Chapter Thirty

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"You would never guess, Alana! I'm engaged! Ben proposed to me last night!" Rosie shrieked on the other end of the phone. Alana smiled easily, leaning back into her comfortable black office chair as she swiveled around.

"Congratulations! How did he do it?" Alana foreigned excitement.

"It was amazing." Rosie breathed and Alana chuckled, imagining her friend's love stricken expression.

"He took me to Los Angeles for the weekend to celebrate our two year anniversary. I told you that he was taking me there didn't I? Well he treated me like a princess, as always, wining and dining me. Since I'm short on time, I'll just get straight to the point. He took me to a Mexican place on Sunday, I can't remember what it was called, but we danced and we ate their delicious food and then he just asked me!" Rosie explained in a rush.

"And then you were like, I fell in love with you the moment I met you, of course I'll marry you!" Alana guessed in an exaggerated high pitched voice.

"No, I didn't say that and I don't talk like that." Rosie grumbled.

"Actually I started crying and then he quickly stood up and the music stopped playing and everything. I felt like a complete idiot but I was so happy! I did say yes of course, after the irritating water works." Rosie remembered making Alana laugh. She was not surprised that her friend had started crying. That was just how Rosie was when she was surprised.

"You're going to help me plan the wedding, you know that right?" Rosie quizzed and Alana tapped her black pen against her mahogany desk.


"Would you like to be my maid of honour?"


"Oh my gosh! We have to go wedding dress shopping!"

"You're acting as if the wedding is going to be tomorrow," Alana giggled, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Well I'm just excited. Anyway, I'll call you later on tonight, I have to get back to work... I can't believe that I'm engaged!" Rosie cried.

"Well you are, so no more booty calls with any other men, young lady." Alana joked.

"That's one thing that I'm going to miss," Rosie said sarcastically and Alana could imagine her rolling her eyes.

"I'll speak to you later," she added before the two women hung up. That conversation had been over a year ago which meant that Alana had been living in Florida for over two years. A very long time.

Since the afternoon that Rosie had informed Alana about her engagement, the two women had been planning every detail and all of their hard work would be seen in less than a month's time. Travelling back and forth had not been a problem for Alana considering that when she had accepted the job she had been given a car and was finally able to put her driving skills to work. That meant although she had left, just as Bobby had said, she was able to visit as often as she could afford.

Almost two and a half years. It had been enough time to allow Alana to discover herself and work her way up, just as she had wanted. After a year of working at Glamorous Events, she had been promoted from an assistant event planner, to an event planner with an assistant and so had the opportunity to work with wonderful people, up close, everyday. Even though she loved her job she could not wait to take a break in order to be a part of her best friend's wedding and help the magic happen.

"Are you sure that you have everything?" Alana's mother wondered, her dark, almost black eyes watching her as she handed Alana the straighteners which she had left on her bed.

"Thank you. I think I've remembered everything." Alana assured her, after all, she had made a list and stuck by it so everything she needed should have been packed.

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