Chapter Thirteen

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She had been so sure that she would marry him. He was just her type; dark brown hair which flopped lazily over the top of his forehead, warm chocolate brown eyes and he didn't mind the fact that she wanted to keep her virtue until marriage.

"How have you been?" Will wondered, smiling widely at her. It almost seemed to Alana as though he had missed her, whether it was simply as a friend then a girlfriend, Alana did not mind. After all, it had been a year since they had broken up, so Alana was extremely happy to see him.

"I've been good. How have you been?" Alana replied, returning his friendly smile. Glancing to her left, where a woman sat in front of him, Alana realised that it was in fact his sister. Her lips were set in the same exact grim line that Alana remembered when she had first met her.

"Hi Chloe, I'm sorry, I didn't see you sitting there." Alana apologised, simply earning a grunt as Chloe rolled her eyes dismissively.

"I've been really good. How come your working here? What happened to your job at Perfect Events?" Will queried to Alana's displeasure. How could she forget?

"Well, that's a story for another day." Alana answered with a shrug as his brown eyes continued to watch her, as though soaking her in again. She had almost missed the way that he used to stare at her intently when someone made her upset. Almost missed it.

"Well we'll just have to set a date for that. I'd like to catch up." Will stated, his lips returning back to their friendly smile.

"I'd like that."

"Is your number the s---?" Will began, only to be drowned out by a deeper, more adamant voice.

"Could I borrow her for a second?" Cain asked, not waiting for an answer as he pulled Alana into the kitchen. Alana's heart rate increased as she realised that she had been caught and it was obvious that he was not happy.

"I thought I told you to ---,"

"I was bored of being at home. I needed to do something productive, I mean, it's been three days!" Alana defended whilst attempting to ignore the glare that he was giving her. His grip on her arm had not loosened and she was afraid that if he did not calm down, it would only tighten. She could not help but notice how he hovered over her menacingly in his police uniform and was sure that the other workers were watching their confrontation.

"You could have at least answered your phone!"

"I don't have it on me."

"Alana, you're killing me here." Cain growled, raking a hand through his hair as he glanced over at his sister who was approaching them.

"Don't worry about her, Cain. If she feels dizzy or anything, I'll make sure to send her home right away." Casey interrupted.

"If you take me home, you'll never hear the end of it. I don't want to go." Alana informed him stubbornly. A couple of seconds went past as Cain's darkened hazel eyes watched her.

"You have to leave an hour early and I'll call to check, do you understand?" Cain sighed, his protectiveness proving to be an issue for him.

"Thank you ,Sir," Alana beamed as Cain gave his sister a stern look before leaving the kitchen.

"I think you should get back to work then." Casey pushed, shouting at her eavesdropping staff to get back to work.

Cain had sighed a breath of relief when he had caught sight of Alana happily serving customers, but at the same time, had not been happy to find her there. She was like another little sister to him so he tried his best to protect her but she never seemed to listen. Only God knew what she would think when she realised that he had broken her front door...He had assumed that she had passed out when she had not answered it and so busted the door down, only to realise that she was not even there.

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