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《Bakugo's point of view》

Kya was busy typing up a rough draft for her essay as I worked on my math homework. She would occasionally ask me for input but other than that she did the rest on her own. She had finished with the first two pages by the time I finished my math. I put that away and grabbed my history book when Kya turned to me. A gentle smile rested on her lips and a hopeful look shone in her eyes.

"Umm, since I have you here, would you mind helping me with my math? I honestly don't understand it and it would be so helpful if you could, ya know, help?" She shrugged her shoulders and lifted her math book, shaking it like a maraca. I rolled my eyes but nodded my head. I guess I could use this to get close to her. See what she does and play off of that.

I pulled myself closer to her, stopping when our legs touched. Her eyes flitted up to mine and then shot back down to her text book. "These are the problems we are working on, and I just don't understand any of it." As I leaned over to look at the problems, I casually placed my hand on her right thigh. When I sat back I left my hand there until I heard her breathing speed up slightly, then I slowly slid it off. But instead of placing it on my own leg or on my lap, I slid it behind Kya leaving it by her left hip.

Kya's breathing was uneven and her cheeks were flushed but she still tried to focus on her work. She's bull headed, I'll give her that. As she worked I began rubbing small circles into her hip with my thumb, holding her against me. I leaned over and rested my chin on her right shoulder, watching her work. I noticed a small mistake so I lowered my voice and whispered in her ear. "Hey, you didn't multiply those numbers. Fix it." As the last words left my mouth I turned my head and nuzzled her neck.

What sounded like a small sigh escaped her lips and I felt her take in a sharp breath. If doing that got a reaction out of her, I wonder what this will do? With my face still buried in Kya's neck, I brought my left hand up slightly and gripped her waist. As I did that I nibbled lightly at the base of her neck. Her book slammed close and she quickly turned and looked at me.

Her face was flushed, she was breathing hard and her eyes were extremely dilated. She's turned on. "Bakugo, what the fuck are you doing?!?" I shrugged and smirked at her.

"Nothing you don't want me to do."

"What!?" Her voice squeaked and her eyes widened. "I'm just trying to do homework, like we're supposed to, and you're over here trying to distract me! I don't need some fuck boy to sit around and play with my feelings because it's fun! If you're gonna be a dick then I'll leave." As she turned to get off the bed I grabbed her. She thinks I'm a fuck boy? But I actually think I might like her, can't she see that?

"Kya, wait, don't go." She looked at me and I pulled her back. Now I had both of my arms around her and our faces were inches apart. "Truthfully, when I first met you, I thought you would be a fun one night stand." She stiffened in my arms so I quickly went on. "But! I soon got see some different parts of you and I really liked them." Her face fell into a sarcastic mask and she sighed.

"Bakugo, you've known me for two days."

"I know, but I," I leaned back into her neck and brushed my lips against her soft skin. "I can't stop thinking about you." I pressed my lips against her neck and slowly kissed my way up to her jawline. I stopped as I reached her lips, feeling her breath on my face. "Tell me to stop, and I'll stop. I'll go as far as you'll let me." It took her a moment, but Kya finally responded by lightly pressing her lips to mine.

That was all the confirmation I needed. I gripped her thighs and pulled her closer, running one of my hands up her back and into her thick black hair. I deepened the kiss by biting at her bottom lip causing her to open her mouth. I slid my tongue against hers and she let out a low groan that caused my stomach to flip. As we made-out Kya sat up and straddled my lap. I broke the kiss to look at her and she smiled at me, leaning down and kissing my neck. I moaned as she sucked and bit my neck. I slipped my hand back into her hair and I tugged back pulling her face up towards mine. Her eyes were wide and I worried that I pulled too hard. "Shit, was that too rough. I can stop."

Kya smiled and blushed. "No, it's OK. I think I like that stuff." Her blush deepened and she looked down at my chest. "Just not too rough ok? I don't want anything to hurt too bad." I pulled her face back to mine, reconnecting our lips.

"Don't worry dew drop, I'll make sure it feels good." As I said that a sigh escaped her lips and I couldn't contain myself. My hands dug into her skin, my lips covered her face and neck, and her hands ran all over my chest and back. Her hips started to grind on mine and I could feel my pants getting tight. Shit, if she keeps this up I'm going to get way too horny and I don't want to pressure her to do anything. But fuck! This feels so fucking good! My fingers slipped under her shirt and she froze. "Is this ok?"

Kya nodded her head and slowly slipped her t-shirt off. My eyes widened as I saw her body. Wow, she's beautiful. She's literally perfect. I pulled her forward and kissed down her chest and across her collar bone. My fingers brushed over the clasp and suddenly she pulled back. "No, not yet. I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I'm sorry." Her eyes were downcast and I could tell she was nervous. I gently grasped her chin and looked in her beautiful blue eyes.

"That's ok. Do you want to stop?"

She smiled and kissed me gently. "No, I'm not done yet. We just can't go too far."

"OK, cool. No sex, just making-out. I'm good with that."

Kya smiled and slipped her hand under my shirt. I shivered as her hands traced over my abs. I sat up and lifted my shirt over my head, tossing it next to hers. Kya's eyes raked over my body and I suddenly felt a strange form of self consciousness rush over me. My face warmed up as a blush covered my cheeks. Suddenly Kya had my face in her hands and she looked earnestly into my eyes. "Bakugo, you are easily the most attractive guy I have ever seen. I mean, damn, you're hot." Her comment made me smile and I leaned up to press my lips to hers. Our kiss deepened as I slid my hand up her toned stomach and lightly gripped her breast. Kya moaned and ran her fingertips down my stomach towards my pants.

Her hips were pressed into mine and our breathing came shallow and fast. We continued to devour each other until I felt like I was going to lose control. I gripped Kya's hips firmly and pulled away. "Kya, we should stop. I don't know about you, but I'm really fucking horny, and if we continue I might do something I'll regret."

"Yeah, ok. I agree, that was getting pretty heated." She smiled at me as she tugged her shirt back on. After we had situated ourselves we finished our homework. As we worked I would catch her glancing at me and blush. Fuck, how could one girl be so cute. Damn she fucks me up, I'm going soft over her. When we were done I drove her home. As she turned to leave I stopped her.

"Kya, do you want to train with me after class tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sounds great!" She got up on her tippy toes and kissed me softly. "But I do want to ask you one thing."

"What's that?"

"Can we keep this whole thing on the DL? I don't want our teachers to think we're slacking on the assignment. Especially Mr. Aizawa. Please?"

"Yeah, ok. I don't need to do pda crap, I'll just wait till I have you alone." Kya giggled and I winked at her.

She smiled and turned to go inside. Once she was gone I hopped in my jeep and drove back. Well shit! That actually fucking happened.

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