Chapter 2- Mom's Thoughts

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Chapter 2

***Laurie's POV (Kennedi's mom)***

"Honey, I just can't think straight. That's another two friends lost. They think she's crazy!" I said, reading the text that Kennedi had sent me. My husband was shaking his head into the palm of his hands. We have been so stressed ever since 'Harry' came back from college.

"She is crazy, Laurie! She's crazy! This therapist isn't helping her at all! Nothing will!" He yelled and walked to our room. This imaginary friend has been ruining our families bond since Kenn was thirteen.

From: Kennedi

Mom, Jill and Addie haven't talked to me for a week! What am I going to do? Harry has been making me feel better, taking me to dinner, and movie nights. I just don't know. He's a great friend, but I'd like more than one great friend.... Do you know anybody?

She was driving my husband nuts.... and she was starting to drive me not just nuts, but insane! All I could think about was Kennedi and how she was doing. As parents, we should visit her often at her house, but we don't, because all we end up doing is 'talking to Harry'. I wish we could catch her while he was out.. but he's never out when we get there, because she controls him because he is her.

From: Mum

Sweetie, Harry IS. NOT. REAL. That's why Addie and Jill left you! He isn't real, and you were scaring them. End of story, I will be over later to drop off some bread that I made.

I hated to yell at her like that, but I had no choice. She has driven me to the point that I can't even have a normal conversation with her. It always ends up her telling me about something that has to do with Harry and then I start yelling. She doesn't even get it, it's like she's in Kindergarten when it comes to him!

From: Kennedi


I started to cry into my phone. My husband reappeared in the kitchen and sat next to me, cuddling me. I didn't know what we ever did to her to make her think she needed to have an imaginary friend! I don't even know if it was because of us. She always seemed to have a lot of friends in school, they always came over and played. She always went over to their houses, too. Why would she need someone imaginary when she had real people?

"It's okay, Laurie. She'll get over this, someday. Someday she will realize she needs real people, because truthfully, she's lonely there all by herself. She'll get bored of him someday." He said and I glared at him.

"She has been dreaming of this Harry for her whole life, Jim! What makes you think she is going to give him up suddenly soon, when she hasn't for her WHOLE LIFE? Harry is going to be her imaginary husband, with imaginary kids, and when she grows old, imaginary cats!" I said and started bawling. What was there left to try?

We've been through therapy, we went to the parent meetings, we've even talked to a FAMILY therapist! There was nothing else! Our last therapist called yesterday saying she was hopeless. Most therapists don't get a chance to say that often!

"You never know what will happen. She's only been at her new place for a few months. She will get lonely soon." He said, still very calmly. That's what I love about him, always trying to look at the upside.

"Exactly! She'll get lonely, which will trigger Harry some more!" I said and he looked thoughtful. He realized what I said was right. He left the room once again, and the phone started ringing. If it was Kennedi I don't know what I would do.

I picked up the receiver, "Hello?" I said and I heard a sweet, pleasant voice coming from the other side of the line.

"Hi Laurie! How are you doing?" My mother's cheerful voice rang through the phone. I didn't feel like talking to her right now. She was too cheery, especially when she knows her granddaughter is in need of mental help.

"I'm not doing too well, the Harry thing is getting stronger. I can't talk for long, though. I have to start dinner soon." I lied. I had already made dinner, it was cooling a bit on the stove.

"Oh dear.. I tried talking to her but she said I was in on the prank that you and Jim are playing on her. She doesn't talk to me anymore. Do you know how hard that is? How's Cale?" She asked. Why does she ask such hard questions? I don't know! How is Cale?

"I don't know. Last time I talked to Cale he told me we were all crazy, and that he was busy studying and couldn't talk." Which isn't a complete lie. He was in college studying, but I didn't want to repeat the words that he said to my own mother.

"Oh. Well, I'll let you go cook dinner. Talk to you later, and I love you, and same to Jim." She said and I returned the love and hung up.

My husband put a plate of meatloaf and some milk on the table in front of me. I pushed it away, and he frowned at me.

"Honey, you haven't eaten anything all day, and you love meatloaf. We can't do anything about Kennedi. If she's happy, we should be happy too." He said. I sighed, I guess he was right. I couldn't do anything about Kenn, she would have to do it herself.

I ate dinner, but only because my husband was watching me. I went to bed right afterwards even though it was only seven thirty.

I sent a quick text to Kennedi before I fell asleep though.

From: Mom

I love you, no matter what. <3


thanks for reading everyone !


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