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Everything was set.

The neon fluorescent lights bounced around the room and into Alana's eyes. The room was filled with young boys and girls, fist pumping as high as they could, as the DJ continued to play the latest house music. The bar, dimly lit with a purple mist, was crowded with thirsty fifteen and sixteen year olds. Even though Alana-May knew that she was supposed to be supervising them, she found herself escaping to the bathroom with both her colleague and best friend.

"Are you telling me that you want to end up alone, old and wrinkly, with ten cats and a gold fish? All because your scared of men?" Rosie criticised as she powdered her face.

"I didn't say that I was scared of them. I'm simply not ready for a relationship right now." Alana defended, laying her purse beside the sink. Glancing down at her body, she tugged down the tight, midnight blue dress that Rosie had borrowed her.

"What?" Alana frowned, placing some of her curled brown hair behind her ear.

"Leave the dress alone and I can't believe that you just said that. You've been saying that for the past two years! If you're a lesbian, you know that you can tell me." Rosie implied, examining her friend under her cynical electric blue gaze.

"I am not a lesbian Rosie. I just enjoy being a strong, independent -."

"Lonely," Rosie added, placing her make-up back into her purse,

"-23 year old woman. When I'm ready for a relationship with a guy, I'll let you know." Alana stated, heading towards the bathroom door just as two young, giggling girls barged through. She knew full well that Veronica would be looking for her. Dreading their reunion, she was sure that she would face her wrath soon enough.

"C'mon Alana! Live a little!" Rosie yelled over the music. Pulling her friend towards the already packed dance floor, she began to sway her small hips to Beautiful People by Chris Brown.

"I don't think this is a good idea..."

"Oh what the heck?" Alana grinned, deciding to dance along. Her smile instantly wiped off her lips however, when she noticed who was storming their way.

"What are you doing? I've been looking for you for the past fifteen minutes and here you are, dancing!" Veronica cried, her hand curled tightly around the clipboard as she glared at her assistant.

"I went to the bathroom and asked for Alana to accompany me. Is there a problem?" Rosie interrupted. Alana quickly glanced at Rosie, who returned Veronica's icy gaze and was highly grateful for her friend's help.

"No, there isn't a problem but I would have appreciated it if she had told me first. I mean after all, Alana-May is my assistant; I'm sure that if yours had disappeared Rosie, then you'd feel the same way. Now, could you go outside through the side door to check on the security please?" Veronica instructed, her stormy grey eyes glaring at them through the thick mascara.

Alana weaved through the kids with a polite smile, even though she was seething on the inside. When she finally made it to the side door of the venue, Alana watched the bouncers to make sure that they were doing their job properly and smiled to see that they were.

Heading over to them whilst nodding in their direction, the only reply she received was a bored expression from the largest guy of the two. His bald head and bulging muscles made Alana slightly intimidated, but since she was scared of them, she guessed that they were doing a good job.

"So, how is your work going on out here? Have there been any problems with the youngsters?" Alana wondered.

"Nope, none at all. It's probably because of how scary and tall we look compared to those tiny kids." The slightly smaller bouncer replied, with a satisfied smirk on his lips as he pushed out his already muscular chest.

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