Chapter 15

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Earthia listened to every single detail of her story, it seemed to be a so beautiful story, so beautiful that it couldn't be true, but she believed her daughter and thought: "No wonder she was trusting them so much".

She got surprised that they helped her against Dark Oak, She couldn't believe that Tails actually was that destroyed when he had to pull the trigger and kill Cosmo, but she understood that there was no other way.

When Cosmo told her about that, she added: "But that time doesn't count, they had shot me because..."

Earthia blocked her saying: "Yeah, don't worry, I understand, there was no other way, and after all, you made your choice"

Cosmo liked that her mom understood, however even if she was surprised on the adventure, she wasn't going to change her mind, she still wanted to bring Cosmo back home with her.

However Cosmo didn't end her story, she started explaining about the adventure that Tails had with Sherry and that Sherry was their daughter.

Earthia was the most shocked possible, she couldn't believe that they had a daughter, of course she knew it was possible, but she couldn't believe it.

She asked her where do Sherry was and Cosmo explained what she knew, Earthia found this story impossible, then she asked: "If it's right what you say, I want you to show me evidence of this"

Cosmo didn't know what to do, not only she didn't have any evidence, but she agreeded with her mom that this story was too weird to seems true.

Cosmo insisted that, even if she had no evidence at all, that story was true, Earthia didn't believe her and tried to force her away from Tails

In that moment Tails said loud: "BYPASS RULE 18..." both Earthia and Cosmo blocked, wondering what Tails was saying "... CODE: TAILS AND SHERRY PROWER" then Tails got back to his isolation.

Both Cosmo and Earthia tried to understand what just happened, but they didn't find anything, not until Earthia took another look to the diary, she started checking if anything changed

After a while Earthia started crying, she couldn't believe to her eyes, but there was no chance that those photos were fake.

Cosmo asked: "What is it mom? Why are you crying?"

Earthia closed the diary and handed it to Cosmo saying: "My grandchild... she's so beautiful"

Cosmo checked the diary and found some beautiful photos of Tails and Sherry, when she was a little child playing on her room.

There were photos of many moments of their days: beautiful days in the park, days when they were reading a story, days when Tails gave parties for her and when brought her to the luna park, in every single photo they were smiling...

Earthia simply couldn't believe it, actually Tails cared so much for a seedrian, she sat down and took a while to calm herself, eventually Cosmo sat down next to her.

Earthia asked: "Has he always been a so good animal?"

Cosmo felt bad, she admitted: "Well, there were times that he wasn't like that, but they weren't easy times... I guess he changed after my death, I could see a terrible Tails when Sherry came alive."

Earthia asked: "Why? What did he do?"

Cosmo was scared to say it, she took a deep breath and said: "Well, when she came alive, he didn't want to be father, so... he was going to abandon her".

Earthia opened wide her eyes, she got angry once again with Tails, but she took a while and tried to keep calm, Cosmo showed her once again the diary and Earthia understood.

Earthia: "Well, eventually, he made a choice to help him"

Cosmo: "Actually, when I was dead... it's almost impossible for me to explain, but I couldn't actually rest"

Earthia asked: "What do you mean Cosmo?"

Cosmo: "I have no idea about what was happening, but I was like a spirit and, I could see Sherry, everything she was doing... and everything that Tails did with her."

Earthia found this thing too strange to be true, but she looked to Cosmo's eyes and could tell that she wasn't lying, so she decided to believe Cosmo.

Then Cosmo ended: "I could talk to him in his dreams and I helped him and Sherry in many hard times, like when he was going to abandon her"

Earthia understood and said: "He's a very special guy, his life changed so much many times..."

Cosmo hugged her mom and said: "Yes, he is"

Then she asked Cosmo: "What's happening to him now?"

Cosmo: "I think he... no... I know he's really disappointed"

Earthia: "Why is he?"

Cosmo: "Mom, don't you get it?"

Earthia: "What should I understand dear?"

Cosmo: "Mom... do you know why you and me are alive and not dead?"

