Tails' song / Chapter 18

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The song is in Italian Language, but here you'll find a literal translation


Close the door when you leave
Here inside there's too much of you (I don't want to lose any part of you)
Then don't turn around, keep waiting
And you'll get surprised (You'll understand)
That the dreams (wishes) you have to recover

You cannot split them in half.

This is not the life you wanted
Because life is not this (we're living a hard moment)
I was laughing of our defects (I thought it wasn't important)
you're crying because you never changed me
That photo remains the same (the memories)
it's only you who's different.

(RIT) if you want to return, ok return for real
Because if you return, I'll return (be) like I was
And no, it's not the life to cut our wings (make us sad)
trust yourself to the care and the memories of who you love
and you let it be the job of the life
and you let it goooooo. (End RIT)

And I'll escape from these looks (the people around me)
because they don't feel
the pains I've been silent (they don't understand my pain)
and those they're buring me (keep me always lonely)
You go and find once again your smile
I'm waiting you here in any case.

Let it be the job of the peace
and you let it goooooo.

Love (honey), I object (I'm not giving up)
and to this pain I reply (react)
change again, make war (keep fighting)
restart from lying on the ground (restart like you have nothing)
the people distracted don't know
that the love took you away much time (nobody will understand you)
your heart undone (devastated) knows
that the only cure is the time.

And then try the uncompleted (try what you hadn't be able to do with me)
the extraordinary (beautiful) love
live in excess, starting from now (take everything you want)
enjoy the triumph, create your miracle (Do your best to win)
search the true love, behind every obstacle (find your love, wherever it is)

(RIT)let it be the job of the peace
and you let it gooooooo.

Close the door when you'll leave
here inside there's too much of you.



Cosmo listened a bit to the music, after a while Tails started singing, and she could say it was a love song that Tails was dedicating it to her.

Cosmo didn't understand a word of all the song, but she liked that, she tried to open the door and it wasn't locked, she got inside and waited, she wanted to hear Tails' song.

When he ended he placed the guitar down next to him and lowered his head, Cosmo got worried and decided to do something, she walked next to him and sat down.

Tails looked at her, he was happy to see her, he didn't think twice and gave her a hug, she accepted it and gave it back to him.

After a while Tails broke the hug and said: "Singing makes me always feel better."

Cosmo made a smile and said: "You're really a wonderful singer, Tails".

Tails thanked, then he lied down on the bed, it helped him relaxing his nerves

Cosmo lied down next to him and asked: "Tails, what did you just sing?"

Tails took a deep breath and started explained the song to Cosmo, she loved it and gave another big hug to Tails.

Tails said: "I'm sorry Cosmo... it's no more you the problem... it's me... I'm really stressed... I still love you, but..."

Cosmo blocked him saying: "Tails... it's me who should be sorry, I... I made you work too much... it's my fault if you're feeling so bad... and now my family left me once again, can you forgive me?"

Tails didn't have any doubt, he kept hugging her and started caressing her, that made an answer and she understood that.

When they broke, Tails told her: "I only want that this story ends, the sooner possible, but I cannot stop worring that it's not over"

After a while Cosmo made a thought and said: "Tails, I think there's something we should do before this story is over".

Tails asked: "What are you talking about?"

Cosmo: "I think we should talk with Cream, did you hear us before?"

Tails didn't listened carefully, but he accepted, so they left going for Cream, meanwhile Cosmo explained everything to Tails.


When they got there Tails knocked the door.

Vanilla: "Oh, hi Tails, I'm happy to see you"

Tails: "Hello Ms. Vanilla, can we come in?"

Vanilla allowed them to go inside, then she said: "Look Tails, I'm sorry for what Cream did, I promise you she won't do anything more like that, she's grounded".

Tails: "Actually, we're here to talk with her"

Vanilla made a smile and leaded them to Cream's room, when they got in they saw Cream looking outside the window, probably crying.

Tails and Cosmo got next to her and Tails said: "Ehm... hello Cream"

Cream turned herself and got surprised seeing Tails there, she jumped on his arms for a nice hug and Tails gave it back to her.

After a while Cosmo joined the hug, that alerted Cream, who broke the hug and asked: "What?"

Neither Tails either Cosmo panicked, but Cream didn't like to see Cosmo there, Tails took Cosmo's hand and sat down on the bed, Cosmo sat next to Tails.

Then Tails said: "Cream, can we have a friendly talk please?"

Cream took a while, she was quite angry to see Cosmo, however she accepted, took a chair and sat down in front of them.

Tails asked: "Cream, what did you do to us?"

Cream took a while, then she said: "Tails... I... I always loved you..."

Tails got surprised, however he allowed her to continue: "I cannot accept seeing you loving her and not me, please..."

Tails and Cosmo looked eachother, They were sad for Cream, Tails replied: "Cream, I never noticed that, however, you didn't answer my question"

Cream then explained: "I wanted her to leave your life, so I could have my chance... I didn't know what I could do.
When she got in my house, I started thinking a way to make her leave... a day she told me that seedrians doesn't like animals like us"

Tails looked at Cosmo, she nodded then Cream continued: "I hoped that their parents could make her leave us, so I decided to make her jealous about my mom, and... I hoped that... if she left you willingly and not forced, you'd be..."

