43: Not Normal Anymore

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Vic's POV

Lia unnie hugged me like there was no tomorrow, although the atmosphere lightened up a bit. I guess she was scared again. There were situations in which she wouldn't be able to take it if I were not there. The effects of Catatonia to other people... *shakes head*

Yna unnie was still asleep and I guess she was also tired and scared, sleep always makes her calm. The next day after, she'll be jolly again. One thing I also admire about Yna unnie by the way.

Lia unnie finally stood up and she decided that we'll go to sleep since there was still practice tomorrow and it was already late. She obviously didn't want me to have another one again, I was scared too because of that. I'm scared maybe it'll happen again tomorrow, I hope not.

I laid down on my bed and stared at the mint colored ceiling, not very amusing though. I turned to my right and hugged my pillow, drifting to sleep right away.


Author's POV

The sun was shining brightly against Victoria's window, therefore the sun rays were going in all different ways in the room. Quite like a diamond actually or a room filled with lasers...

Suddenly, the rays were moving in different directions. It was circling all around the room and the next minute after, it all stopped on Victoria's still body. The light glowed brightly and absorbed her, it disappeared after a minute.

The same happened to Lia and Yna, they were all absorbed by a weird light that seemed to be a kind of energy that had no specific name or explanation.

Her eyes fluttered open. She blinked in order to get her vision cleared, the mint colored ceiling greeted her almost everyday when she wakes up and sleeps. It was nothing new to her at all.

She stood up and placed her back on the headboard, she released a sigh and rubbed her right eye with her right hand. She looked to her left and the digital clock seemed a bit late, 10:49 am.

Her eyes widened upon realization and she immediately stood up from the bed, sliping on the blanket in the process. She ran outside her room and realized none of her sisters were awake.

She busted in the room of Lia and saw the girl sleeping soundly on the bed, Victoria tore the blanket away from the sleeping figure and the girl on the bed stirred in her sleep.

"Unnie! We're late! Wake up!" She shouted and realized that her throat was hoarse, but she had no time to get a glass of water downstairs. They were already 50 minutes late.

"Unnie! We're 50 minutes late already! Get up!" She said and shook the older girl's body. Lia's eyes shot open once she heard that they were already late.

"Go wake up Yna." Lia said and stood up, grabbing her things and putting it in her bag. Victoria ran across the room and went in Yna's room. There was no one in the room, she remembered that Yna slept on the couch last night.

She hurriedly went downstairs and spotted Yna on the couch, sitting and rubbing her eyes.

"Unnie! Get ready!" Victoria said as she finally descended the stairs which seemed so long. Yna's head craned to her direction and realized that everyone was in a hurry so she stood up and went upstairs.

After 10 minutes, they were all set and ready. Lia closed the door as she was the one who got out last. The girls headed to the back where their temporary car was parked. Lia got in the driver seat, Yna on the shotgun seat and Vic at the back.

The drive was quiet and fast. Lia was scared that they would get scolded again so she drove faster. Yna's hands gripped on her seat tightly as Lia was going faster and faster. Vic had her hands on her seatbelt, holding onto it for her dear life.

Lia turned to a sharp right but didn't expect that a big truck that almost occupied two roads would come out of that road. Their eyes widened and Lia tried to turn to the right to avoid it but it was too big.

Victoria and Yna closed their eyes shut. Screams were heard but a loud crash wasn't.

Victoria slowly peeled her eyes open and saw a building in front of them. Her head started to ache as she was confused on what was going on, especially to why there was a building infront of them.

She saw her two sisters safe and sound on the seats in front of her, but they were still scared and pale. Their eyes were closed and she had that urge to hit their head.

"Open your e-eyes." She stuttered and held the shoulders of her sisters'. Upon hearing the voice of their youngest, their eyes both shot open.

"W-What..." Yna said as she looked around quickly, squirming in her seat in the process.

"We're in front of SM... what the heck." Lia said as she released her tight hold on the steering wheel and rested her back on the chair, she sighed and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, Yna started laughing uncontrollably. It got the attention of the other two inside the car.

"That was close..." Her laughter died down in a few minutes and ended it with a sigh. They were so close to death 10 minutes earlier. The question is, how did they get there?

"What the..." Vic exclaimed as she saw her palm glowing. She neared her hand to her face and took a closer look at it. It was glowing brighter and brighter every minute, it scared her by the second.

Lia saw the confusion on her youngest sister's face on the rear view mirror. She looked back and noticed the weird glowing on sister's her palm.

She reached out her hand to take the younger's hand but stopped midway when she noticed that her hand was also glowing brightly, her eyes widened.

Yna, who was resting her chin on her right palm felt the stinging hot sensation on her chin. She removed her chin from her palm and touched her chin with her left hand but there wasn't any weird feeling. She looked at her right hand and realized that there was a light glowing from it.

"Hey, what's going on..." The three girls chorused and looked at each other on the same time. Something weird was going on and the three sensed it.

"Xing?" Lia called out but nothing happened. Seemed like the shadow was on a pee break.

The light from their hands glowed brighter that it seemed like the sun was imprinted on their hands. The feeling was burning hot but somehow, it didn't hurt the three girls.

"The feeling... it's sort of nice to the hands..." Vic said and touched her right hand with her left hand. It didn't have a serious effect but there was that weird feeling of energy.

"When will this last anyway?" Yna asked as she both looked at her sisters who seemed to be caught in the moment.

"Molla." Lia shrugged like it was a good thing.

"I just realized, we're not normal anymore..." Vic stated and switched her serious stare from Lia to Yna then back to Lia.

"A normal person wouldn't have glowing lights on their hands and wouldn't suddenly have weird transformations like ours." She continued as she rubbed her hands together to try to put off the light but when she opened it, it was still there.

"Yeah..." Yna nodded slowly.





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