Chapter Nineteen

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"Cain, we really need to go into Forever 21 to see if there's anything that she might like." Alana complained, stopping Cain as they wandered aimlessly through the mall. He was looking for a present for his little sister, Jennifer and he had no clue what to get her which was why he had dragged her along, literally.

An hour earlier, Alana had been stretched out on her leather sofa at home watching Tv. Hearing a knock on her door, she opened it and was more than surprised to see a stressed, weary Cain who insisted that she threw on some shoes and helped him with 'something.' Here they were.

"Do you know what? You go in there and I'll go into River Island. Call me if you see anything." Cain stated and just like that he and Alana went their separate ways. Forever 21 was not too far away from where she was standing and Alana casually began to make her way there. When she met Jennifer, she had noticed that she had both a laid back, yet girly type of personality and so Alana wondered whether she would appreciate a dress with some cute accessories, but to be honest, she could hardly be sure.

Unfortunately for her, she appeared to catch the attention of a tall, lanky man leaning along the glass barrier on the side of walk way. Suddenly, Alana was not walking alone.

"Hey," the man said, his deep voice causing Alana to frown. She was not in the mood for his or any other man's cheesy pick up lines. His orange dyed hair, far too large jeans and baseball shirt made him appear somewhat unattractive. The fact that he looked double her age and was as pale as a vampire did not help him.

"No thanks," Alana declined, instantly and politely as she walked faster, Forever 21 only a couple of feet away from her.

"I just want to know your name," he continued.

"No thanks," Alana repeated.

"Where are you going so fast?" He quizzed behind her.

"Into that shop," she answered quickly in an attempt to get away from him.

"I'll just wait for you outside then." He nodded, smiling at her. Horrified, Alana quickly ran into the shop. Surely he would not wait for her, she thought. Pushing it to the back of her mind, Alana began to look on the racks, looking for anything which caught her eye. Taking her phone out of her pocket after she had paid for a pair of gold statement earrings and a large eagle necklace, Alana called Cain, only to remember, only a foot away from the door, the man that had said that he would wait for her. She was sure that she had spent a good ten minutes in the store but she had no idea who the man was and whether he was one who fulfilled his promises.

"Did you find anything?" Cain questioned instantly, the voices around him almost drowning out his voice.

"Yes I did. Except there's a problem."

"What is it?" His gruff voice wondered, his tone turning almost business like.

"There was a man that followed me into Forever 21. I tried to ignore him but he kept talking to me and then said that he'd wait for me outside."

"Is he still there? I'm on my way now," Cain stated, his voice now sharper.

"I'm not sure. I can't see him."

"Alana, you really need to be more observant." Cain insisted.

"Come outside." He did not need to tell her twice.

Walking outside, Alana looked left and right and seeing no one familiar, smiled.

"Hey, c'mon," a deep voice called her from behind. Glancing behind her, the smile that had been on her lips only seconds ago, vanished. He really did not have anything better to do.

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