Chapter 5

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It passed a month since Cosmo came back alive, Tails enjoyed every single day he had with her, he took her on many dates and on 3 different trips, he brought her on some of the most beautiful places on Mobius.

Cosmo was feeling in paradise, and Tails never missed the chance to take a nice photo of them smiling together, he made a beautiful photo diary of them, he even framed the most beautiful photos and hanged them on the wall, however he still had in mind to end the project he was working on.

While Tails was working on that project, Cosmo, of course, wanted to fill her day, so sometimes she worked on the garden that Tails took for Sherry, sometimes she headed for her friends.

It was rare for her to have some time to spend with Sonic and Amy, since they're always outside dating eachother, so she usually passed the day with Cream.

A day Tails woke up first, he knew that his project was over, so he decided to use it, however it was still early, so he waited Cosmo to wake up.

Since it was going to be a wonderful day he decided to make breakfast for both of them, then he'll bring Cosmo outside for a nice date.

when he ended cooking the breakfasts Cosmo got up and reached him in the kitchen saying: "Hi Tails"

Tails: "Hey Cosmo, I got up early, so I wanted to prepare some breakfast"

Cosmo was happy that Tails prepared the breakfast for her too, but she said: "Shouldn't this be my job Tails?"

Tails answered: "Well, I want to be special for you today, and all for my beautiful girl, so..."

Cosmo noticed that something was strange in Tails that day, however she said: "How caring you are Tails"

Tails blushed and answered: "Everything for my dear" then he took the meals and placed them on the table, so they could sit and have a nice breakfast to start the day.

They both had a nice breakfast, meanwhile Cosmo asked: "So, what are we going to do today?"

Tails wanted to hide she was going to make her a beautiful surprise, however he told her: "Well, I think we can go see a movie Cosmo, what do you think as idea?"

Cosmo thought it was a wonderful idea, but before accepting she asked Tails what movie they were going to see.

Tails told her that they could go see "Inside Out", she had no idea what it talks about, Tails already knew something about that movie, but none of them wanted to spoil that movie, so they didn't search too many information about.


When they left the house and met both Amy and Sonic: "Hello guys"

Sonic: "Hi Tails, how are you?"

Tails: "Well, Cosmo is pretty, and I'm fine, so we're pretty fine Sonic"

They had a little laugh after that joke, Cosmo felt once again special for Tails, then Sonic asked: "what are you going to do?"

Tails: "I'm bringing Cosmo to the city, we'd like to see a movie, what about you?"

Amy: "We wanted to meet you, it's a long time we don't see you, I hope you're the same as always"

Cosmo hugged Tails and said: "He's always my lovely Tails"

Sonic was really happy to hear that, then he asked: "You know, maybe we could hang out together, what do you say?"

Tails didn't know what to say, he wanted to date Cosmo, just the 2 of them, he even had a surprise ready for her, but he decided to leave the choice to Cosmo and she said: "I'd like so much to spend the day with all you guys, I like the idea, what do you say Tails?"

Tails felt a bit disappointed, however she hided it and said: "Yeah, let's go"

So they headed to the city, they brought Cosmo to the city to visit many places, Tails secretly asked Sonic a favor and he accepted, they were going to avoid all romantic places, so Tails could bring her another time, just the 2 of them.

After a while Cosmo got a bit bored and asked: "What can we do now?"

Tails asked: "Are you bored Cosmo?"

Cosmo admitted she was a bit, so Tails took her by her hand and headed for an ice cream shop, Cosmo didn't understood what Tails meant and Tails just remembered that she still has no idea what an ice cream is, so he just say to trust him and she did.

Sonic liked the idea, so they went together to take an ice cream, Cosmo saw all those taste of ice cream and found them beautiful.

While Sonic, Tails and Amy already had an ice cream in their hands, Cosmo still couldn't choose the taste she wanted, so Tails offered her to try his ice cream, she accepted and loved the taste, she asked what do that taste was.

Tails: "That taste is one of my favourites, it's vanilla, do you like it?"

Cosmo answered him that he liked it, Tails allowed her to eat his ice cream and he took another.

When they ended eating ice cream, Cosmo got lost in her thought, she was thinking: "These things are called: "Ice ... Cream", and this good taste is "Vanilla""

Tails placed a hand around her and said: "What's wrong Cosmo, don't you like ice cream?"

