Chapter 9

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Cosmo woke up, but she was still quite sleepy, so she got up and made a nice long yawn, then she opened her eyes and looked around, she got immediately scared, she was inside a cage in the middle of nothing.

She immediately asked herself what could have happened, she looked around to see if there was something that could help her

she saw that Tails, who was sleeping, was caged with her, so she awakened him.

Cosmo was moving Tails saying: "Tails... Tails... Tails WAKE UP"

Tails woke up saying: "Good morning Cosmo, what's up?"

Cosmo answered: "Tails, we're inside a cage, what happened?"

Tails panicked and said: "What?"

Cosmo: "I think we've been kidnapped, how is it possible?"

Tails actually knew what happened, however he tried to hide it, so he tried to fake his feelings and make it seems he was surprised like her.

Cosmo tried to make any idea on how it happened, but she couldn't find any sense on it, she tried to guess with Tails: "Tails, what's the last thing you remember?"

Tails answered: "I remember... I was devastated outside my house... and I was crying because..." then he started crying once again because he just remembered his feelings in that moment.

He couldn't resist and gave Cosmo a long hug, she accepted it and gave it back, however she still couldn't understand how that was possible.

When they broke the hug Cosmo continued: "Ok Tails, however I was sleeping next to Lucas... there's no reason for a kidnapper to kidnap me too..."

Tails didn't answer, he only showed he had no idea, then Cosmo continued: "You were outside, so kidnap you was easy, but me? Why did the kidnapper had to risk on waking up my father? and why me and not Galaxina?"

She was still thinking so much, she could find only a logic explaining to what happened, so she asked Tails: "Tails... can you open the cage somehow?"

Tails gave it a quick look, then he answered: "I think it's impossible Cosmo"

That made things more clear for her, however she kept digging, in search of something that could make everything clear, so she kept asking Tails: "Why is it impossible Tails?"

Tails answered her: "I don't have my tools, I don't think I can use something to open the lock"

Cosmo asked: "Do you think you can try with this?" and handed him a hairpin.

Tails panicked and asked her: "Why do you have a hairpin? you don't have any hair"

Cosmo answered: "I was playing a bit with it, trying to use it with my leaves, do you think you can do it?"

Tails refused once again to try it, he said he had no idea on how a cage works, but it was easy for Cosmo to understand what he was doing, so she told him: "Tails... do you know that you're an awful liar?"

Tails panicked once again: "WHAT?"

Cosmo: "Tails... tell me the truth, what's happening here?"

Tails tried to keep lying saying he had no idea, but Cosmo didn't get fooled, so Tails answered with his eyes full of tears: "What else am I supposed to do Cosmo?"

Cosmo understood that he couldn't accept what was happening, Tails continued: "Why do you want to leave me? Have I really been this rude with you?"

Cosmo tried to calm him saying: "Tails, you're not rude with me, but I'm with you, I do not deserve you, it's better this way"

Tails kept crying saying: "COSMO, I told you I don't care about this, I want you to be with me, that's the only thing I've ever asked you"

Cosmo didn't change her mind and said: "Tails, I think it's better if you have someone who really deserve you, and I'm not the right 1"

Then she got up, looked outside and said: "And my parents know what's better with me, I'm sure that eventually everything will fix Tails, you just have try to fix and to accept what's happening"

Tails actually got really angry by hearing that, he got up and, with tears in his eyes, slapped Cosmo saying: "COSMO, ARE YOU ACTUALLY MEANING WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?"

That slap made Cosmo fall on the ground, she got panicked and wordless, she only lied there without doing anything.

After a while she noticed that Tails was waiting for her answer, she nodded.

Then Tails continued: "I CANNOT BELIEVE IT COSMO..." he slapped her once again, then he continued: "... I'VE BEEN WORKING LIKE A FOOL FOR YOU, I DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT, BUT I DECIDED TO DO IT, THE ONLY THING I ASKED YOU WAS A SMILE, BUT YOU... YOU..."

He wanted to punch her so badly, but he know it was the wrong thing to do, so he tried to block himself.

Cosmo was scared by looking his face, she understood that Tails was going to hit her, so she closed her eyes, fearing what was going to happen.

She heard a loud noise, she got even more scared, but she felt no pain, she opened her eyes and checked, Tails gave a strong punch to the cage.

