Chapter 10 - The Meeting

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Wooooo ten chapters! *confetti* o_o Soo here's the meeting Kennedi mentioned in the last chapter... after this... I'm out of ideaas. To my four readeers, hi(:haveaniceday

**Kennedi's POV**

Knock knock knock 

"Come in!" I yelled down the hallway. Louis burst through the door, taking his shoes off swiftly and landing on the couch. Wow. Touchy.

"Hey, Lou. What's up?" I said casually, filling in the awkward silence. He looked at me, flaring, and then turned back to the TV where my recorded episodes of Buckwild were playing on repeat. 

He didn't have to ignore me

Knock knock knock knock knock, knock knock

Niall. "Come in!" I yelled again, and Louis sighed. I hadn't exactly prepared for today, so I decided to just wing it. Telling them the truth is all I can do. It might hurt both of them, but we need to get things back on track. I am not going to be the one to ruin their friendship. I have a friend who did that, and she turned into a jerk. Not going to be me...

"Hey, Kenn." Niall said, looking from Louis to me. Louis glared at the TV, and Niall took of his sneakers, joining Lou on the couch. Ohmigosh, holy awkward.

"Oh, maybe I should move so you two can sit next to each other." Louis sassily retorted, and Niall flared his arms in the air. I don't blame him. What's Louis' problem? He needs to get a hold of himself and stop acting like a five year old when he doesn't get to sit on the special carpet square.

"Louis, you seriously need to stop acting like a child. Get ahold of yourself! This meeting is about all of us. Not me and Niall, not me and Louis, and not Louis and Niall. Got it? Ok. I'm in charge, ok? Get it? Got it? Good." I said, taking charge. I sat down in the love seat across from the couch, and Niall and Louis' eyes went wide. I felt sort of magical.

"Ok, I'm tired of you two fighting, and its gotten to the point where I literally have no clue what to do! So here's the thing: Until one of you can learn to face some facts and get over yourself or your mate, I'm not dating either of you. Yes, I will admit, I did like Niall. But that doesn't mean I don't like you, Louis, because I don't know you all that well. Are there any questions before I move on?" I ended, and Louis and Niall looked outraged. 

"Yes, I do Kennedi. I was just wondering why Niall had to RUIN MY LIFE." Louis said, raising his voice at every word. Niall was tearing up already, and what Louis said made it worse. Niall wiped a tear from his cheek quietly, while Louis calmed down at the sight of him. 

"Louis! How could say I would want to ruin your life!? We're best mates! We need to settle this." Niall said, like he just realized my own realization. 

We all just sat there for a moment, taking all of what had been said in. 

Louis, of course, was the first to pipe up, "I got an idea Niall! How about we just don't hang out with this chick, anymore? She's ruining our lives, and we were better off without her. Remember Carly? She was into you, man. And her sisters a cutie." Louis said, emphasizing his hatred toward me. My jaw hung low. How could he do this to me!? We couldn't even just be friends with benefits? Niall couldn't possibly go along with this.

Niall looked at me, then back to Louis, "Yeah, mate, let's get out of here." He said, like he was in a daze. Louis practically dragged him out of the apartment, leaving me by myself. 

**3 hours later**

"Everything'll be alright, darling. They clearly aren't real friends to you, right? I mean, I would never do such a thing to you. I love you. And you love me." Harry said, laying with me in my bed. I nodded, taking another tissue from my nightstand. I still couldn't put through my head all that had happened today. 

"Why, though?" I asked him, staring at the wall. Four tack holes. Five. Six. Seven. Eight..

"Because they're arsehole's." He answered, and I nodded. I suppose he's right. They are arse's for what they did to me... Nine. Ten. Eleven... 

Excuse me, miss. What's your name? I don't wanna tell you the same old thang..

"It's Niall." I said to Harry. "Hello?" I spoke into the receiver, and I heard huffing. Loud huffing. What was going on? Although.. I didn't care..

"Hey dere girl. Whatcha doin now? Gettin it on with that ghost bud of yours? Oh wait, it's an imaginary friend ain't it! Hahaha, ah, I'm just kiddin yea. But you would know what kidding means wouldn't you? You kid about liking me, you kid about real and not real things. Piece of shite!" Niall slurred. Well isn't he just the bees knees, all up in da club, arseholed.

Suddenly, another familiar voice spoke, "You twat! Why you talking to his SLUT? Haha! I was just-" Click. That voice was Louis.. Calling me a slut... I broke down, black tears smearing all over my freshly washed pillow. It didn't add up. Why was Niall being like this? 

Harry sighed, like he truly didn't know how to get me through this one. I didn't blame him, I didn't even know how to get myself through this one. I guess that's reasoning for why he didn't. 

"Harry..." I spoke softly, and I buried my face into his chest. Why me? After all I'd been through with Niall, he does this to me? Just at the blink of an eye? How could he?

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