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《Bakugo's point of view》

The place looked stupid, the music was lame and I was already annoyed with shark boy. I leaned back against my chair and looked up at the ceiling. "Kiri, I've been here for ten minutes, I'm leaving now." I stood up to leave but Kirishima's hand shot out and grabbed my elbow.

"But dude, you promised that you would stay for at least 30! I need you as my wingman bro!" His big dumb eyes looked up at me pleadingly. I rolled my eyes and turned back towards the door just in time to see her walk in.

She was stunning. Easily the most beautiful woman in the room. Her long black hair was pinned up with loose curls falling here and there, her face looked serene with light makeup that accentuated her natural beauty and her dress. Her dress looked like a second skin with how well it fit her, hugging her body like a glove. Looking at her made my whole body feel like it was floating.

"Wow. Is that Ky? She looks gorgeous." I couldn't respond to Kirishima so I simply nodded my head in agreement. "Are you going to talk to her?" I shook my head no and sat down. "Are you ever going to talk to her again?"

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my hands. "You know how she got hurt yesterday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, when I left to get Recovery Girl I sort of kissed her. On the forehead. In front of her stupid fucking boy toy." I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my jaw as embarrassment washed over me.


"I know, I'm an idiot." I couldn't even look up from my lap. Fuck I hate this, I feel like crap. I should of never even helped her.

"Dude, it was a good thing that you helped her, but kissing her in front of her boyfriend was definitely stupid."

My head shot up and I locked eyes with Kirishima. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You were mumbling to yourself."

I glared at him and then looked away. As I scanned the room I saw Principle Nezu walk up to a podium and turn on a microphone.

"Students, students, may I have your attention please!" Everyone in the room stopped and turned towards the small fuzzy creature. "Tonight we are celebrating the start of the UA games! A time where all of you young students can give it your all and show us your growing potential. For the third year students this is a pivotal time to prove that you are ready to protect those in your community and take on the title of hero! Our second year students, this is when you can show everyone how much you have changed since your first games. You need to be prepared to push yourself farther than you ever thought possible. And finally, our first year students, we are all looking forward to witnessing what power you hold and how you wield it. Good luck to all and have a joyous evening!"

The room erupted into cheering, even Kirishima joined in. What a joke. I won last year and I'm gonna win again this year. Doesn't anybody get that? Show my growth? Push myself? Like I haven't been doing that since day one!

As everyone went back to dancing I decided to grab some food. When I got to the refreshment table I saw Kya at the other end eating a handful of grapes. I slowly walked over to her, fighting myself the entire way, and when I was about three feet from her she turned and smiled.

《Kya's point of view》

After Principle Nezu's speech I felt an overwhelming rush of anxiety wash over me and I had to take a minute and reset. I decided to grab some food and put some sugar in my body. Really? Is there only junk here? I scanned the table that was overflowing with candy, chips and baked goods. At the very end of the table there was one large bowl of mixed fruit and I happily grabbed a handful of grapes and began eating.

I watched my friends dance and I was torn between joining them or just sneaking out the back and going back home. All of a sudden I felt someone's eyes on me, I turned and froze. Wow, he looks so handsome like this. Without thinking I gave him a small smile and immediately regretted it.

"You look beautiful tonight. That dress is stunning on you." I felt my face warm as a blush covered my cheeks. Why is he being so kind right now?

"Umm, thank you." I awkwardly looked down and played with the fabric of my dress. I looked back up at him through my eyelashes and gave him another small smile. "You look pretty great too. I didn't know that you even owned a button up shirt, I thought it was only black t's and sweatshirts."

A slow crooked smile spread across his lips causing my body to fill with butterflies. "Thanks for the compliment dew drop." A moment of silence passed and just as I was about to head back to my friends Bakugo finally spoke. "Who are you here with?"


Bakugo rolled his eyes and scoffed. "What do you even see in that guy? He's a total prick."

"Oh, like you aren't?"

"No, actually, I'm not. And you would of figured that out if you had actually given me a chance!"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?! You're the one that messed everything up! I WAS trying to give you a chance dumbass!!"

Our voices were rising and a few people began to look our way. Let them stare, see if I give a crap! All of a sudden Bakugo's eyes went from angry and frustrated to down right disgusted. What the.....oh. Kenji's arm slipped around my waist causing a shiver to go up my spine.

"What's going on here? Everything ok babe?" Without taking my eyes off of Bakugo I nodded my head yes.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I was just leaving."

As I turned to leave I swore that a look of worry or maybe sadness flashed across Bakugo's face. What is up with him?

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