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《Aizawa's point of view》

I heard Kya open the front door and walk in. Glancing at the clock I saw it was 11:58. Cutting it pretty close kid. I stepped into the living room and saw Kya walking up the stairs. I cleared my throat and she stopped, slowly turning to face me. "Oh! Hi dad, didn't see you there. I was ahhhh......I was just gonna head to bed. Goodnight!" She turned and tried to leave but I cleared my throat a second time and she hung her head in defeat.

"How was your training?"

"Good, it was good. I used my quirk to dry off his palms and make his quirk useless." She tried to turn away again, but I wasn't letting her off that easy.

"And your paper, how's that coming along?" I noticed her cheeks began to flush and she wouldn't meet my eyes. She's hiding something, I know that much. But what?

"The papers good. I finished all of my homework and got the first rough draft almost finished." She gave me a curt nod and fiddled with her hands.

"All of your homework? Even your math? You always struggle with your math." Her face turned a deep shade of red and her eyes widened slightly.

"Math is fine!" Her voice squeaked and she tried to clear her throat. "Um, Bakugo helped me." Kya reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Can I go now?" Her eyes were pleading me to drop the conversation, but I wasn't going to stop until I found out what she was hiding.

"Kya.....what happened?"

"WHAT? Um, nothing! Nothing happened."

"You're lying, nock it off. What did he do? Touch you? Grab you? Kiss you? Did he pressure you to do anything?"

"What! No dad! It's nothing like that!! We just studied, that's all. Nothing else happened, ok?"

I crossed my arms and glared at her. She's lying, but she won't back down. Fine. I'll let her have this one. I'll just torture Bakugo next week until he tells me. "Alright, fine. Goodnight."

Her whole body relaxed and she gave me a smile. "Goodnight dad! I love you!"

She turned and ran down the hall to her room. This kid is going to be the death of me. It's only the second week of school.

《Kya's point of view》

I layed down in bed replaying the last few hours in my head. I can't believe it! He actually kissed me! My first kiss was with Bakugo fucking Katsuki. Does this mean we're dating now? Or does he want this to be casual? Or was this a one time thing? I groaned and flopped over onto my stomach, burying my face in my pillow. My dad can not find out about this! And Bakugo can not find out about my dad! That would be disastrous.

As I layed in bed having a mental yelling match with myself, my phone started to go off. I rolled over and almost dropped it on the floor. Bakugo is FaceTimeing me!! Oh my God! What do I do?!?! I quickly sat up, fixed my hair, and locked my door. As I sat back down I answered the call. Bakugo's face lit up my phone and I blushed seeing him lay on his bed shirtless.

"Hey dew drop, what's up?"

"Um, nothing. You called me, remember?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to see you." He looked to the side and blushed. He can be so cute sometimes.

"Wow, missed me that much huh?" He rolled his eyes and flipped me off. I laughed and set my phone on my dresser as I looked for some pj's.

"What are you doing right now?"

"Looking for pj's, you?"

"Watching a gorgeous girl look for pj's." I looked up at him and rolled my eyes.

"Wooow, very original Bakugo. Did you use your entire brain cell for that one?"

"Fuck off, I was trying to be nice and give you a compliment."

I grabbed my tank-top and shorts and stepped out of frame to change.

"Hey! Where did you go?"

"I'm changing!"

"So. You didn't have to leave for that." I heard him chuckle under his breath. Pervert.

"This isn't a free titty show, you pervert! Be patient, I'm almost done." I slipped off my old clothes and bra and tugged my pj's on. I stepped back into the frame and Bakugo's eyes raked over my torso.

"Damn Kya, you look pretty cute in that top." He winked and I grabbed my phone and walked over to my bed blushing. "So, do you want to eat lunch together or no?"

"Um, I kind of eat with my friend Tora. Plus, I don't want to be too public with you."

"It's just lunch Kya." He furrowed his brow when he looked at me.

"I know......maybe another day. Let's wait till after the assignment, when this week is over we can sit together."

"Yeah, ok. Thats fair."

I layed down and we both just looked at each other for a few minutes. A soft smile rested on his lips and his eyes were heavy with sleep. He's so handsome when he looks like this. I was lost in thought when Bakugo groaned. I looked at him with confusion.

"Do you have any idea how sexy you look right now? I just want to grab you and kiss you all over. All over your face, neck, and body." His voice was low and husky and I could feel my chest and face heating up. "You should convince your dad to let you stay with that friend of yours one of these nights, and then you can sneak over and stay with me."

"Bakugo......" My dad would never allow that.

" C'mon Ky, it'd be fun." He winked and my stomach flipped. Fuck, why is he being so convincing. I mean, that would be pretty nice, sleeping with him. But that would also leave the door open for really stupid ideas. Like sex. Which lead to pregnancy. Which lead to my untimely death, because my father would kill me. But still, it would be fun.

All of a sudden my bedroom door rattled. "Kya? Why is your door locked? And who are you talking to?" Fuck! My dad!

"Ky? Who is that? Is it your dad? Can I say hi?"

My eyes were glued on the door. "Uh, yeah. Gotta go. See you tomorrow."

"Hey! Wai....." I hung up and hid my phone under my pillow. Getting up off my bed I went and unlocked my door. My dad stood there, arms crossed, and I smiled.

"Oh, hey dad! What's up? I was just on tiktok. Is something wrong?" I tried to put the most innocent face I had on, but I knew he would see right through it.

"Tiktok huh? That didn't sound like tiktok. It sounded like a boy Kya. A boy that I know all too well. A boy that you shouldn't be getting too close too." He towered over me and I felt my hands began to clam up. Shit.

"Dad, it's nothing. I promise."

"And it better stay that way. Now, go to bed."

"OK, dad. Love you?" I smiled weakly up at him. He just huffed and walked away. That was close. I really need to be more careful. I layed down and drifted off to sleep with memories of Bakugo's lips replaying in my mind.

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