Chapter Two

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Cain had been working since two in the afternoon and the hours at the station were starting to take a toll on him.

"Are you alright man? You look exhausted." Ben wondered. Glancing around, Cain's eyes fell on the strawberry blond haired officer behind the desk.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit tired, but I'm getting off the clock in an hour." Cain replied, smiling at his friend's concern. Ben however, didn't seem convinced. He had been watching Cain for the past two hours and had only seen a zombie walking around. His light eyes never lied.

"You can leave now if you want Cain. You look like a robot that's about to breakdown." Ben commented. Cain simply rolled his eyes. He knew that his friend had eyes like a hawk and wasn't surprised at his comment.

"I'm cool man. Just let me finish my shift." With a shrug, both men went back to work.

"He's trying to get away! Get him!" An officer yelled, snapping Cain out of his weariness. At the sound of the command, three officers attacked a thief to the ground.

People had tried to sneakily escape the police station many times before, too many to keep track of, so Cain was not surprised at what he saw. Although he noticed a woman who was, as she was pulled into the station, Officer Lin holding on to her tightly. Cain frowned at this, used to treating women with care and tenderness whether or not they were criminals, which was why he was never asked to pick them up.

"What's she in for?" Cain asked, dragging his feet towards them.

"She was causing problems at your girl's event, a Sweet 16, claiming that she was Veronica's assistant. I'm not sure who she was fooling, 'cause she didn't even have an ID. Veronica confirmed that she didn't know her." Officer Francis stated, trailing slowly behind them. The sound of Veronica's name warmed him up instantly. He had been waiting for the whole day to go home to his beautiful girlfriend.

Cain noticed how the woman seemed to fight to keep a hold her tongue, obviously wanting to add something. The tight blue dress that she wore, reached just above her knees and he could see the goose bumps on the small amount of exposed skin, along her neck where her hair flowed loosely around her shoulders.

"Well I'll take her in while you book her," Cain stated, replacing Officer Lin's tight hold, with a soft one as he led her to an empty cell.

The woman walked towards the cold, steel bench and seemed to struggle while attempting to sit down. Watching her, Cain realised that she still had the hand cuffs around her wrists.

"Give me a second, I'll quickly go and get the keys," he informed her.

"Lin! Where are the keys for the hand cuffs?"

"Here you go kid. As I was saying, she has quite the legs. I saw them when I helped her out of the car. They seemed to go on for miles! I'd love to see those legs under —," Cain instantly stopped listening once the Officer handed him the keys. He knew that Officer Lin's wife had left him years ago which was the only reason why he could even look at other women. The idea of him thinking of having sex with such a young lady, compared to his old age of forty, made Cain's stomach turn.

"If you could just stand up for me Miss..." Cain suggested, seeming to have scared her. Her dull brown eyes snapped towards his and she stared at him for a second, as if registering what he said, before sluggishly standing up. He felt quite sorry for her. Even though she tried to act confident and brave, he could tell that on the inside she was frightened and vulnerable.

"Would you like to tell me your name please?" Cain asked, needing the information to put her on their records.

"Alana- May Judy." Alana replied, sighing.

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