Earthia: "Nope, do you?"

Cosmo: "No, I don't know either, but he made it possible, I'll never forget how kind he's been" then she got next to Tails and tried to give him a hug.

He was still too angry, he broke the hug and went away from her, Earthia didn't understand and asked: "But... why is he acting this way?".

Cosmo: "Mom, you wanted to bring me away from him"

Earthia: "And why is he acting bad with you? He should be angry only with me".

Cosmo: "I..." some tears came out of her eyes, then she said: "I was going to agree with you and abandon him forever".

Earthia understood that he loved her too much to let her go away, but she still couldn't understand everything

Earthia said: "I still don't get everything Cosmo. If Tails actually loves you, he should have given you back the hug, not break it and leave, did you do something wrong?"

Cosmo nodded and explained: "He worked 2 months, only for me, and I didn't even understand how hard it was for him..." Then she felt on her knees crying: "...He only wanted a smile from me, but I wasn't able to give it to him..."

Then Cosmo stopped, she was crying too much to continue, Earthia gave her a hug trying to comfort her.

Sadly Cosmo couldn't feel better, so she asked her mom to leave her some time alone, Earthia got up and walked away, hoping she will feel better.

Amy walked to Cosmo, trying to cheer her up, while Sonic got next to Earthia saying: "Did you understand what's happening here?"

Earthia got surprised to see Sonic talking to her, but she answered calmly: "Well, sadly I don't, but I understand that Cosmo needs to stay here""

Sonic: "Don't tell Tails that we know it, but he was going to ask Cosmo to marry him"

Earthia got surprised and asked: "What? What was he going to ask her?"

Sonic asked: "Don't you know what a marriage is?"

Earthia shaked her head meaning no, then Sonic explained her what it was, sadly Earthia didn't understand that.

She stopped him saying: "Ok, enough... I'm sorry I cannot understand this thing... Why a ceremony to love someone? It has no sense... but I guess it's something really important here."

Sonic nodded, then Earthia saw that Cosmo was feeling better, so she returned to her

Cosmo asked: "Mom, do you understand now why I must stay here?"

Earthia nodded saying: "There are too many important anim... people here for you... but I still don't want you here"

Cosmo got really disappointed to hear that, she was going to yell on Earthia, but she stopped her daughter saying: "... however... If I force you coming back home... you'll never be happy."

Cosmo didn't know what to do, so she decided to let her mom end: "Look, I've passed 10 years trying to have a friendly contact with animals, and I lost so many friends, I hope you understand the reason I cannot believe to animals... but... a day or another you'll have to leave me and go to your own road... if you're sure this is your way, for me you can stay"

Cosmo was full of joy, she rushed to her mom and gave her an intense hug, Earthia kneeled and gave it back to her.

After a while Cosmo asked: "What made you change your mind? Mom"

Earthia: "Well... your daughter... I still cannot believe it, an animal... no... Tails took care of her for 4 years, this is the first time I hear something like this"

Cosmo gave her mom a big hug, then she asked: "What will we do with dad?"

Earthia answered: "Don't worry, I'll take care of him"

After a while Cosmo and Earthia broke their hug and both of them walked to Sonic, Earthia asked him: "Can you bring us back?"

Sonic made a smile and nodded, before he did it Earthia said: "Bring us ALL back, there's no need for you to keep hiding here", so Sonic did.


They all got inside Sonic and Amy's house (including Tails), Earthia took a long breath and headed for the exit door, she said: "Well, Lucas has always been a hard man, it will be hard to make him accept everything"

Cosmo: "Don't worry mom, I believe in you"

Earthia made a smile and, ready to face Lucas, opened the door, in that moment she got really shocked.

Earthia looked everywhere and found everything around them dying, she asked: "What's happening here?"

Sonic, Amy and Cosmo got outside and looked around, she were even more shocked, Earthia and Cosmo walked to get a bit far away from the house and touched the ground.

Both of them yelled: "THE PLANET EGG... IT'S MISSING".

Taismo and Sonamy: Hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now