Chapter 10

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That day Sonic tried to enjoy some time with Amy, sadly he couldn't stop thinking about Tails, so he said he was sorry, but he had to take time for thinking, Amy didn't like it but allowed him.

He ran outside and sat next to a tree, he could see that Lucas, Earthia and Galaxina were searching for Cosmo, he ignored them and kept thinking.

He thought that something was wrong in all this story, so he started from when Cosmo got back alive and thought all what happened from that day, he couldn't stop thinking that there was no sense at all.

After a while he asked himself: "Why do Cosmo stopped loving Tails? And why suddenly she wanted back her parents?"

He thought that the answers to those questions could help him find something, so he got away from Cosmo's parents's sight and used his chaos control, reaching once again Tails and Cosmo.

He saw that Cosmo was sitting next to the cage, away from Tails, Sonic got next to Cosmo: "Hi Cosmo"

Cosmo looked up and didn't answer, she was still sad by everything, so she lowered her face once again.

Sonic: "Cosmo, can I ask you some questions?"

Cosmo once again looked up for him, this time she kept looking at him, Sonic thought it was a yes, so he asked: "Cosmo, why did you stop loving Tails?"

Cosmo answered with low voice: "I ... loving ..."

Sonic understood nothing, she was mumbling too low, so he got next to her and asked it once again.

Cosmo tried to say louder: "I never stopped loving him"

Sonic heard everything, but that was really strange, so he kept asking: "Are you sure? This morning it didn't seem that way"

Cosmo kept saying: "I'm sure he deserve someone better"

Sonic didn't understand the reason that Cosmo was thinking that, but he thought that this was NOT something that Cosmo has to decide, this is something that only Tails has to decide.

He cutted that and asked: "Why did you want to have back your parents?"

Cosmo answered: "Everyone... loves his... parents"

Sonic thought once again that she was right, probably that was a reason, but he still couldn't understand, so he asked: "Ok, but it's been a long time I know you, why suddenly you started wanting them back?"

Cosmo made a pause and thought, then she answered: "I... I saw how beautiful was... having your mom next to you and give her a hug"

That almost shocked Sonic, he thought: "WHAT? THIS MEANS YOU WERE JEALOUS... WHY?"

Actually that was enough for Sonic, so he didn't want to keep digging in that, since that could only hurt her more.

However he only had a last question: "If you could choose the right girl for Tails, who would you choose?"

Cosmo didn't have any doubt and answered: "I think the right girl could be... his secret admirer"

Sonic got once again shocked, he thought: "A SECRET ADMIRER?"

Cosmo stopped talking, Sonic understood that she was too sad to keep answering Sonic, however he thought he had all the information he needed, so he could leave.

However he wanted first to check Tails' condition, he got next to him and said: "Ehm... hey Tails"

Tails of course didn't answer, he didn't even know what he actually wanted, since he didn't even want Cosmo next to him.

Sonic kept trying to talk to him saying: "Tails... I think there's more in this story than what we think, and I think I know a way to understand more, I'll fix everything, I promise... just... can I at least see a smile now?"

He didn't even noticed that Cosmo got next to Tails and said: "Tails, I never wanted to hurt you, please, forgive me at least"

Tails didn't answer, instead he was kinda playing with something in his hand, he said: "Maybe I didn't have to bring you back, at least you would be the same lovely Cosmo, at least in my mind"

Cosmo didn't know what to think, she said: "Tails, I'd wish to do my best, but we cannot do anything".

Everything that Cosmo wanted was to see Tails happy, so she could leave without feeling guilty.

Tails didn't answer, instead he continued: "But you came back, I was..." He started crying and kept talking: "...I was really happy... *sob*"

Cosmo was feeling really guilty, she didn't know what to do to help him, then he continued: "...I wanted... *sob* to make you feel... like at home *sob* I was ready to do everything for you... *sniff*, I... was ready for it... I worked a month on it."

Neither Sonic either Cosmo understood what he was talking about, they wanted to ask Tails to know more, but Tails only threw a rock forward really far away with angryness and yelled: "ALL THIS WORK FOR NOTHING"

Both Sonic and Cosmo got scared by what he said, then they asked him to know more, but all the questions were ignored, Tails sat down once again isolating himself from everyone and everything.

Sonic wanted to help him, however he was too curious to know more, so he used his chaos control, so that Cosmo thought he left, but he went a bit far away.

He wanted to see what Tails just threw away, since he thought it wasn't only a rock, he checked everywhere he could, and eventually he found a box.

He opened the box and saw that inside there was a note, he read it, then he looked inside the box, there was still something inside.

After that he had tears in his eyes and thought: "No wonder at all he's so devastated... I'm feeling devastated for him too... look what happened in this little time.
I must fix everything, and maybe I know what to do now, I must take some help, I hope I'll find it."

He knew that he had to talk with Cosmo's parents and convince them to be friendly and allow Cosmo to stay with Tails, but after what he heard that morning, he thought there was no hope to do it, however he might gain Cosmo's help, he only needed to check something first.

He used once again his chaos control and left.


He got back home, Amy was really happy to see him, then she asked: "Sonic" and she gave him a nice hug, he gave it back to her.

After a while they broke it and she asked: "Did you find what you were searching for?"

Sonic answered: "Yeah... I think..." he thought that Amy still doesn't know anything, he thought that the only thing he could do was tell her everything, he needed her help too for the next part, at least to lure out the probably real guilty person.

Sonic took a long breath and started explaining everything, then once again they heard the door knocking strong like that morning, Amy once again got there answering.

This time there was Lucas, Earthia and Galaxina. Both Lucas and Earthia angry because of Cosmo's disappearance and they thought that they had something hidden.

Instead Galaxina didn't say anything, but she couldn't hide that she was not sure about all what was happening, She wasn't angry, only sad, she wanted her sister back, but she didn't know what to think about the whole story.

Amy answered them with the same tone they were using, then she swinged her hammer like she never did and once again they had no choice but to leave.

Sonic got next to her and hugged her the best he could, he couldn't believe that Amy was that good, he made her many compliments and made her feel happy again.

Then Sonic made her sit next to him on the couch and explained everything that happened, then he explained: "I'm sorry Amy, I didn't want to keep you blind, but..."

Amy actually understood everything and said: "You wanted me blind, so I could get you free of them, and I couldn't do it if I knew that"

Sonic hugged her and said that she was really smart, Amy felt really special, then she asked: "Why do you need me to know everything now?"

Sonic explained what he had in mind, and what he needed her to do, so they both left and headed away, they had to take care of something really important.

Taismo and Sonamy: Hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now