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《Bakugo's point of view 》

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!" I clutched at my chest as I gasped for breath, tears dripping down my face. My whole body was shaking and I felt like I was completely out of control. As I struggled to breath I felt a tight squeezing sensation and I just closed my eyes tighter and focused on the pressure. After a while I finally felt like I could breath again so I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that Kirishima had his arms around me in a vice-like grip.

"Kiri, you can let go now." His arms slowly released me and he sat back. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I'm so pathetic. What kind of a man does that? I'm weak.

"Hey dude, are you ok?" I couldn't find my voice so I just shook my head no. "Has that ever happened to you before?" I shook my head no again. "Do you know what caused it?" That time I was able to answer.

"She said that I was nothing, that I would never amount to anything because I'm a pompous ass and I only think of myself." As the words fell from my mouth I could feel my chest start to tighten again. My breathing sped up and my heart started to beat erratically. Then I felt Kirishima's hand on my shoulder.

"Breath dude. You're not in any danger, ok? Take slow deep breaths." I hated the fact that I was listening to him, but his words were helping. "I'm pretty sure that you were having a panic attack. The question is, why would something like that cause you to react in that way?"

"I let her down." The room fell silent for a moment as those words hung in the air. "I know that I'm not the nicest guy, ok? But I do make it a point to stand by my word. I want to be like All Might, I want people to look to me and know that I will protect them. That they can count on me." My eyes stung as I fought back more tears. "How are people supposed to trust and support me if I can't keep the trust and support of anyone around me?"

I got up off of my bed and walked over to my punching bag. I looked down at my closed fist and it pissed me off to see that I was shaking. This is why I never get close to people. I always let them down! I took a swing at the bag and then another. I kept going until my fists were wet and sticky with blood.

"Bakugo, just take some time. I'll be next door if you need anything, k?" I didn't look his way as he got up to leave, but I was thankful that he had been there. "Oh, and Bro?" I looked slightly over my shoulder in his direction. "You don't have to worry, I won't tell anyone about this." I gave a slight nod and then faced my punching bag again. I waited until the door closed for my legs to give out. I'm pathetic.

《Aizawa's point of view 》

It had been an entire month since the failed intervention with Kya. The UA games were quickly approaching and all the Hero course students were training as much as they could before the big day. I had been trying to get Kya to train with me but every time I tried she would say she was busy with her 'boyfriend'.

Akasho Kenji, he was a boy from her class. He was a decent student with a well rounded quirk. But I still couldn't figure out why they were a couple. Whenever they were together I could tell that Kya was bored or annoyed by him. Yet, every time I would ask her about him she would paint a happy smile on her face and gush about how much she liked him.

"Hizashi, has Kya been acting strange in class?"

"Huh? Kya? No, she's been fine. She doesn't talk as much but her class work has been consistent. Why?"

"I don't know, I just think something is off. One minute she's off having some fling with Bakugo and the next minute she's moody and hanging around a guy that I know she has no interest in."

"I can talk to her if you want. But honestly Shōta, I wouldn't think too much on it. She's a teenager and they are a different breed. I mean think about it, when we were their age we were running around causing all sorts of trouble." I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned.

"That's what I'm worried about Mic."

"Well, either way I still wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure she's just focusing on the games like the rest of her class. It'll be fine."

I kept thinking over my conversation with Hizashi as I drove home with Kya. The entire drive was silent, just like every day since the last time I tried to talk with her. Her eyes were glued to the outside world, watching the people, trees and houses pass by. Maybe Mic was right, she's most likely just too focused on school to really care about anything else. I'm definitely reading too much into this.

I pulled the car into the garage and before I was able to cut the engine Kya was already in the house. I walked into the kitchen to start dinner but I was interrupted by someone knocking at the door. Who in the hell is at my house at this time? I internally groaned as I reached for the door. I was unpleasantly surprised to see Kenji standing on my doorstep.

"Hey Mr. A, is Ky home?" I continued to stare at his unamusing smirk as I contemplated whether or not to tell him. I let out a deep sigh and reluctantly stepped to the side. An extremely enthusiastic smile spread across his face. Honestly, what in the hell does she see in him.

"Kya, would you please come down here. You have a guest." After calling for her I stepped back into the kitchen so I could listen to them without their knowledge. Oh God, I'm turning into one of those dads. I rubbed my hand over my face in annoyance as I leaned against the counter.

"Uhm, hey Kenji. What are you doing here?" She definitely did not want him to be here.

"I came to see you babe," Gross. "You wanna go out and grab some food? I know of this super sick ramen shop. It's not too far."

"Sorry, I can't. And I actually don't really like ramen." What a little lier. Something is definitely up with her.

"Oh, ok then. Uhm, before I go, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" I have never heard her be more uninterested in a conversation in my life. Why is she with this guy? It has to be a joke or a dare of some kind.

"Do you want to go to the formal with me? I know that it's next weekend but I just thought I'd ask."

I couldn't stop myself from chuckling. If there is one thing that Kya hates more than anything, it's being asked to school dances. She's gonna say no and break that poor kids heart.

"Yeah, ok. That's fine I guess." Excuse me, what?!

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