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《Kya's point of view 》

Monday came and went, so did Tuesday. By the time Wednesday came around I was feeling kind of concerned. Not that I wanted to feel that way about him, but I just couldn't help myself. If I see Uraraka at lunch I'll try and ask her.

"Kya? Are you paying attention?"

"Huh?" I looked up from my mostly empty notebook to see Mic looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Can you come see me in my office before your lunch break? We should discuss a few things." I could hear my whole class start to whisper behind me as I slid down into my seat. This is the worst week of my life!

The rest of my classes flew by and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I rushed towards the teachers hall hoping that my conversation with Present Mic would be quick. I threw open his door and immediately had a sense of doom wash over me. I walked slowly over to an open chair and plopped down.

"Hi dad." He looked at me with a mix of disappointment and worry. "Hey All Might." He gave me a sad half smile. "Principle Nezu." Principle Nezu gave me a curt nod and stood up to address me.

"Kya dear, I'm sure you're wondering why we are all here. Don't be alarmed, it is nothing too serious. Your father and your fellow teachers have recently become worried over your participation in class. Is there anything you would like to share with us?" Oh God.

"Uhm....nope. I'm all good. Can I go now?" I stood up and tried to leave but my dumbass father was in the way. He had been pissing me off since I came home on Sunday, so I had been avoiding him.

"Sit back down. Now." I rolled my eyes but I made my way back to my seat. "Why have you been lying to me?"

"Excuse me?"

"Katsuki Bakugo." Well fuck. I definitely did not want to talk about this right now.



"Dad, to be frank, I'm never going to talk to you about him because there is nothing to talk about. Ok? I thought he was nice, he wasn't, we're done, end of story. Now, can I please fucking leave." No one answered me so I got up and stormed out.

You know what? I was gonna ask Uraraka, but now I think I'm just going to find out for myself. I left the school building and headed in the direction of the dorms. I was going to get my answers.

《Bakugo's point of view 》

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I rolled over in my bed and squinted my eyes in the direction of my door.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Bakugo, I know you're in there!" Fuck, it's her. I flopped my arm over my eyes and prayed to any and all higher powers to poof her away. It didn't work. She had stopped pounding on my door, but I knew that she wouldn't leave unless she got whatever question she had, answered.

I slowly walked across the floor and paused as I reached the door. Maybe I can try to fix this. I can just try to apologize, and then maybe she would be more willing to answer a few of my questions. I opened the door and I was met with eyes that were colder than an iceberg. I think she might still be pissed.

"Where the hell have you been?! You've missed like three whole days of school! Are you trying to get kicked out? Because if you are then you're doing a fucking great job!" I just stared at her as she tore into me. Her small body was trembling with rage and I was having a hard time deciding whether she looked pissed off or cute. Both, she definitely looks like both. But that doesn't mean that I want to deal with this right now.

"Kya, please go away. I'm tired and I don't want to deal with you when you're angry." I tried to close my door but she forced her way into my room.

"Seriously? Are you kidding me right now?! You don't want to deal with me! You're the one who stormed out of the fucking gym screaming like a God-damned idiot!"

I still stood in my doorway in a state of shock. I mean, she definitely wasn't wrong but I didn't want to admit that. Kya continued to pace around my room as she tried to calm down. "Kya, I'm not going to say I'm sorry, so if that's what you're looking for..."

"I liked you."


"I liked you. I never like anyone, but I liked you. I wanted to go slow and ease into everything before I unloaded my entire life onto you, but no, you just had to have it your way. I'm not even angry anymore Bakugo, I'm just hurt. You never even wanted to give me a chance, did you? You probably just wanted a quick fuck."

I couldn't even begin to put my thoughts together. I know that she probably wanted me to respond or something, but I couldn't even string two words together at that moment.

"You know what, my dad was right about you. You're nothing but a pompous ass and you'll never amount to anything." Kya's words hit me like a ton of bricks. I tried to reach out to her but my body wouldn't move. My chest felt strange and heavy and my throat was growing so tight that it was hard to breathe. I watched her walk out and there was nothing I could do to stop her.

As I watched her leave I could feel something warm on my face. I stayed that way, frozen in the same spot thinking over everything that she had said. I didn't even realize the moment that Kirishima walked in. I just know that I went from standing to sitting.

"Bro. Bro! DUDE!" I finally came back to reality when I heard Kirishima yell at me. As soon as I focused on his face my lungs stopped working. I tried to breathe but there was no air, my heart was pounding so hard that I knew it was going to break my ribs and I couldn't stop my body from shaking. Oh my God, I'm dying. I think I'm actually dying.

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