Chapter Twenty Four

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  • Dedicated to To all of my supportive fans who have helped me along the way

Cain had definitely not expected to see her there. Just when he had thought that he was going to have a peaceful, fun date, he caught sight of her honey brown hair and heard her laugh across the room in the quiet restaurant. He knew though, that his date was about to become a whole lot more eventful.

He quickly excused himself and made his way over, hoping that he had not mistaken her for someone else. If he had, he definitely needed to get her out of his mind. However, when she froze underneath his touch, he was certain that it was her before even seeing her face. Slowly turning around, Alana's large dark brown eyes met his and Cain easily smirked down at her. For once she had her hair down and Cain was finally able to see the softness of it as it cascaded down her back. Her skin was also now visible considering that her shoulders were exposed, allowing Cain to admire her silky soft, fair skin which he had placed his hand upon. He was surprised to say the least at how she was dressed and wondered why she would not dress like that for him but would for a stranger who Cain had not yet even addressed.

"What are you doing here?" Alana growled quietly before turning back round to her date.

"Sorry Troy. This is Cain, Cain, this is Troy. He's a friend," Alana informed her date, referring to Cain. With a brief nod and a hello, Cain's quickly sized the man up and realised that he looked a bit like Alana's ex-boyfriend, Will. They both had boring brown hair that was combed back into Cain's most hated hairstyle, with brown eyes. They even appeared to have the same personality and behaved in the same manner as they attempted to be 'caring.' It was obviously the type of men that she went for, Cain noticed.

"I'm actually here on a date too. Don't worry, I'm not stalking you." Cain smiled, noticing a tiny bit of relief on her features, maybe at the fact that he was not staying. Although, he wanted to. If not only to watch over her date to see if he was suitable, to have a good time with Alana also. The somewhat agitated look on her face allowed Cain to know that since she did not want him there, it would be even more entertaining to stay.

"How about we have a double date. Would you mind?" Cain wondered, finally taking her date into account.

"I --," Troy started only to get interrupted by Cain.

"Brilliant! Excuse me! Could we add a table and two chair please!" Cain called to the closest waiter, catching his attention with the clicking of his fingers. He could care less if the waiter was offended considering that it was his job to help and listen to his customers. How else was Cain going to get their attention? By holding his hand up like a teenager and waiting for his turn. No way.

"Cain, I don't think that this is necessary," Alana commented. Looking down, Cain simply flashed a smile in her direction, not surprised when she rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm really sorry about this, Troy. If I had any idea that he was coming, I would have made sure that we weren't here," Alana apologised. This time it was Cain's turn to roll his eyes.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure we'll still have a great date," Troy replied, smiling at her as she smiled back. It almost made Cain want to throw up. Alana was obviously buying his cheesy pick up lines. She was too sweet and innocent to notice.

"Cain, is everything okay?" Someone asked from behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, Cain realised that Sophie had followed him to the table, her striking violet eyes watching him before shifting towards the table and freezing on someone. Following her gaze, Cain noticed that her eyes were locked with Alana's date. They either knew each other or were attracted to each other and if it was the latter, Cain was most definitely offended. The same waiter Cain had called earlier, had now set up the extra table and chairs, extending Alana's so that it could now seat four.

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