Additional Special Chapters ( Part 2 )

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So hey im back with another additional special chapters of unwanted mate but this time its for mitsuran.

Is there someone who ships them or is it just me? Im having second thoughts about making this one cause many tr fans might not like it,

But anyways im still gonna do it:)

It was sunday today and rindou decided to take his family out for a picnic near the cherry blossom's tree for a flower gazing.

"Hey guysss" they were eating lunch when rindou suddenly called out their attention as the three looked at him.

"Why?" Ran asked.

"Lets go flower gazing later!"rindou cheerfully replied as y/n widened her eyes from the news,she wanted to do this in her entire life that she was all excited right now.

"Flower gazing? Yes!!" She brightly jumped up as the two brothers giggled at her cuteness.

"Sure rin" ran replied making rindou nodded at him.

It was three in the afternoon and they were all ready as they went out towards rindou's car and he drove off to the place.

An eternity later:
Ran pov:
"Waaaa pretty" y/n admired the beautiful pink leaves that was falling down from the trees,it was so pretty to look at.

"Hirumi look~" i turned around towards rindou with hirumi in his arms as he gave him a petal from the trees as hirumi brightly smiled,what a cute child.

While their were busy admiring the view,i placed all of the dishes down on the carpet/blanket that we were using for this picnic.

"Oh mygad ran you could've just called me out!" Y/n shouted making me laughed as i shaked my head indicating for a no answer.

"You've already done so many things at the house,take this as your break time y/n" i replied and i can hear her giggling as she cutely nodded.

"Okay okay fine but dont be to shy to ask for my help if you need something,ok?" She said and i nodded at her.

While placing the foods down i noticed that we forgot to bring the drinks,shit. I widened my eyes as i turned around to look at rindou who's also looking at me,confused.

"What happened?" He asked.

"We forgot the drinks" - ran.

"Seriously?!" - rindou.

"Seriously." - ran.

Rindou let go of hirumi down carefully as he went near me checking the packages if the drinks were really not there.

"Wow,we really did forgot about it" - rindou.

"Told you" - ran.

"I'll just go and buy some,wait for me" i said as i stood up walking away from them.

I was looking around for a stall which is selling drinks when i found one and i smiled as i ran towards it.

I was focused at that stall that i bumped into someone as i fell on the ground making me groaned out of pain.

"Sorry about that" the guy replied as he pulled me up and i thanked him.

"Ran?" I heared the guy calling my name making me confused as i looked up seeing mitsuya,mitsuya takashi.

"Mitsuya?! Your back?" I asked and i felt myself heating up as i was loosing my cool.

"Haha yeah,im having a collaboration with the haitani industry at roponggi so i came back here in japan" he answered making me widened my eyes,our company?!

"Oh wow,its our company!" I cheerfully said and he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah,its been atleast a year since i last saw you. Nice seeing you again,ran" mitsuya happily replied as he motioned his hand infront of me asking for a handshake and i accepted it.

"Nice seeing you again too,mitsuya!" - ran.

Rindou pov:
After an eternity ran finally came back with someone as i widened my eyes looking at the guy.

It was takashi-san!

"Hey y/n" - rindou.

"Yes?" - y/n.

"Look at the guy besides ran!" - rindou.

"Woah,who is it?" - y/n.

"Its takashi,the guy ran has a crush on!" - rindou.

"Woahhhhhhb really?!" - y/n.

"Really." - rindou.

(Krazy marites🦖)

The two went near us as ran introduce mitsuya to us and we both bowed down at him.

"Hi,nice meeting you" - mitsuya.

"Same here!" - y/n and rindou.

"You should join us!" - y/n.

"I ughh is it okay?" - mitsuya.

"Of course,the more the merrier!" - rindou.

Ran brightly smiled as we all went to eat and we had fun talking about random things but were mostly teasing ran👀.

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