38: Another New One

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As I promised, Here's another update! This chapter is dedicated to _dear_my_deer_luhan_ for commenting such good opinions last chapter. Thank you very much! Please read on~

They're new song is Happiness by the way, just imagine that they can do it while they just have three members :3 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seulgi & 1/2 Irene- Vic, Wendy & 1/2 Irene- Lia, Joy - Yna :D Don't laugh.



Lia's POV

We waited for a few minutes after dressing up and started stretching. Suddenly, the door opened and the choreographer came in. He smiled by seeing us already stretching. He had an iPad mini with him, and there was some music playing.

"Morning girls." He greeted and bowed a little. We also bowed and greeted him good morning. Of course, manners. As he looked at Yna and I, his eyes widened. Guess he now notices.

I was wearing a sweater which I folded up to my elbows, shorts, and converse. Yna was wearing a large t-shirt, pedals, and rubber shoes. Then Vic was wearing a fitting shirt, sweats, and rubber shoes like mine. Mine is black and hers is white.

"So this will be the concept of your new song." He said and showed us the iPad mini. There was also a picture that was like the poster Mark oppa showed us. I guess it's a cute concept.

There was a girl singing the song, it still wasn't us. The people who were dancing in the video was David and a girl. Maybe she's the one whose also singing. Wow, they make a cute couple.

After looking at the video that had the dance a lot of times, we started trying out some steps we remember infront of the mirror. The choreographer, namely David, laughed at us as we failed while doing the steps. Not our fault!

"So, we'll start now! This is the first step..." He started teaching us the steps.


We finished learning the steps. Whew! It was hard but it was kinda fun! Well, it is. Lalalalala Happiness~ I got the song stuck in my mind. It was also too cute for me to handle! We already learned the steps but not the song yet.

The girls and I changed into comfortable clothes and to be out of all that sweat. So sticky, ew. We then proceeded outside and we saw Mark oppa outside, probably waiting for us.

He then guided us to the recording room so we can sing the song and so that we can memorize the song too. The song is a bit fast but I guess you can catch up to it. There will be some english parts too, we can ace that.

We were greeted by the staff and they gave us individual papers, which had the lyrics of the song. It also had the parts where we had to sing and all of that.

"Please form a circle." A girl told us and so we did. Her voice sounded like she was the one singing in the video. Oooh~ she's pretty! Wonder what her name is.

She started to press some buttons and music started to come out of the speakers. It was the song. Then Vic started some english. Oh woah. Haha, it's already starting.

I concentrated on the lyrics and most of them were mines. Especially the high notes. I hope I don't damage my throat with this.


"Lia, please do it a note higher." The girl -I found out that her name was Ji- ordered me to do. The song started again just before my part with the high note. Then I started singing a note higher, as what was said. I wish this part won't be as hard as I think it'll be.

We finished recording and I thought of mixing the song and the dance together with us doing it all. Wow, it'll look cool! And cute!

It took me a few minutes to register in my mind that we are actually famous now. I hope my parents are proud, our parents. And I hope this power thing won't distract us from our fame, we worked hard for this. With the help of Richard oppa too.

"Unnie, let's go back." I snapped out of my reverie as I heard Vic's plea. Well, we are done with the recording.

"Ji unnie, we'll go back now. Kamsahamnida~" I said and the three of us bowed.

"Ne, you worked hard." She bowed and also giggled. Oh? What's wrong with her? Omo.

"We'll be great friends girls." She added and smiled at us, Vic suddenly giggled and jumped on Ji. Ji hugged her back and we started to laugh.

"Help us unnie! Fighting!" Yna mentioned and also hugged Ji. I giggled at the sight, and also hugged them. It was a tight group hug.


Yna's POV

I closed the door as we went inside our practice room. Woah, so tiring. We finished everything within five hours. Yet, we still need to practice everything all together. Ji unnie was a real great help, it's her job actually.

I yelped. I saw Vic dancing infront of the mirror then I charged my phone in the corner and when I turned to look back at her again, she was lying on the ground already.

"Victoria!" I screamed out and neared her, dropping my phone on the floor due to shock. I caught Lia unnie's attention, I looked at her with panic on my face. What happened to Vic!?

"She's burning, she has a fever." Lia unnie said with a serious face, and held Victoria up.

"Well don't just stare at me! Help me!" She added and on cue, I helped her with carrying Victoria. Gosh, I'm so worried for this kid. She might seem like she can really do anything, but she is weak in the inside.

We brought her to the sofa and I noticed that Vic was breathing very heavily and sweating a lot. I got worried.

"Unnie, Vic is--" I was interrupted by a knock, I stood up and went to the door. Bad luck, it's EXO. Not in this situation please!

"Yes?" I asked them, keeping the door close to me and only leaving a small space for them to see.

"Can we get in?" Chanyeol asked, with a smile on. I don't want to ruin that smile of your by saying no. Argh.

"Ah, no one's in there." I said, sweat running all over my face. God, what an excuse!

"Yna! Who is it!" I heard Lia unnie's question. I'm so bad at this.

"Yeah, no one's in." Chen's voice althroughout flowed with sarcasm. Nice Yna, Nice!

Since they were twelve and I am only one, they easily went in. Twelve large boys versus one tiny little girl man.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" And that's what I'm scared of.



Feeling kinda crappy this update. -sigh- hope you like it.


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