28: It's A Miracle!

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Sup! Annyeong! I'm going to update for @Bubble_Hart because she encouraged me to make this update and I was really bored, she saved my life. *touched*

I also wanted to thank you guys for reading this story and I am congratulating myself because it reached 2K!


Author's POV

Two days later, it was already Aero's debut. In the dressing room, Aero, the sylists, and their manager was freaking out and everything was in chaos. It was bad at first but then it got worse. Rin had a stiff neck from sleeping in the wrong position last night, Yna broke her arm because she slipped on the stairs, and Lia's voice is no where to be found.

Good thing that their debut was 2 hours later. They can get the time to heal, rest, and get some encouragement.

Rin is exercising her neck, Yna was also exercising her arm, and Poor Lia kept her mouth shut the whole period.

"Manager-oppa! I need you here!" Hyerin yelled at their manager who's hair was messed up and suit was already messed up too. Their manager went near her and asked for what he could do.

"What can I help you?" The poor guy looked like a waiter who was just being asked for some help and was being bossed around by his customers.

"I-I think my neck is better! I cannot feel any pain if I touch it here, and here, and here, and even if I twist my neck!" Hyerin told their manager, touched some parts of her neck and twisted her neck to show that she was already fine and ready to perform.

They were early in the Jamsil Stadium because they wanted to get ready and be early. As the phrase says, the early bird catches the worm.

Aero's manager was so thankful that Hyerin's neck was already fine and he had one down and two more to go, his stress was coming down soon.

Yna, was twisting her arm in a circular motion, sooner or later, she could already feel her arm and move it around.

"Manager oppa!" Yna called for their manager and their manager ran towards Yna from Hyerin. He could already feel the things going good!

"I can feel my arm now! Look!" Yna, being stupid, hit her arm with the chair. She screamed and twisted her arm, doing some steps in Mr. Mr., until she was tired.

"Oh My! What a miracle! You are all better!" Their manager hugged Yna and Yna was surprised by the sudden hug.

"I think I'm going to cry because of this miracle!" Their manager was acting like a little girl who received a barbie doll.

The people in the dressing room stared at him weirdly while he looked at the ceiling and smiled like an idiot.

"Okay! This is good! Two down, one more to go!" He pointed at Hyerin and Yna when he said 'Two down' and pointed at Lia when he said 'one down to go'. He's really excited about this.

All the people in the dressing room crowded around Lia and wished for her voice to come back. It was only an hour left for their debut and some fans are already piling up outside the stadium, this has got to work.

"Come one Lia, you can do it!"

"Do it for your fans Lia!"

"Your the best!"

The stylists, her sisters, and their manager cheered for her. Lia had the courage to speak up, a small voice came out, the crowd cheered. Lia thought of doing Taeyeon's high notes in Mr. Mr.

She had enough confidence, her throat was no longer aching, she HAD to do it.

She opened her mouth and everyone was dead silent.

"O-OOOOOOOOOH!" Liana slowly reached Taeyeon's exact high note and everybody cheered for her. Her sisters hugged her.

"Group hug!" Somebody shouted, the three girls were now squished in the middle of the hug.

Because of too much happiness, their manager cried.

"Awwww!" All the girls shouted. Remember, their manager is the only guy here, he's surrounded by girls.

Hyerin walked to their manager and swung an arm around him despite the distance of their height.

"Come on manager oppa! Man up! You have to organize everything, and we made it by this far! Look what you have accomplished! So don't cry and let us make this day the best day ever!!" Hyerin's words of wisdom made their manager gain some.. No, A LOT of confidence to make their debut the best.

He put on his game face, fixed his hair and his suit, and said out loud. "Let's do this."

With those simple words, everyone knew what to do. The stylists prepared the clothes to wear, the make-up, the shoes, everything! The girls sat on the chairs while the stylists do their work on the girls' hair. The stylists were about 12 people though. Their manager arranged everything.


Everything was set up. 15 minutes left, the stadium was filled with a lot of people now.

The girls were all prepared. They were stunningly gorgeous with their outfits, mary-janes, hair, and make-up.

Hyerin was wearing a white polo that was up to her elbows with a black crop-top, black jeans, black mary-janes, and black fedora. Liana and Yna were also wearing the same outfits.

The fans were already screaming their names outside and the 3 girls grew nervous, but they had faith.

It was time to start, the stylists wished them good luck. The girls hurried their way to the back stage where the curtains were only covering them. Their manager also wished them goodluck.

"ARE YOU READY?!" A loud voice boomed through the speakers that quite made the girls jump, they realized it was the MC. The fans shouted a loud 'YES!' that the music was already starting.

The curtains opened and it started with Liana doing Taeyeon's "Let's Go!".

They danced and danced, and the fans kept screaming and screaming, until they finished the song with Hyerin in the middle with a pose, Liana and Yna on her left and right with a pose too.

The fans cheered and shouted Aero a lot of times. But someone cheered louder.

It was then, there was someone they saw in the crowd, who really caught their attention.



Yipeee! Long update! Woohoo! Vote, Comment, and Share! I was really tired from school and from studying, but I got a chance to update on a WEDNESDAY!

Question of the day:

What was the time you were really bored to death?

Me, just a while ago. About 8 pm. I was so bored that I sort of got flies around me, hahahaha!

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