Tails managed to calm himself, but he was still a bit angry and desperate, so with a calm voice he said: "I cannot believe that, after all I've done for you... after all the time we passed together... AFTER WHAT I'VE DONE FOR SHERRY... AND AFTER OUR ADVENTURE TO FIGHT THE METAREX... YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME... AND YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN ME... WHEN I SAY YOU'RE ALL FOR ME."

Cosmo got up, tried to hug Tails and said: "Tails, I do believe in you Tails, but they..."

Tails got even more angry, he pushed away Cosmo making her fall on the ground and said: "THEY???? They are your parents, of course, BUT THEY HATES ME ONLY BECAUSE I'M AN ANIMAL AND NOT A PLANT!"

Cosmo got surprised, she didn't get it, she asked: "How do you know it's only for this?"


She thought that Tails was right, however he calmed himself once again, this time he wasn't anymore angry, he was just desperate, so he continued: "And... I cannot believe... that you believe more to who killed you, instead of who saved you..."

Cosmo tried to make him cheer up, instead he pushed her away once again, she allowed him to pass since she didn't know what to do.

Tails got to the door of the cage and simply pushed it, it wasn't locked so it opened immediately.

Cosmo was astonished, she didn't know what to do or what to say, so she did do nothing, Tails kept walking and pressed something like a button on the ground, then he went away in a near hill and sat down, he was totally devastated.


Cosmo didn't know what to do, after a while Sonic got there with his chaos control and immediately checked everything, he couldn't understand what happened and got next to Tails, he asked him for explaining, this time Tails didn't even mumble.

Sonic insisted to have an answer, but Tails didn't do anything, so Sonic got next to Cosmo and asked: "What happened Cosmo?"

Cosmo was still astonished, but she managed to tell him what just happened and what happened the day before.

Sonic answered: "No wonder he's so devastated Cosmo, why are you doing this?"

Cosmo answered: "I'm sure it's the best thing we can do, my parents know what's good for me... now can I go back home?"

Sonic gave a look for a while to Tails, then he sighed and said: "Well, I'm sure that: The Tails I know don't want to cage you somewhere and keep you there, at least if that's not what you want, so if you want to go home I'll bring you there"

Cosmo made a smile and replied: "Well, then let's go"

Sonic blocked her saying: "Wait a moment first Cosmo, I want you first to tell me exactly these words: "Sonic, I made my choice: Bring me back home"."

Cosmo started to say the same words, but Sonic blocked her saying: "BUT FIRST... Look at him"

Cosmo gave a look to Tails, she felt sorry, but she answered: "I'm sure that he'll feel better eventually Sonic, it's only a matter of time."

Sonic got angry hearing that, but he calmed himself and said: "9 months without you, nothing made him feel better Cosmo"

That made Cosmo feel bad, then Sonic continued: "Believe me, we tried all what we could, but only 1 thing could make him feel better, YOU"

Cosmo gasped, then Sonic continued: "Yeah, you didn't come here... Luckly instead Sherry could fill his heart and make him feel better"

Cosmo was feeling bad for him, but she didn't want to change her mind, so she said once again: "Sonic... I'm sure of my choice... Bring..."

Sonic blocked her and said: "BEFORE YOU SAY IT, let me tell you 1 last thing"

Cosmo shutted herself and allowed Sonic to say: "If you'll leave him, I'm sure he'll die Cosmo, he won't even move from there..." and pointed to him, Cosmo looked at him, then Sonic ended: "... And without him: Me, Amy, Knucles, ecc... we'll all feel MUCH WORSE"

Cosmo couldn't believe it, however she tried to think it was the right thing to do, then she tried once again, this time she was crying too: "Sonic... I'm... sure of... my choice... B...B...B..." and she falled on the ground too, crying.

Sonic understood she didn't actually want to leave him, he thought it was better to leave them alone.

After a while Cosmo calmed herself a bit, so he could tell her where she could find food and drink, then that there was a secret button to call him and told her where it was, it was the same button that Tails pressed before, then Sonic left with his Chaos Control.


Sonic got back home, he placed away the Chaos Emerald and sat on his couch, thinking about everything and devastated from what happened.

