Chapter 11 - From Bad to Worse

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Sorry if this chapter sucks.. xD

Ok I'll get to it.

~The next morning~

***Niall's POV***

I was awoken by the sound of a mixer, probably coming from the kitchen. I sat up, and immediately fell back onto the bed. My head was killing me.. What happened last night?

"Lou?" I shouted, grasping my forhead just at the sound of my own voice. Hangover, much? I don't even remember what club we went to.. If we even went to a club..

No respond came from Louis, he was too busy mixing whatever he was mixing. I looked at my phone to see if I had sent any drunk texts last night. I'm kind of known for that. I looked at my phone and saw that I had called Kennedi. Oh God.

Shit! I forgot to text her last night and explain myself.. Only to call her when I was drunk! Imagine what you could have said to her Niall.. Oh God. Oh God oh God oh God. I need to talk to her, like right now!

I looked at the clock, 10:32. I could ask Kennedi to lunch, but I don't think she'd want to deal with me. I guess I'm just going to have to text her or something. Niall, look what you done now!

To: Kenndawg>:D

Hey Kenn... Did I happen to call you last night? I'm a bit hungover... and I have a lot of explaining to do.. :/

I decided to play innocent.... even though I actually was. She'd never believe me.. let alone forgive me! What am I going to do?

From: Kenndawg>:D

Niall, don't even fucking talk 2 me. Done with u, + louis

Shit! Now what? I have to do something, I mean, she might be the love of my life....

No time for relationship thinking right now, Niall! You can barely stay friends with her!

"Hey Niall, whaddup!" Louis said to me as I rushed into the kitchen, and I glared at him. For the moment, forget him. He got me into this mess. Getting me all drunk and whatnot.. And I bet he did it on purpose, so he could call Kennedi for me so I'd say something nasty. That little cu-

"Where are you going?" Louis' expression became very serious as he saw me rushing out the door, barely dressed. I flipped him the bird and continued running out of the door, until I came to the car. I jumped inside and turned it on. Oh Lord, what if Kennedi never forgives me? This is terrible. Maybe I should just forget her. I mean, it'd probably be a lot easier on her.

***Kennedi's POV****

I'm going nuts without Niall being here with me. 

He texted me this morning, acting all innocent like he hadn't done shit. I told him I was done with him and that he shouldn't even bother speaking to me again, but I hoped he wouldn't give up so easily. I hoped he cared enough to come after me, but it's been all day and he hasn't came for me..

Kennedi, you need to get your mind off of him! Turn on the news and relax..

"Hello, and welcome to the Channel 6 News! Just today, a young boy was found in the gutter on the side of the street. He seemed to have been in a rush to get somewhere when he just lost control and flew off the side of the road. He goes by the name Niall Horan and is in the hospital in critical condition. With a broken leg, collarbone, and a slight hint of amnesia, doctors don't know how he will make out."

This can't be happening. This can't be happening! SERIOUSLY!

I need to get to the hospital. Now and fast! If Niall.... dies.... I might never get to tell him I'm sorry, and that I still love him. It would haunt me forever.

Jesus, why does this always happen to me!? Isn't it bad enough I have Harry still lurking around, parents who hate having a mental daughter like me, and two boys fighting over me? Now I have to deal with one of those boys possible death?


Sorry for the long wait.. dude i hate writing this story. it sucks, man. it just sucks. Anyways, sorry its short and sorry its boring. Meh.

Another chapter out at some point.. can't promise soon o_o


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