Chapter Sixteen

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Alana found it hard not to fidget in the passenger seat as Cain drove her home. She could barely look at him, too afraid to give him the idea that she loved looking at his face because she liked him back. She did not bother waiting for him to open the car door again and simply ran out, almost as fast as she could.

"I hope that your still not annoyed about earlier." Cain stated once they reached her apartment door. The elevator had been awkward enough. She was definitely not ready to speak to him yet. However, listening to the words that had just come out of his mouth, instantly brought her anger back to the surface.

"What do you mean? You were being extremely rude to me considering that I haven't done anything to you. I'm still waiting for your apology actually." Alana replied, frowning up at him as he diverted his gaze.

"I was not being that rude. Your just being sensitive."

"Then call me sensitive, Cain." Alana stated, opening the door to her apartment with Cain unfortunately on her tail. The fact that he never backed down from a fight was beginning to get on her nerves, especially since he was in the wrong.

"Your over reacting." Cain insisted, ignoring the confused expression on Bobby's face as his emerald eyes innocently watched their confrontation.

"I don't think so."

"Look, I need to speak to you about something. I know we're friends and everything, but I'm back with Veronica and I just don't think that we'll work out," Cain informed her, getting straight to the point. Her facial expression mirrored that of Bobby's as they both shared a look.

"What?" Alana wondered as she placed her shopping bags down on the pale green floor.

"I know that you like me. You were being oversensitive to everything that I said, I mean, it wasn't that deep." Cain urged, his reasoning making no sense to Alana.

"You like him?" Bobby spat, frowning as he stared at Alana who shook her head.

"I do not like him. If anything, I thought that he liked me. Will made some comments that made it seem that way. I mean ---," Alana began.

"Will. Don't listen to a word he says." Cain growled, falling tiredly onto her black leather sofa.

"This is why he thought that you liked me. You hate him for no reason." Alana said.

"I hate him because he punched me in the face!"

"He did what?" Bobby yelled, pushing himself away from the wall that he had been leaning on.

"That's a story for another day, Bobby. Right now we're talking about the fact that you like me." Alana brushed off, getting back to the point.

"I don't like you, I have a girlfriend that I love." Cain spat. It had been the second time that someone had said something like that and it was starting to damage her self confidence.

"Thanks for saying it like that. I think that you should leave now." Alana instructed, walking over to the front door and holding it open for him. She had enough of him being rude to her and she was not going to take it any longer.

"That was a bit harsh." Bobby commented.

"I didn't mean it like that. I mean, you're a lovely girl ---,"

"Woman," Alana corrected.

"But I have a girlfriend that I love." Cain repeated, his tone softer.

"Wait, so before I go, you don't like me?" Cain attempted to make sure, his eye brows furrowing together as his hazel eyes focused on her and waited for her answer.

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