Amy reached him saying: "HELLO SONIC"

Sonic tried to do it like nothing happened and said: "Hi Amy"

Amy could feel that something was wrong, so she got next to him saying: "I loved yesterday Sonic, it was wonderful, I can't wait to marry you Sonic"

Sonic was feeling guilty, he didn't want to marry her while it was a so bad moment for Tails, he wanted to explain her everything, but before that happened they heard something.

Someone was knocking hard the door, like they were going to break it, Amy got really angry and asked Sonic for a moment, she got to the door and opened it with an angry look and showing her hammer.

Amy: "WHO ARE YOU TO KNOCK LIKE THIS A DOOR?" it was Lucas, but of course she didn't know anything about what happened and about him.

Lucas was angry too, he yelled: "WHERE IS THAT DAMNED 2 TAILED YELLOW FOX"

Amy didn't like his tone and said: "You mean Tails? I have no idea, AND DON'T YOU DARE TO CALL HIM LIKE THAT AGAIN"


Amy got surprised and asked: "So you're supposed to be Cosmo's father, right?

Lucas answered her: "Yeah, and she must come with me, willingly or not, WHERE ARE THEY?"

Amy answered him: "Well, whatever it is, I have no idea about what happened, and I don't believe you, Tails loves Cosmo, he could NEVER KIDNAP HER"

Lucas got even more angry and said: "DON'T YOU DARE TO HIDE HER FROM ME"


Lucas watched her intensely, he could say she wasn't lying, so he believe her, so he got calm and said he was going to trust her, however he just noticed Sonic and asked: "and what about you? What do you know? SPEAK"

Sonic almost panicked, he isn't a good liar, and he had nothing ready to tell him however Amy answered: "HE'S SONIC, HE'S GONNA BE MY HUSBAND, DON'T YOU DARE TO TALK TO HIM LIKE THIS, HE KNOWS NOTHING EITHER"

Lucas asked: "How do you know?"


Lucas wanted to dig more, but Amy started swinging her hammer and Lucas was forced to leave, Amy was really angry with him, so she slammed the door.

Amy tried to have long breaths, just to calm herself, she didn't even noticed that Sonic got behind her giving her a nice hug, that made her feel much better.

Amy said: "Sorry if I'm rude now Sonic, he made me really angry"

Sonic replied: "Don't worry honey, I understand, you've been wonderful"

Amy didn't understand, she asked: "What do you mean Sonic?"

Sonic just remembered that she knows nothing about what happened, he made a quick thought and answered: "Amy... I..." Amy understood that he was going to lie, she wasn't going to be fooled.

Sonic knew it and answered sincerely: "Look Amy, I think I shouldn't lie to you..." that made Amy agree with him, then he continued: "...However... I think it's better if you don't know anything"

Amy wanted to dig more, but Sonic wasn't answering, after a while Amy understood that Sonic was hiding something really big, she thought that he could have his reason, and after all what happened between them, she should trust him more.

Amy decided to answer: "Look Sonic, I know you're hiding something really big, maybe I should know it... and maybe I can understand it by myself..."

She started thinking a bit, then she decided: "I'm sure you have your reasons, and I believe you... I won't even try to guess what you're hiding."

That made Sonic open wide his eyes and asked: "What?"

Amy answered: "I know you have a big heart Sonic, and that you'd never do something wrong, I'm gonna help, no matter what"

Sonic was happy to hear that, then Amy leaded him to the kitchen for breakfast.

However Sonic was feeling guilty, he had to tell her some bad news, so he said: "Amy, you're right, something is really wrong, and I'm trying to fixing it"

Amy was happy to hear that, however she wasn't going to like the next part, Sonic continued: "I'm sorry to say it Amy, but..." it was hard for him to say it, but he forced the words out of him saying: "... We cannot marry, not until I end what I'm doing"

Amy opened wide her eyes, Sonic was waiting for the hell she could unleash to him, but she simply gave him a hug saying: "Ok Sonic... if it's so important for you, I'll wait for you"

Sonic got impressed once again by Amy, he hugged her back and said: "I'll be always here Amy, I'm not leaving, only that you'll have to wait more"

Amy answered: "Well, if I can see you like this everyday, I'll wait forever Sonic", Sonic wanted to reply, but Amy blocked him with a long, deep kiss.

Taismo and Sonamy: Hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now