Then Cream stopped and started crying once again, she knew that no more explaining were needed, Tails understood and gave her a hug, trying to comfort her.

He actually wished to help her the best he could, but he wasn't going to leave Cosmo, so he said: "Cream... I think that you're really a wonderful girl Cream, really, you've been really kind so many times with everyone, and you helped me so much with Sherry, I really thank you... but I'm sorry, Cosmo got on my heart first, and I love her so much... please, just accept that, I know it'll be painful, but this is my choice... I'm really sorry".

Cream died inside when she heard those words, she took a long time, but she couldn't feel better at all, then Cosmo asked: "By the way, why didn't you noticed that before Tails?" Cosmo made a pause and asked: "Cream, when did you start loving Tails?"

Cream answered: "I always loved him... I wanted him to love me since the first day I met him"

Tails started thinking and said: "Something tells me that you're lying Cream...I've known you much more time than Cosmo, if what you say is true I would have noticed that" then Tails made another pause and asked once again: "when did you start loving me?"

Cream didn't answer, after a while Cosmo understood and said: "Tails... I think that, she was... jealous... of me"

Cream got on her feet and tried to attack Cosmo, Tails got in front of her and blocked her yelling: "STOP CREAM, STOP IT NOW!"

Cream didn't want to stop, after a while she did, because it was useless continue, she falled on the ground and started crying once again, then Tails got to Cosmo, placed an arm around her and said: "I'm sorry Cream, I already have my love, I'd wish to, but I cannot help you".

Then they left, knowing that staying inside there was going only to make Cream suffer more, so they left the house and walked home.

Before leaving the house they stopped a moment to tell Vanilla: "Cream's suffering, I think you should help her... and I don't think that keeping her grounded will help her, she can be ungrounded for me"

Then they left, hoping that Cream will feel better eventually, the both of them were sad for Cream.


While they were walking home, Cosmo couldn't shook her head from another thing, so she asked: "Tails, there's 1 more thing I'd wish to know, what did you do to my father?"

Tails looked to Cosmo, then made a sad face, knowing she wasn't going to like the answer, instead Cosmo told him: "Look, I guess that, since I saw what happened to him, he'll never be back, and that's not a problem, I think he doesn't deserve that... I'm asking you, how did you do that?"

That was a relief to Tails, so he started: "Yeah, I'm sorry for your father... however long time ago, I made some tests on the planet egg..."

That made Cosmo gasp in terror, Tails understood that and said: "Yes, I know what you're thinking Cosmo... but don't worry, I knew that what I was doing was wrong" that didn't comfort Cosmo at all.

Tails continued: "I wanted to avoid another metarex stealing our planet egg, so I made some tests, I did my best to make my research the fastest possible, and when I got a security system on it, I stopped any research."

Cosmo was still worried, she thought that Tails kinda damaged the planet egg in his research, or maybe he installed something on it.

She asked: "What did you do to the planet egg?"

Tails: "Expect examining? Nothing at all"

That comforted a little Cosmo, but she was still worried, so she asked: "Then what is this security system Tails?"

Tails started explaining everything to Cosmo, who could understand nothing at all, after a while she blocked him saying: "STOP, STOP, STOP Tails... I can understand nothing"

Tails understood he had to make it simple for Cosmo, so he did his best to make an easy explaining: "Shortly saying, I discovered that... The planet egg... is attracted like a magnet... from a specific frequency... I managed to find it and to recreate it."

Tails felt really stressed, it was really hard for him to explain everything to her, he knew that it wasn't enough, probably Cosmo still had many more questions.

Infact, Cosmo asked him something more, but he said: "I think it's impossible for me to explain it easy, sorry"

Cosmo believed him and decided to trust him, so she made a smile and gave him a hug.


When they got back home Cosmo noticed it was lunch time, so she got to the kitchen and made a nice lunch for them.

When it was ready Cosmo called for Tails, but he didn't got inside the dining room, she started searching for him and found him in the living room

He was sitting on the armchair, looking the fire in the fireplace, like he was still depressed.

Cosmo got next to him and said: "Tails..."

Tails got up and said: "I know Cosmo... it's only really hard for me to keep smiling now, I've been really stressed these days because I felt so many mixed feelings, and I'm tired of it..."

He wanted to continue talking about what he suffered, but he just noticed he was going to argue with Cosmo, so he took a deep breath and simply said: "I must relax Cosmo, I'm sorry" then he made his way to the dining room.

Cosmo was happy to see that he wasn't going to isolate himself once again, she followed him and they had a nice lunch together.

While they were eating Cosmo said: "Tails, today I want to give you a nice surprise"

Tails didn't show her any feeling, but he asked: "What is it Cosmo?"

Cosmo answered: "I won't tell you, but I'll bring you there, you just have to come with me blinded, and I won't accept a no as answer".

Tails understood that he actually had no other choice but to follow Cosmo's little game, and he remembered that he wanted to give her a second chance, so he accepted.

When it was time Cosmo blinded Tails and leaded him to Sonic's house, then Sonic brought them all in front of the cruise ship.

When they stopped Tails asked: "Cosmo, where are we? Can I take off my blind?"

Cosmo got behind him and unbended him, then Tails opened his eyes and he heard from Sonic, Amy and Cosmo: "SURPRISE"

He took a look around and saw the cruise ship.

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