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《Aizawa's point of view》

My breath caught in my throat and almost caused me to cough. What the fuck did he just say!? Kya said there was nothing going on! She's a bald faced lier! I can't fucking believe this! I could hear Bakugo talking but I couldn't focus.

"Aizawa?" My eyes snapped back to his face and for the first time ever he actually looked open. Like he was actually interested in what I had to say. Oh wow, he's actually showing concern about this. I don't know if I should be proud or worried.

"I'm sorry Bakugo, what did you say?"

"Ugh! I asked if I was being dramatic, or whatever." He looked down at his lap like he was embarrassed.

"Dramatic about what?"

"For fucks sake Aizawa! Are you even listening! She never talks about her dad and whenever I bring him up she gets so pissed off! Hell! I don't even know her last name!"

He threw his hands up in the air and let out an angry groan. I wonder why she hasn't mentioned me? Does she want her relationship to me to be kept a secret so he doesn't treat her differently? Or is it something else? Is she embarrassed by me? I know I'm a dad and dad's are 'lame', but I didn't think I was that bad.

"Well, why do you think that she doesn't want to talk about him?" Maybe I should just play along for the moment. I'll talk to Kya about it later.

"Fuck, I don't know?! Maybe he's a creep. Maybe he works for a group of villains or the mob! I've even considering some pretty horrible things, like what if he hurts her." As those last words left his mouth he clenched his fists and his eyes had a hardened expression.

I think he genuinely might care for her and her well being. This is horrible. Bakugo is a great student, but he just isn't right for my daughter. She has too much to work for. I won't let her destroy her dream of being a hero over him. I just can't watch this. Hopefully she forgives me one day.

"Maybe it's for the best Bakugo. You have only known her for a few weeks and things are already falling apart. It sounds like maybe you should stop focusing on this girl and turn your attention back to your studies. This next year will really test who you are as a hero. You can't let yourself have distractions."

I sat back in my chair and watched him chew over my words. We sat that way, in silence, for about ten minutes. Then he just stood up, and walked out. Just as he reached the doorway he slightly looked over his shoulder.

"Is three days suspension ok for the damages?"

"Yes, that sounds reasonable."

"Good. I'll see you Thursday Aizawa." And then he walked out. He didn't even slam the door. I really hope that I did what was best.

《Kya's point of view 》

"So let me get this straight. You guys kissed a few times, worked out together a bunch and then you stayed the night with him last night?" I looked up at the girl who's name I now knew as Uraraka.

"Yep. That about sums it up, plus a few minor details." I looked down at my shoes as I felt her eyes bore into me.

"Kya, I know for a fact that Bakugo wouldn't act that way unless something provoked him. Staying the night with him doesn't really sound like something that would piss him off." I took in a breath and let out a sigh.

"OK, so we might of argued over something." Uraraka continued to look at me as she waited for me to continue. "He was just getting really pushy about knowing my family stuff."

"Oh? Like what?" Her brows furrowed together and she had a slight air of confusion around her.

"Oh, you know. My dad's name and stuff." I shrugged my shoulders as I tried to avoid her eye contact.

"He doesn't know who your dad is? That's kinda weird." She continued to scrutinize me with her eyes as I tried to look everywhere but at her. "Wait, but if he knows your last name won't he just be able to look you up?"

"Yeah.....he doesn't know that either." I let out a nervous chuckle to ease the tension.

"OK, What! I totally understand why he was so pissed. Girl, you gotta tell him. Especially if you want to fix things with him."

I don't know why, but her words right then just pissed me off. Why the hell should I tell him anything anyways. He was the one who stormed out screaming that he was done. Well fine, we can be done. I made up my mind and that was that.

"No. I'm not gonna waste my time on some hot headed asshole. If he wants things to be over, then they can be over. Simple as that." The words came easily out of my mouth but my heart ached with every sentence. I actually liked him, why hadn't he just been more understanding? I loved seeing his sweet side and kissing him literally felt like heaven. Ugh, he pisses me off!

"Wait, really? Are you sure you're OK with that?" I nodded my head yes and tried to act confident but it wasn't until Uraraka embraced me that I realized I was crying. "Hey, it's gonna be OK. He really can be an ass sometimes, but I know he has a big heart. Maybe if you give it some time things will get easier."

Uraraka continued to hold me as I quietly wept into her shirt. I didn't care that we were in the middle of the gym with at least ten people looking our way. I was just glad that I had someone to hug and tell me it was going to be OK.

"I can't promise that you guys will ever truly work things out. But I do know that things will get better." Uraraka gently grabbed my shoulders and made me look at her. "You are a brilliant, kick-ass hero and any guy here should feel blessed to just be in your presence. Don't let one dumb guy cause you to lose sight of who you are and what you are capable of. Ok?"

I smiled at her as I nodded my head in agreement. She's right, I am a badass and I should start acting like it. Bakugo can kiss my ass for all I care.

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