Chapter Fifteen

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Before her eyes, Cain had pulled Will into what appeared to be an arm lock, pulling both of Will's arms behind his back.  

"Cain, stop!" Alana shrieked, hearing Will grunt in pain.

"Get of me you waste of space." Will growled, obviously in pain.

"The more you struggle, the tighter my grip will get." Cain warned. His eyes glanced around dangerously and Will's black leather jacket scrunched up tightly against his chest as his arms stayed restricted behind him.

"Could you please let go of the young man, sir." An elderly woman interrupted. Her loosely fitted black suit, had the shop's logo on its pocket, allowing Alana to identify her as one of the stores' sales assistants. Her grey eyes shifted around , taking in the scene and Alana knew that if she did not stop Cain soon, the woman would definitely call security, or worse, the police.

"Alana get away from him. Your brother's a sick ---," Will began, only to be interrupted by Cain.

"Listen to me. I am not Alana's ---" Cain started.

"Just leave him alone." Alana advised, confused as to what her brother had to do with anything.

"If you do not release him, I will call security!" The elderly sales assistant threatened again, not giving Cain a chance to explain himself. Alana was curious as to what Cain was not and wondered whether Will had simply mistaken him for her boyfriend.

"Just let me talk woman!" Cain yelled, obviously trying to get his point across, but instead only caused the elderly woman to jump at his outburst.

"Security! Laura call security! There's a dangerous man in the shop!"

"Cain, just let Will go." Alana begged, not wanting him to get into trouble.

"God damn it!" Cain roared, pushing Will to the ground. Groaning in agony, the sales assistant rushed to his aid, fumbling over him as she touched his shoulders.

"Alana, let's get out of here. Quickly!" Cain rushed, pulling her away from the scene that he had caused.

"She's not going anywhere," Will yelled from behind them but Cain had already pulled her out of the shop.

"What was that all about? Could you slow down please," Alana complained. He was walking extremely fast considering that his legs were much longer than hers and she was struggling to keep up, especially since she was not even sure what was happening.

"Cain, your hurting me!" Alana cried as they ran out of the shopping mall, whilst Cain looked over his shoulder repeatedly. As though hearing her for the first time since they had left the shop and entered the parking lot, Cain stopped and his hazel eyes pierced through Alana, his anger still evident.

"I'm sorry." Cain apologised, finally releasing her arm which she rubbed fiercely.

"Now, would you like to tell me what that was about?" Alana sighed as Cain raked a hand through his dark tangled curls.

"Your ex boyfriend seemed to think that I was your brother." Cain started causing Alana to frown. She had no idea why Will would mistaken Cain as her brother. She had shown Will many pictures of her brother.

"He overheard us and misinterpreted what I said." Cain added as he continued to watch her. It was only then that she remembered her sarcastic comment the night before when she called him her 'step brother.' Will was so silly.

"Well that doesn't explain why he punched you and called you sick," she remembered.

"He thought that I was staring at your butt."

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