Chapter 8 - Morning's With Kenn

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***Niall's POV*** 


"Oops." I heard somebody whisper  not far from me. I stirred, realizing that I was still in Kennedi's house, on her couch. I looked around, seeing the TV on Channel 6 news. Then it hit me. I rememered the last fifteen minutes of my night, ending with a naked Kennedi, and a trip to the bathroom


"Niall, let go." I heard someone whisper, and I turned around, avoiding the noise. I heard a sigh, and then looked at my surroundings. Kennedi had covered me up with a blanket and placed a pillow beneath my head. I felt safe, with Kennedi near me. Wow, Niall. You're turning into a girl. 

"Thank you." I managed to spit out, and she turned to look at me and smiled. She turned back to the hallway once my eyes fell closed and headed to her room. 

"Man, I gotta pee." I grumbled, shoving the blanket beside me and lifting myself up. I groaned, realizing how tired I was. 

Walking down the hall, I heard movement coming from Kennedi's room. Sounds like she wasn't rea'dy to go to bed yet. I looked at my watch, which read 12:15. I am most definitely not a night person. I peeked in her door to say hi and thank her again for giving me the blanket and pillow, when I heard a shriek as I looked in.

Jumping, I looked at what she was screaming at and noticed she didn't appear to be wearing clothing. Standing there in her panties and bra, I quickly apologized and ran down the hallway into the bathroom. I slammed the door, and stayed in there for awhile before sneaking out and back onto the couch.

I was not looking forward to the morning.

*End of Flashback*

I got up, and started walking down the hallway to the bathroom, not even looking in the door to Kennedi's room, though I knew she was in the kitchen. Hopefully clothed.

Closing the door behind me, I looked in the mirror and jumped a bit. My hair looked wild, and I had sleepy seeds all over my eyes. Gross.

Knock knock

"Niall, do you want pancakes or waffles for breakfast?" A tired Kennedi asked through the door, and I thought of what to answer. Should I offer to make them? Nah, I'm her guest.

"Pancakes, please!" I said, sounding like a little kid. She laughed, and I heard her footsteps travel back up the hallway. I splashed water onto my face, making sure to get all the crud off my eyes. Boy was I tired, with stupid Buckwild playing all night long.

I grabbed the towel on the side of the sink, not caring if I shouldn't use it to wipe off my face. She'll never notice. I also took her comb, making myself at home since she wasn't able to see me. I looked pretty good by the time I was done, but I'm sure she'll know I used something to make my hair look a bit better than normal bed-head.

I unlocked the door and walked outside into the hallway. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for an awkward moment. Stay calm, Nialler. Everything's okay. She likes Lou, anyways. You're too good for her, think of it that way. Sure.

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked, leaning on the kitchen doorframe. She jumped a little, not realizing I was there. 

"No, I got it. But thanks for offering." She said, yawning into her palm. I smiled and nodded, plopping down on the couch while grabbing my phone off of the stand next to me.

Turning my phone on, I set it on the stand while it warmed up. I felt kind of bad for turning it off, I mean, what if Lou tried calling or something and I didn't answer? He probably wasn't worried though, he was pissed at me. 

Well, if it's a weeping, and a mourning, and a gnashing of teeth...

I quickly picked up my phone and slid the lock screen, the noise of Mercy ringing through the room. Kennedi stood at the doorway, looking at me oddly, "It's my phone." I said, and she nodded, going back to work. 

"Hello?" I quietly said into the receiver, and I heard a sigh come from the other side of the phone. I looked at the screen, and it said Boobear. Lou. I hoped he was willing to forgive me, or apologize, or whatever, so I wouldn't have to fight with him in front of Kennedi.

"Where the hell are you, Niall? I have been calling you all night, worried sick! I don't mean to sound like your parent, but you could've been killed or something and I wouldn't have known! Seriously, Niall. You could have kept your phone on, you twat!" Louis practically yelled. Kennedi must have heard screaming from my phone, because she was standing at the entryway of the kitchen.

"Everything alright?" She mouthed to me, and I put my hands up in an okay sign. I hoped everything would be alright.

"Sorry, Lou. I was frustrated." I said, not being able to think of anything else to say. Great. I'm in big trouble, alright. When Louis Tomlinson gets mad, he gets mad. Really mad.

"You never answered my question. Where. The. Hell. Are. You?" Louis said, his voice lingering in the receiver. After fighting about liking Kennedi, could I really tell him I was at her house? I think not.

"I'm at, erm, Eric's." I said, and Kennedi's eyes went wide. Clearly she was not used to lies.

"Oh, okay. When are you going to be ho-" Louis was saying, but then Kennedi grabbed the phone out of my hand, and I attacked her trying to get it back.

"Don't you dare!" I whispered as quietly as I could, holding Kennedi's arms down as we were lying on the floor. I was not about to have Louis get mad at me a second time, and especially not because of Kennedi.

Kennedi bit my forearm and I screeched, letting her go. "Hi, Louis, this is Kennedi. Niall's at my place, hanging out for awhile..... Yeah, he's not at Eric's........ Don't be mad at him, please. I don't know what you were fighting about, but-" Kennedi stopped, and her eyes widened. She pushed herself away from me and stood up. Uh oh. Was Louis telling her what they were fighting about!? Oh, God no!

"Oh, I see. Ok, Lou.... Erm, thanks... Bye." She said, pressing the hang up button on the touch screen. Her cheeks instantly turned red, and she walked back into the kitchen to pour more batter on the stove.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath. Louis is so dead when he gets home! He's going to- 

Well, if it's a weeping and a mourning and a gnashing of teeth, if it's a weeping and a mourning and a gnash-

From: Boobear!

You fucking liar! Why the hell would you say you were at Eric's!? I would have been slightly more okay with you at Kennedi's if you hadn't LIED to me! What the hell Niall.

Shit. I'm dead.


I realize this chapter is shorter than short can be, but I seriously don't feel like writing anymore. Next chapter will be better, I was just in a rush to get this one out. Ehh, thanks guys<3


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