Cosmo answered: "No, don't worry Tails, I love it", but Tails noted she was a bit lost, he avoided thinking about it.

Sonic: "Hey guys, what about we go see all together that movie?"

Tails answered: "That's a great idea, we're coming"

Tails took Cosmo's hand and headed for them, she followed him.

Sonic and Amy didn't know they were going to see "Inside Out", however they heard that movie was wonderful, but they didn't see it, so they accepted, they bought the ticket and took places of course Sonic sat next to Amy and Tails next to Cosmo.


When the movie was over Sonic and Amy were kissing eachother, while Tails was hugging Cosmo, who was once again lost in her thoughts, about the family love that the protagonist had with her parents.

Tails asked: "Cosmo, is everything ok?"

Cosmo got back to the world and said: "Yeah, everything is ok"

Tails: "You seems a bit lost, is there something wrong?"

Cosmo: "No, don't worry, I'm fine Tails" but she knew that she was lying,

Tails understood that something was wrong, so he decided to avoid giving her the surprise he's been working on.

When they got out of the cinema, Sonic offered them to have a dinner in a restaurant and they accepted once again, the story was the same.

While everyone already ordered from the menu, Cosmo still had to choose what to take, she wasn't actually reading the menu, she was lost in her thought, so Tails ordered for her.


When they got back home it was bedtime and Cosmo told Tails she was going bed early that night, she wanted to take a long sleep, however Tails stopped her and said: "Cosmo, I'd like to have a talk with you before you go bed"

Cosmo was a bit worried and asked: "What is it Tails?"

Tails leaded her to the couch and sat down, she did it too and he said: "Cosmo, did you like the movie Cosmo?"

Cosmo nodded and said: "Yeah, it was really good Tails"

Tails wanted to be sure, so he asked: "Can you remember me what they story talks about?"

Cosmo panicked, she had no idea what to answer, she already forgot most of the story and Tails noticed that, he calmed her and said: "Cosmo, I noticed that something is bothering you"

Cosmo: "What? What are you saying Tails?"

Tails didn't answer and just said: "Cosmo, please, tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help you"

Cosmo understood that she got busted and Tails wasn't enjoying the time with her, just because she's acting strange, so, after a minute of silence, she said: "Tails, I think I... I'm missing my mom and my sister"

Tails understood her, he got next to her taking her in a hug and said: "Oh, I'm sorry Cosmo, I know it's hard to lose parents"

Cosmo accepted the hug and said: "Yeah, it's really hard for me... wait a moment..."

Tails got surprised and asked: "What?"

Cosno said: "You brought me back alive, can you bring them back alive too?"

Tails didn't like what Cosmo asked him, so he answered: "Cosmo, do you know what you're asking me right? It's a really hard research to do."

Cosmo begged him saying: "Tails, please..."

Tails didn't know what to say, he finally got her back, he was enjoying so much his new life with her that he wanted to stop working on his projects for a while, and suddenly she starts missing her parents and ask him to work on a really hard job.

He said: "Cosmo, if it means only send you inside the machine I used on Sherry, I'd say yes, but that was made exactly for her, not for you, I just got you back, I wanted to enjoy more time with you."

Cosmo once again begged Tails, that was a really hard choice for him but he felt he had no choice, he had to accept or probably push Cosmo really far away from him, and he didn't want the second choice, he answered: "Ok, Cosmo, if that can help you smile, I'll do my best"

Cosmo immediately hugged Tails thanking him, when he said: "But..." that made Cosmo change expression.

Tails continued: "...Cosmo, I hope you understand it's not an easy task, so please don't make me hurry..."

Cosmo understood what Tails said, then he continued: "... And I do want to have more time with you, promise you'll be happy, no matter if I have success or not"

Cosmo nodded, however she didn't know if she was going to be happy if Tails wasn't going to bring her parents back alive.

Tails then gave her a nice hug and said: "And promise me you'll be the Cosmo I always loved while I try."

Cosmo gut surprised, but she liked what Tails just asked her, she nodded and said: "Well, after all, you do deserve that"

Tails said: "Yes, I do" and he took Cosmo in a nice, deep kiss, before taking her on his arms and bring her to the bed to sleep together.

Taismo and Sonamy: Hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now