Chapter Twenty Three

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"I'd love it if you came round to have dinner one day." Casey smiled as she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. It had been a week since the group had gone paint balling and lucky for Alana, the bruises had almost finished healing.

"That would be nice," Alana replied, loving Casey's food. Whenever she got the chance, she would have someone of the restaurant food for lunch, or if she worked the late shift, dinner. At both times, it was delicious, so Alana could definitely not say no to a dinner cooked by the one and only, Casey.

"I'll invite my annoying brother too, just for you." Casey added with a suggestive wink. Shaking her head, with a short laugh, Alana picked up the plates which she had to take out to her customers.

"Don't invite him on my behalf. If he doesn't come, it wouldn't kill me." Alana informed her, as she checked her orders.

"I'm missing a Caesar salad!" She yelled.

"I'm almost done!" A chef replied.

"I'm sure that he'll come once I mention your name," Casey was convinced.

"He doesn't like me like that Casey and I don't like him like that either. I don't think that trying to play match-maker is going to help." Alana insisted just as her last order was placed on her tray.

"What ever you say, Alana. Is next weekend any good? How about next Friday night?"

"Friday night is fine." Alana agreed with a smile before leaving to serve her customers.

"So, do you like Cain?" Rosie asked as she tucked into her club sandwich. Rosie had sauntered into her work place and having known when her lunch time was, decided that they should have lunch together.

"What kind of random question is that? No, I do not like Cain, in the way that your implying anyway. I like him as a friend." Alana frowned as she took a bite out of her BLT sandwich. The idea that she liked Cain, or that he liked her was beginning to get on her nerves. It was obvious that none of them liked each other and bringing it up repeatedly would not change the facts. He was not her type. He was too muscular, did not have brown hair but instead had dark untamed curls and his eyes were far to intense.

"Do you still like Will?" She wondered, her electric blue eyes still focused on her best friend while ignoring her annoyed expression.

"No." Alana answered, continuing to frown as she placed her sandwich down.

"Well that's great! Would you like to go on a blind date, organised by myself?" Rosie grinned.

"Have I ever told you that I'm not happy alone?" Alana quizzed as Rosie began to eat her sandwich as well, quickly placed her ombre hair behind her ear.

"So why are you trying to set me up?" Alana questioned when her friend shook her head in response to her previous question.

"I'd like us to go on double dates and stuff. I mean, we used to do it before and we had so much fun! I just want to do it again and I know the perfect guy that would help you get over Will," she gushed causing Alana to roll her eyes. Rosie was blatantly not listening to her. The fact that Rosie knew who she like to date gave her some comfort, except she had never gone on a date with anyone that she had not seen or liked beforehand. The double date with Cain and Ben being the only exception.

"Where did you find this guy?" Alana sighed, not surprised to see Rosie's face brighten.

"You'll love him. I met him a couple of days ago and I instantly thought of you because he was just your type." Noticing that her friend was giving her minimal information, Alana felt herself beginning to question whether it was such a great idea.

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