about a half hour I realized I had reached the end of her profile. Damn, well I guess I've seen it all. Now to back out without liking anything. As I scrolled back to the top I saw that she had posted on her story. I clicked on it and immediately blushed. She was standing in front of her bathroom mirror, hair pulled up in a messy bun, wearing a tight black tank top and blue pj shorts. She had her toothbrush hanging out of her mouth and the caption read 'first week at UA was a success'. Honestly, I never thought brushing teeth could look that good. I quickly turned off my phone and went to sleep. Before I completely passed out I texted her asking if she wanted to join me on my morning jog, then I closed my eyes and drifted off.

《Kya's point of view》

I finished getting ready for bed and grabbed my phone to check my messages. Tora had reacted to my story pic with heart eyes, I smiled as I looked to see who else had seen my story. As I scrolled to the bottom my stomach filled with butterflies, Bakugo had seen it. Oh my God! Bakugo saw it! I shook my head and pushed the nervous feeling down. Clicking on his username I went to his profile. Huh, it's private. That's weird. I shrugged my shoulders and sent him a friend request. As I backed out I saw a text from him.

King explosion murder: Hey, I'm going for a run at 6:30am. Join if you want, meet me by the park on 23rd.

King explosion murder? Yeah, I think not. I changed his name and texted back.

Kya: I live a block away from there so I can be there by like 6:15. See you then.

Kya: Oh, and I changed your name. It was stupid. Goodnight.

I set my alarm for 5am and quickly fell asleep. When I woke up I quickly got dressed, brushed my hair into a high ponytail and bounced downstairs. My dad was still asleep so I left him a note on the fridge saying I was out running. I grabbed my arm band, headphones and cellphone. As I walked out I saw a text from Bakugo.

Bakugo: OK, I'll be there at 6:15. And my name wasn't stupid, it was kick ass.

I chuckled, turned on my music and started jogging in the direction of the park. I got there right at 6:15 and I saw Bakugo sitting on a bench scrolling through his phone. "Hey, good morning Mr. Grumpy." I plopped down next to him and he grunted.

"Why did you send me a request on Insta?" My cheeks flushed and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, you were the one that looked at my story last night." Now it was his turn to blush.

"Whatever, let's just start running." I nodded my head, turned my music back on and followed Bakugo as he started down the path. After about an hour we stopped for a water break and to stretch. "Wow, you actually kept up with me. Impressive."

I rolled my eyes and did a side bend. "My dad and I jog through here often so I can navigate it pretty quickly." I glanced at him and felt the butterflies return to my stomach. He looked hot, there was no other way to put it. He had a sheen of sweat on his body and his shirt was clinging to his abs, showing off his defined core muscles. I felt my heart skip a beat as I watched him stretch, my breathing becoming uneven.

"Your dad, who is he?" His words suddenly snapped me out of my trance and my face went a shade darker.

"Uh, that's not important. Why do you want to know?" He cocked one of his eyebrows and took a step closer.

"He's not a villain is he?" I blinked up at him a few times and then busted up laughing.

"What!? Haha no, my dad's definitely not a villain. I just don't want to bring too much attention to us so I'm just going by my first name for now. Ok?"

"Too much attention huh? Whatever." He looked down at his phone, checking the time. "We finished earlier than I thought we would. Wanna take another lap?"

"I have a better idea. Let's grab some coffee. There's a Starbucks about two blocks from here." He thought over my idea and finally just rolled his eyes and followed me. As we walked I realized I kept smelling something strangely sweet. At the next stop light, while we waited to cross, I leaned over and smelled Bakugo's shirt. Yep, he smells like caramel.

He looked down at me with a curious expression. "Kya? Are you smelling me?" I hummed as a response. "Um, ok? Why?"

"I don't know, you smell like caramel. It's yummy."


"Yeah, did I studder?"

He rolled his eyes and grunted. "Whatever, you're weird."

"Yeah? Well at least I don't smell like fucking caramel. What is it a women's body wash?"

"What the hell!! No!! It's my fucking quirk dumbass!! I sweat nitroglycerin crap and it just so happens to smell like caramel! Ok?"

I held my hands in front of me and backed up a little. "Jeeze, ok. I'm sorry dude, didn't mean to piss you off. Anyways we're here."

We walked in and ordered our drinks. I got a caramel vanilla mocha which earned me a side eye from Bakugo, and he got a plain old mocha. We sat down and drank our coffee quietly until my phone started going off. I looked down and saw my dad's number. Crap.

"Hey, I gotta take this. I'll be right back."

I stepped outside and answered the phone.

"Hey dad, what's up?"

"Where the hell are you? It's past 7!"

"I left you a note on the fridge. Did you not see it?" It was silent for a moment and then I heard him sigh.

"Yeah ok, just be home soon. I have to patrol today and I am doing room checks tonight at the school."

"OK dad, I'll head back soon."

I walked back in and smiled at Bakugo.

"Who was that?"

"My dad, he wants me home soon."

"I can walk you back if you want." I felt my heart speed up and I wanted to say yes, but I didnt want to risk him seeing my dad.

"No, it's OK. Maybe next time?" He nodded his head and I smiled. After we finished our drinks I headed back home. When I got there my dad was just heading out.

"I'll be back around 1:30 or 2am. Don't wait up ok? Get to bed at a decent time please."

"OK dad, I love you." I gave him a big hug and breathed in his woodsy scent.

"Love you too Ky. See you in the morning." And with that, I was home alone and bored.

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