Chapter Nine

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"What are you talking about?" Cain grumbled as he parked his car on the curb and turned off the engine. He was not going to allow his anger to make him crash because he decided to drive and speak on the phone.

"She's acting all weird. What did you say to her when you guys were alone?" Rosie quizzed, her voice beginning to irritate him.

"Just leave him alone Rosie. It wasn't him." He heard Alana yell in the background. It was becoming obvious that the old man's words had definitely affected Alana, just as he had thought.

"If you hang up, then I'll tell you. It's not even that bad." Alana added, while Cain continued to listen.

"If it has something to do with you, you'll be receiving another call from me." Rosie threatened before the line went dead. Throwing his phone onto the passenger seat beside him, Cain continued to drive to Veronica's house.

"Now go. I'll be fine... Look, I'm much better now." Alana smiled, exhausted. Rosie did not look the tiniest bit convinced and Ben's brown eyes had the same concerned look that they had when she had explained what happened.

"It's an order Rosie. Thanks Ben, for bringing her here, but I think that its time for both of you guys to leave." Alana instructed, pushing Rosie towards her front door. She just wanted to sleep.

"Fine, but remember that if you need me, my phone is with me."

"I will call you if you're needed." Alana replied, giving each of them a soft hug before closing the door.

Dragging her feet, Alana walked into her bedroom and found Cain's coat lying on her bed. She had completely forgotten to return it. She decided that she would not mention Rosie's phone call as she dialed his number, not wanting to make him angrier than he already seemed.

"Hey Cain. I just wanted to apologise, your coat is kind of still with me and I was ----."

"I knew that you weren't as innocent and sweet as you seemed, but I had no idea that you were a whore." Veronica sneered on the other line, causing Alana to pause.

"Veronica." Alana greeted simply, not in the mood to deal with her pettiness at that time of the night, almost morning.

"You slept with him I'm guessing. Well it mustn't have been very good, otherwise he wouldn't have ran over to my house."

"Let's get one thing right. I did not sleep with him. Now could you just tell him that I still have his coat." Alana sighed, rubbing her temple as she tried to calm herself down. She was extremely tired and if she did not relax soon, she was sure that she would not be far from screaming down the phone like a mad woman.

"I already know the truth. You're terrible in bed. That's all." Veronica said, refusing to listen to her. Alana could not stop the growl that left her lips.

"Babe, could I have your help in the shower please. I can't reach some areas." Cain's voice shouted from somewhere on the other line, just as Alana was about to end the call. Now she could have nightmares, she groaned.

"Duty calls, Alana-May. Hopefully I'll speak to you again later." Veronica commented before the phone line went dead. In an attempt to stay in her house, instead of leaving to kill a scertain someone, Alana threw Cain's coat onto her computer chair and falling onto her bed, screamed into her pillow.

"Alana, open the door before I break it down!"

Alana jumped up in her bed, suddenly awake. She had no idea who would be knocking, more like attempting to break into her house at that hour. Checking the time, Alana realised that it was in fact three in the afternoon, which should not have surprised her since she had not slept until nine in the morning. Her phone began to rang, causing her to jump once again as Cain's name flashed on the screen. Alana was particularly hesitant to answer the phone, thinking that maybe it was Veronica calling her on his phone, but picked it up any way.

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