Chapter 5 - She'll Be Mine

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If you guys hadn't noticed, I am now starting to make the chapter titles a clue/hint to oncoming chapters(; you're welcome, loves. Seemings I don't update as often as I should/want to, I've decided to give you guys a little less stress and help you out. So starting with the last chapter, I said he's the answer (something like that?) what do you guys think I mean? 

Whoever guesses right gets a dedication and a shout out!(;

***Niall's POV****

"Niall, can I talk to you for a second?" Louis said as I laughed to myself. They are so in love, and they just met! Oh how they make me titter.

"Yup." I said, and led Louis into the kitchen. As soon as I walked through the kitchen door and it swung shut, Louis smacked me one right on the left cheek.

"What in bloody hell!?" I quietly shrieked. If there was a problem, I sure as heck didn't see it! I'm trying to push them towards each other, while creating hilarious awkward moments in betw- Oh. Oh, yeah, I now see the problem. I deserved the slap.

"Dude, why would you bring me with you?! I mean, of course, I'm glad you did, because she's quite attrac- No. Not what I meant. She clearly doesn't want to talk about this embarrassing imaginary boy in front of some stranger she's never even met. Are you crazy? I'm either leaving right now or we can just chill and you can come back another time. Your choice!" Louis said, and he looked pissed. Okay, oops, I made a mistake. Big deal!

I was avoiding Louis' eyes and saw a nice cake sitting on the counter. Why hello, Mr. Cake. I'm Niall.

No, Niall. Focus.

"I'm sorry! We can just hang this time. I haven't seen her since tenth grade, we need catching up time. We can talk like tomorrow or some other. You guys are so meant for each other! Ask for her number bro!" I said, and he smiled, his cheeks forming a reddish pink. 

"I know.. She's beautiful. I never thought I would meet someone this early, but she's perfect. No- No. I don't know what I'm saying, I've barely said five words to her! I don't know, Niall. We'll see." Louis said, and I nodded. He started walking back into the living room and I ran over and grabbed the cake, joining him.

***Louis' POV***

As I was walking back into the living room, I realized I didn't want to walk in first. Turning around, I found out Niall wasn't even behind me, but I was already in Kennedi's sight.

"Hi. Is everything alright?" She said in her sweet, soft tone. Immediately I felt my face heating up and nodded, a squeaky 'Yup.' coming from my mouth. Oh, Lord, why is she so gorgeous?

As if I was saved by the bell, Niall burst throught the door with what appeared to be a chocolate cake in his hand. We both looked at him and he smiled.

"You guys been making out?" Niall said, and Kennedi gasped while my jaw dropped. Niall, I don't like to swear, but dafuq bro? Are you that stupid? It's like we hadn't even talked five seconds ago!

"Niall! What the frick!" Kennedi said, and Niall burst out laughing, while sending chocolate cake out of his mouth. Sick. I'm sure glad him and Kennedi weren't dating. That would be a shame.

"LOL I think I have to go to the bathroom. Kennedi, where are the bathroom quarters?" Niall said, stifling a laugh. Mother of God, just five minutes alone with her is too much. What if I spazz, what if I say something stupid? Worse, what if I get- 

Kennedi sighed, "Down the hall and to the right, Niall. Make. It. Quick." Signalling to Niall to get out of the freaking bathroom as soon as he could, Niall ran towards the hallway.

"You have a nice apartment." I said to fill in the already awkward moment. She smiled, a beautiful smile may I add, and thanked me. Woo. I'm so amazing at making conversations. COME ON LOUIS TOMLINSON, THERE IS A CONVERSATION INSIDE YOU READY TO BURST.

"You know, I really think it's okay you have an imaginary friend." I let out. Oh, Lou, not that conversation!

"Erm, uh, thanks. I'm, uh, trying to, erm, get it off my back, ehem, shall I say." She said, and her face flushed again. Oh great, Lou. Your going to make her cry. No, no! Not waterworks! Anything but waterworks!

She sniffed, "I feel like such a loser. I know you don't think it's okay, you probably think I'm some freak." There they are. Waterworks. Tears streamed down her rosey red cheeks, and I didn't know whether to hug her or just stand there like an idiot. Okay, I know we just met, but I'd rather not stand there like an idiot.

I walked over and put my arms around her, embracing her in a big hug, "No, I don't. It's okay, love. We all have our odd secrets. Nothing to be ashamed of. Truthfully, I have an obsession over carrots. I can't go a day without eating one. Not one day!" I said, and she laughed. I let go of her, and then she frowned again. She likes the Tommo Hugs, eh?

"That's not the same. It's just carrots. It's normal to like or love carrots. It's normal for little kids to have imaginary friends. Not twenty year old women. Never the same. Never will be never has been." She said, and I sighed. I must tell her.

"Okay, you asked for it. One time, my mum was cooking dinner, and I was on the lou and I had an urge for a carrot. When you want something, you want it then and now. I started screaming, like literally screaming. Mum bursts in, probably thinking I slipped in the toilet or something, and she said, 'Lou, what's wrong?!' and I told her I needed a carrot. Of course, she was cooking a dinner with carrots, but I wanted one. She had to bring me a carrot so I could eat it while reading my Dinner Date magazine... On the toilet." I said, and sighed. She started laughing, and not just a pity laugh, but like laughing-her-ass-off laugh. I'm glad that story can cheer a unhappy girl up.

"Oh my gosh, really? You've got to be kidding me!" She said, still laughing like no other.

"One hundred percent true!" I said, laughing with her. (Hey guys, that story isn't real. Completely made up, I just had to make up one. ITS FAKE.) I wish it wasn't real, though. Whatever makes a beautiful girl happy though, right?

"Oh my gosh, that's hilarious!" She said, and her smile imediately faded. We were staring into each others eyes, damn were her's gorgeous. Big, dark brown eyes. Talk about gorgeous. Stare into them eyes and anybody would be tranced. 

We were about an inch apart, and still getting closer. What's happening, Lou. You don't know her, you can't do this. She might be a slut but you're not a player! I pulled away, and luckily Niall finally came back from his trip to the bathroom.

"What did I- Oh, oh, oh! What's going on here my homies?" Niall said, running over to where we were standing.

"Nothing. Nothing." I said, and I ran into the kitchen. 

I need to get out of here.



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