Chapter 14 - Guess Who's Back

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Oh my gosh I just have to say one thing before this chapter starts: I know I may not have too many readers, but I love all of you! When you guys comment sometimes saying how much you want me to update I feel so awesome.:D You guys are the best!(:


**Niall's POV**

"Oh hey, Niall! I haven't seen you in forever, how you doing nowadays?" Someone said from behind me, and I turned to see Lucy, one of my old friends from Ireland. She smiled at me and ran down the isle in the grocery store and hugged me, pushing me backwards a little.

"Lucy? Oh my gosh, it's so nice to see you! I'm doing good, I've moved into my girlfriends apartment which is like a half an hour from my old place." I said, and she gasped.

"You have a girlfriend!? Goodness! I haven't seen you in a year or so and you're already in a serious relationship! So, who is she?" Lucy asked, giving me a playful face.

"You must remember her. Kennedi Hastings, my best friend in highschool? I know you two have met before." I said, and she gasped once again.

"Kennedi!? I always knew you two would end up together! Everyone always knew! At the highschool reunion people are going to flip dip!" She said, and her phone buzzed. As she looked at her phone, I looked at the shelf and picked up some dill pickles, putting them in the cart.

"Well, I gotta run, but call me sometime, I'd love to meet up with you guys again!" Lucy said, quickly writing her phone number on a piece of scrap paper and giving it to me. 

"Will do! Kenn will be thrilled to know I met up with you." I said, and she hugged me and again, I fell backwards a little bit, and this time I fell into someone.

"Cya!" Lucy said, not realizing what had happened. I waved and turned around to the person behind me to apologize.

"Sorry mate, I-" I turned around to look at the person I bumped to see it was Louis. We hadn't really talked since I moved in with Kennedi, so this was a tad bit of an awkward moment. "Oh, hey Lou. How ya doin'?" 

Louis put on a fake smile, "Oh, Niall. I'm doing fantastic, how about you?" He said, basically through gritted teeth. I felt bad because I actually did steal Lou's girl.. He totally had dibs. 

"I'm doing okay." I said, pretending to look at the shelves so it wouldn't be so totally awkward.

"That's good. So, where are you guys living nowadays?" Louis asked, his mood perking up. He must have realized how silly he was being about this. He can't change the way things are. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

"We're still living in Kennedi's apartment. It's a pretty nice place, we aren't planning on moving anytime soon." I said, and Louis nodded, smiling.

"Yeah, it is quite a nice place. We'll have to hang out sometimes. I know we haven't been talking lately, but I've realized now that I didn't really have true feelings for Kennedi. I just wanted more friends. You were awesome to hang with, don't get me wrong, but I wanted a girl friend to talk to about, well, girls. I don't know, I'm sorry for ruining our friendship, mate." Louis sighed, and I looked away from the shelves to him. It seemed sort of corny, but I'm glad he was atleast over this.

"It's fine, everythings okay now. You should hang out with us sometime! We don't do too awful much, so we're free alot. You must still have my number, text whenever you'd like to come over or something." I replied, and Louis perked up a lot. Like a weight had been lifted off of him. I was pretty happy, too.

"Sweet! Well, I gotta run, but I'll text you maybe later tonight or something!" He said, punching my arm playfully and I nodded as he walked away.

Po up, drank, head shot, drank, sit down, drank, stand up, drank, pass out, drank, wake up, dra- 

"Hello?" I said into my phone, it was Kennedi.

"Hey Niall, are you still in the store? We need some more milk, too." She said through the speaker, and I couldn't wait to tell her all that had happened.

"Yeah, I'll get some. Guess who I ran into? First, I ran into Lucy from Ireland, remember when you two met that time? You seemed to get along good so I invited her to hang with us sometime. Then, I literally ran into Louis and he apologized for trying to break us up and everything. He wants to start hanging out with us again, too!" I babbled on, Kennedi obviously listening now that she heard Louis.

"Wait a second. Louis just randomly apologized? That's sort of weird, Niall, don't you think?" She asked, and I got a little annoyed because she wasn't as excited as I was about this.

"No, I know Lou, he doesn't like fighting with people." I said, and she sighed.

"Okay, well maybe Lou and Lucy could meet and then maybe they'd get together more often? Double dates!" She said, perking up, and I gasped.

"Oh my gosh that'd be so awesome!" I squeaked through the phone.

"Haha, yeah! Well, I'll see you when you get home. Remember the milk! Love you." She said, and I returned the love you and assured her I'd get the milk.

Finally, my life was starting to pull itself back together for the good. I was so excited to fill Lou in on all the things that had been happening to me.

**Louis' POV**

Seeing Niall today was great. I miss just us two hanging out together, as best friends. No girls in the way.. Although, that's going to be different now, isn't it?

But not if I can help it. 

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